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Pearl: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

The timelessness of pearls’ beauty and the appeal they have been holding for people is undying. Besides the fact that pearls are appealing, they are considered valuable in astrology, healing and spiritual traditions. The pearls are filled with healing power through astrological symbolism and emotional and spiritual benefits. The pearls’ brilliant lustre and timeless beauty have captivated mankind throughout the ages. Pearls are found in the soft tissue of living mollusks, a contrast to most other gemstones that are dug up from deep within the earth. The curative power and the astrological power are quite important for human life.

Whether in jewellery or in ornaments, they are undeniably one of the most wanted gemstones recognised for their beauty and symbolic significance in the jewellery market, regarded among other virtues for their grace, purity, and sweetness.

Furthermore, the entry of a single grain of sand or any other irritant into the delicate mantle tissue of some mollusks, such as mussels and oysters, triggers the beautiful life of a pearl. This mollusk produces the pearl in a slow process by coating the irritant with nacre, a mixture of calcium carbonate and conchiolin, in answer to the violation. The organic process can take many years in which many forms, sizes and colours of pearls can be produced.

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Coral: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

Coral is a symbol of felicity and delight, it is evoked from an ocean layer in a variety of colours. A unique natural gem made from the shells of sea creatures is known as coral polyps. The corals in Corallium are usually found in salt water. They are also known as 'precious coral' or 'red coral.'. It lives in underground coral reefs and is very valuable for being a deep red or pinkish-red colour. Coral, also known as moonga stone, stands for Mars.

Red corals are unique among jewels for two main reasons. Gemstones like rubies, sapphires, emeralds, and others are mined from below the earth's surface. Firstly, corals are found undersea. Secondly, they are not minerals but rather organic gemstones, created by living things that grow underwater.

In deep seas, between 5 and 300 metres below the surface, precious red corals grow slowly and elaborately. There are many polyps in these corals. Polyps are small animals related to sea anemones and jellyfish. Each polyp creates a calcium carbonate skeleton, which is what the coral community is built on. The polyps take calcium and carbonate ions from the water and mix them to make a strong frame. Coral reefs are made up of shapes called polyps that are very complicated. Over time, they grow larger as younger, smaller polyps replace the dying older ones.

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Ruby: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

Gemstones like ruby and sapphire are both in the corundum crystal group. The word ruby comes from the Latin Rubens which means red. Ruby is very valuable and can fetch high prices per carat. It might be one of the most important coloured stones on the market. Ruby's red strength is based on how much chromium is in it; the more chromium, the stronger the red. July is the month of rubies. Because rubies are bright red, they are often linked to ideas about the energy and vitality of life. They are almost as hard as rubies and only a little softer than diamonds.

Hindu myth says that the bright red light came from an inner fire that no one could probably put out. As a gem, Ruby is always in high demand. The famous Burmese ruby of Mogok Valley, Myanmar, has been mined for almost 500 years. For hundreds of years, it was the world's main source of rubies. Thailand, Sri Lanka, East Africa, Kenya, Nepal, Afghanistan, India, and Pakistan are some of the other places where we can find rubies. Thai rubies aren't as pretty as Sri Lankan ones.

The most famous rubies are usually found in rocks, which are made up of layers that are spread out oddly. Metamorphism is the process, through which the rocks in these marbles change shape. Rubies are made from the mineral corundum or aluminium oxide. When rubies are treated to extreme heat and pressure, they are formed under the earth’s surface. Corundum is made of densely packed oxygen and aluminium atoms. Typically, this results in a colourless substance. This is how the ruby is formed and gets its deep red hue. Specifically, the presence of chromium creates a deep red colour. However, rubies are rare to find, and in addition to that, corundum is also a rare mineral.

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Diamond: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

Over the centuries, diamonds' stunning beauty and great toughness have captivated many hearts. 'Diamond' comes from the Greek word 'adamas,' which means 'powerful.' A diamond is a polymorph of carbon formed through crystallisation under high pressure and extreme heat about 110 miles beneath the earth. It is the hardest natural stone, often known as Adamantine or Gleaming Ice.

According to history, India was the sole source of Diamonds until the 18th century. Hindus call it Vajra, the lightning bolt weapon wielded by Indra, King of the Gods. In Ancient Greece, Adamantine was known as “Tears of the Gods” and often referred to as pieces of broken stars that fell on Earth. Many other cultures used it for protection and luck for aeons

Russia, Botswana, Canada, and Australia are some of the biggest countries that make diamonds. We can find diamonds 140 to 190 kilometres (87 to 118 miles) deep in the earth's mantle, where the pressure and the warmth are totally perfect for the formation of diamonds. It takes billions of years and involves carbon atoms crystallising. Diamonds are one of the most treasured and desirable gems. Their unique way of being made and historical significance make them very valuable.

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Emerald: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

Emerald is the bluish-green to green variety of beryl, a mineral species that includes aquamarine. Emerald stones are considered some of the world's oldest gems. They are thought to have formed under the earth as early as 2600 million years ago. Earrings made of this beautiful stone date back to the time of Cleopatra in Egypt, when she had several dug for her.

Emeralds have been considered one of the most expensive and sought-after coloured stones for more than 5,000 years. Early people in Africa, Asia, and South America all found emeralds and thought they were the most valuable gems in the world. People born in May are said to have this stone as their birthstone in the US and many other places. A lot of people also like these beautiful green gems in their jewellery.

The colour of emerald comes from chromium and vanadium, which are trace elements. These elements can be found in large amounts in some places. Beryllium is the other thing that makes the gem. The splitting of tectonic plates brings these elements to the surface. As the tectonic plates move apart, the gemstone also breaks into many pieces. This is why it's hard to find a clean emerald.

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Hessonite: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

A honey-coloured beautiful gem is Hessonite which is also known as Gomed in Hindi and is made from a mineral family of calcium aluminium silicate. This type of semiprecious Garnet stone is given a lot of importance in Hindu sastra. Hessonite comes from the Greek word Hesson, which means 'lesser.' In Hinduism, the planet Rahu rules this mineral. This stone is connected with the planet 'Rahu,' which is a bad planet. People wear this stone to counteract the bad effects of Rahu in their birth chart. The Moh's scale says that hessonite is 7 to 7.5 hard, which means it is strong, stable, and not easily broken.

According to Hindu mythology, at the time of the ocean's churning (Samudra Manthan) many valuable gems, including the Gomed stone, came to the surface of the ocean. People believe that having this gem can protect them from bad energies and bring about good changes. This popular myth adds another layer of magic to its already remarkable personality.

Hessonites are made up of the mineral grossular, which is made up of calcium aluminium silicate. According to scientists, the gomed stone's unique reddish-brown to orange colour comes from iron and manganese impurities inside the garnet's crystal chain. Mineral-rich fluids move through metamorphic rocks and take these elements with them. Over time, these elements help the hessonite crystals grow. Hessonite jewels have a unique and beautiful look because of this long and complicated process.

Geographically, hessonite can be found in many places around the world. In the past, Sri Lanka, India, and some parts of Africa were the main places where hessonite came from. People value Sri Lankan hessonites, which are also called Ceylonese gomed, because they are very clear and have bright colours. Some of the best hessonites have been found in India, especially in the states of Rajasthan and Orissa.

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Cat’s Eye: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

The gemstone Cat's Eye is also called the Lehsunia stone. It's called the Vaiduryam stone in Hindi. It is a very strong and beautiful group of minerals from the chrosoberyl family. Cat's Eye is the name of the stone because it looks like a cat's eye. It is a pretty expensive gemstone that comes in shades of nectar green, dark green, and yellowish-green. Other names for it are Chrysoberyl, Lehsunia, and Vaiduria. This stone is called a 'Cat's Eye' because it looks like the eye of a cat when a vertical ray of light passes through it. This effect is called 'Chatoyance,' and it's pretty easy. Its 'raw form' is the diamond that hasn't been cut or treated in any way.

There are different shades of cat's eye, such as honey, yellow/golden cat's eye stone, green, black, red, yellowish green, and purple.

Geologist Abraham Gottlob Werner, who is very well known and respected, found the Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye crystal. The Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is always what it's called. Let's find out what it means and why it's called the Vaiduryam stone. The Chrysoberyl is thought to be the original and real Cat's Eye. The other types are called Cat's Eye Quartz or Apatite. Planet Ketu is linked to this stone, and it is said to calm the bad aspects of Ketu. Cat's Eye was used in religious items in the past, and people thought that wearing it would bring them happiness. In the last few years of the 1800s, the Duke of Connaught gave the Cat's Eye as a sign of engagement. This is when the stone became well-known to a wide audience.

Cat's Eye stone comes from groups of minerals like quartz, apatite, and chrysoberyl. Among them, the Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye is the most expensive and well-known. It is a mineral from the Chrysoberyl family. In the gemstone trading world, when the word ‘Cat's Eye’ is used without any prefix or a suffix like the Quartz Cat's Eye or the Cat's Eye Apatite, or the Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye, then it is assumed to be known as the Chrysoberyl.

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Blue Sapphire: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

One of the most admired and feared gems is the blue sapphire, which is also known as Neelam in Hindi and Indraneelam in Sanskrit. It has been a well-known sign for hundreds of years. A sign of honesty, loyalty, power, good sense, wealth, and judgement. It was called the 'elixir of life,' 'the stone of resurrection,' and 'the philosopher's stone' in many holy texts. But it wasn't until astrology that people really knew all of the benefits of Neelam stones.

Plenty of research that tried to figure out where these gemstones came from and what they meant has shown that they are good for people. Gemmologists and historians have dug up and figured out old records that show how the blue sapphire looks and what it does and date back a very long time.

Some folks believe that blue sapphire came from Iran. Few others think that blue sapphires came from Persia. The Persians once believed that blue sapphire supported the world and that its crystals were the source of the sky's colour. The Greeks believed that blue sapphire could help them communicate with the gods, and wearing a blue sapphire on long trips would keep them safe from witchcraft.

Any faith or philosophy, like Hinduism, Buddhism, Chinese philosophy, Western philosophy, and so on, may discourse about blue sapphire and all the wonderful things that can happen when you wear it. Some people say that blue sapphire is one of the fastest-acting gemstones. It has many healing, mental, and physical benefits. Let's look at each one separately.

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Yellow Sapphire: Astrological Beliefs, Healing Properties, Benefits and Effects

According to Hindu mythology, the yellow sapphire, also known as Jupiter stone, is one of the luckiest and most helpful gemstones among the nine ratnas (Navratnas). This strong stone has many names in the astrology world, such as pukhraj stone, pushkaraj, pushraja (Sanskrit), peetmani, and kanakapushyaragam stone. People think that the Pukhraj Stone has the power of Jupiter. Jupiter is the heaviest planet in the solar system. Because of this, Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) has special powers that set it apart from other valuable stones. To get the most out of this stone, the person who wears it should talk to an experienced expert and a gemmologist to make sure it is right for them.

The yellow sapphire is a type of stone in the corundum family. According to Vedic astrology, yellow sapphire is one of the most important stones because of its bright yellow colour.

Yellow sapphires are found in several parts of the world, including Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Tanzania, Australia, Thailand, and Myanmar (Burma). Sri Lanka is renowned for producing high-quality yellow sapphires with excellent colour and clarity. Where a yellow gem comes from can have a big effect on its value and desirability.

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