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Survey Reveals Oslo As The Best City To Enjoy Work-Life Balance

Other destinations marked under the category for work-life balance are Bern, Switzerland, Zurich and Copenhagen

The research was also based on the outdoor space, air quality and inflation

Oslo, Norway was marked as the best city for work-life balance. Employees here receive an annual vacation allowance of 25 days and paid parental leaves for 707 days. Other factors like healthcare, strong air quality, strengthening telecommuting etc also added to the success factor. The next on the list was Helsinki, Finland where employees could take a full month of paid vacation every year. Other destinations marked under the category for work-life balance are Bern, Switzerland, Zurich and Copenhagen.

According to a mobile access technology company, Kisi, Dubai is marked as the most overworked city. The ranking was done based on the availability of remote employment, the number of paid parental leave days, safety and healthcare. The research was also based on the outdoor space, air quality and inflation.?

For employees who feel burned-out and drained, they could consider shifting to Amsterdam, Buenos Aries or Sydney where, according to the study, less than 10 per cent of the population are overworked. The highest percentages of jobs which are performed remotely, as per the study, were in Singapore, Washington DC and Austin.

The fast-paced, financially and economically strong cities took the fall. New York City was ranked 59 out of 100 cities. London also witnessed a downfall to 27 position?whereas, in 2019, it was in the 12th position.

The pandemic had rippling effects in all the sectors in different ways. It had made people switch professions and cities too. However, now that the companies are slowly returning to the office, employees are not satisfied. Employees prefer working remotely as it is flexible as well as comfortable.