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Do Horoscope Matching Really Work?

We asked Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, can a person marry without matching the charts? We extended this subject by asking him some prevalent questions related to how horoscope matching works in astrology and what one should know for matching charts for marriage.

Dr. Vinay Bajrangi
Dr. Vinay Bajrangi

There are many beliefs attached to horoscope matching, and people often wonder if horoscope matching really works?. Horoscope matching/marriage chart matching lays the foundation for a happy married life provided one knows the right method of horoscope matching. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, a vedic astrologer, revealed a very strong connection between a person's married life and career/profession. Also, that person's married life can affect their career directly, so we were inclined to know what one should do to have a happy married life. And do not be surprised that he attributed all secrets of married life to matching horoscopes/marriage matching. He says marriage is a union of two persons, but a perfect horoscope matching for marriage plays a pivotal role in this union. We also asked him can a person marry without matching the charts/ We extended this subject by asking him some prevalent questions related to how horoscope matching works in astrology and what one should know for matching charts for marriage. Here are the excerpts of this conversation: 

Does astrology matter in marriage decisions?

DVB- Definitely. Yes, Astrology does matter in marriage decisions. The Kundli/horoscope is the governor of all the aspects of human life, and marriage is therefore no exception. I have often read and even experienced people faulting this science on the pretext that even after due verification of the horoscope, the marriage broke or did not run the way it should have been. For all these people, I would like to say that you should first experience deep insights as to how the horoscope matters in marriage decisions and how the chart matching/ matching for marriage should be done. Many astrologers know it, but incidentally, most do not. Your horoscope tells all about marriage, when you will marry, whom you will marry, who can be the perfect spouse for you, how to check compatibility with your life partner, how you will be your progeny, and how you will be married life. This is what one would need to know before marriage & once you have answers to these questions from your horoscope, I am sure you know how kundli or astrology matters in marriage decisions. However, one needs to judge who can be a good astrologer for marriage predictions. I do not say who the best astrologer is for marriage predictions. Still, I can tell you how to use your own cheat sheet to judge a good astrologer for marriage predictions or, for that matter, for any astrological advice.  

A caution: Rely only when the marriage horoscope is read with Navmasa D-9 charts and not only Lagna –D1 chart.

Which is better, love or arranged marriage according to date of birth?

DVB - Marriage is the union of two persons and, therefore, two horoscopes. Which is better, love or arranged marriage by date of birth depends on how compatible the two horoscopes are according to birth details. If these two concerned persons have a universally good horoscope, there would be no problem in first falling in love and then marrying. But if even one has a typically stern horoscope towards marriage and the other horoscope does not have a counter-balancing force, then the idea of falling in love and then marrying without matching the horoscope could negatively affect their lives. 

I am not against love- marriage, but experience says that love somehow gets replaced by other facts and life necessities after marriage. If the horoscope does not have any neutralizing force, then the love after sometimes vanishes, and the couple often argues and fights. A love marriage where two persons already know many things about each other; love marriage is a better option. But here, one important thing is to read each other's nature in future life decisions mainly related to career ambitions, financials, & adjustment with each other's families. To prevent this, it is better to get the horoscope matched even if the couple is in deep love. Here , let me tell you that by matching the horoscope, a love marriage can be even better than an arranged marriage.

Can one predict about future spouse?

DVB: Definitely, yes! Any experienced marriage astrologer can do it, provided the one is well-versed in reading the peculiarities of a horoscope. A good marriage astrologer should have the capability to read the ascendant, decedent, Venus, Jupiter of both the D-1 and D-9 charts in tandem for future spouse predictions.   

With such a deep study of the horoscope, predictions regarding future spouse's profession, background, nature, age difference, colour and texture, and distance of the spouse can be very well made. 

In the same way, predictions of marriage timing can be made using astrology. Another very important thing is that using astrology, cheating, or infidelity tendencies of the person also can be found out.  

What happens when both partners have the same Nadi?

DVB: The Nadi is the most crucial factor in marriage matching and carries 8 out of 36 points. If both the boy and the girl have the same Nadi, it amounts to a Nadi Dosha. If we go by the defined rules of astrology and the persons of same Nadi marries, there can be issues like childbirth, sexual problems, frequent quarrels or even the death threat to the opposite spouse. But let me also tell you that there are many 'Pariharam' or cancellations of the Nadi Dosha. Suppose a Nadi dosha supported by certain other malefic in one horoscope causes the concerns as mentioned. In that case, the presence of some good combinations (Yogas) in the other horoscope can ease this Nadi Dosha. As calculated from a calculator, fifty per cent of the horoscope with a Nadi Dosha get that cancellation. But please consult about this Nadi Dosha cancellation only from an experienced marriage astrologer; else, the issues can be serious. I am witness to many marriages that had this Nadi Dosha, but the couple has been enjoying an extremely happy marriage living together & has healthy children, too. Because in such cases, Nadi Dosha was eased out or, say, alleviated with the presence of benefic combinations (Yogas) in one of their horoscope.

Can one marry if horoscopes do not match?

DVB: Yes one can marry if the horoscopes do not match. Many enjoy a long, unblemished married life despite having a very low Asthakoot or Dashakoot match. I witness many successful marriages, which had Mangal Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha, and Nadi Dosha or had other known obstructions in marriage. 

Returning to your question, can one marry if horoscopes do not match? You see, we match the horoscopes to check the compatibility of the relationship between the two persons. How would they respond to each other's expectations and needs in the future? Now here my advice is to either match the horoscopes based on comprehensive Vedic compatibility factors or do not match marriage horoscopes. With the changing times, charts matching for marriage are much beyond the only old method of marrying after Gun Milan. OR go for counselling session before the marriage. This also works fine where all the areas of life post-marriage with probable points of differences are put before the couple & kind of an opinion reconciliation is drawn. 

I mastered marriage astrology while I was pursuing my doctorate in astrology. In those times, I visited many family courts to get the horoscopes of the couples who had some issues in their marriages and were seeking a divorce. What astonished me was that most couples would say that their horoscopes were successfully matched before solemnizing the marriage; however, they ended up in court to resolve their disputes. So, non-matching the horoscopes in those cases was not the reason for unrest in marriage, but it was a flawed match of horoscopes/marriage charts. Instead, a flawed horoscope-matching method would have given them some wrong notions & reduced their adaptability to many important factors of married life.  

After experiencing these phenomena regularly, I further ventured into Vedic astrology's classics, which revealed that only comprehensive matching of horoscopes would lead to an unblemished marriage and the Asthakoot or Dashakoot match is just an initial check that has to be applied. Unfortunately, most of us decide on a marriage proposal based on this Gun-Milan, which gives flawed results. 

Understand that the conventional Gun-Milan is based on the placement of the Moon in a particular Nakshatra. In contrast, it completely ignores other planets' influence on marriages, such as the Lord of the Seventh houses, the strength of the 7th House, the Karakas of marriages such as Jupiter, Venus, and Mars. Apart from this, the Gun-Milan is utterly silent on the other planets' influences on marriage's Bhavas. Therefore, either go for a comprehensive Kundali Milan or marry without matching the charts with just a small counselling session before the marriage. This becomes more promising in the case of love marriages. Read some case history how to match horoscopes and what if horoscopes do not match..

What does astrology say about second marriage?

DVB:  Whenever there is a matter of second marriage, which means the planets and houses overlooking marriage in person's horoscopes are not nice. Some malefice in the House of Marriage has already played a role. If you ask me what astrology says about second marriage: it says that the complex set of negative planets would have created series of negative effects to blemish the 7th House (House of spouse) , affected the Karaka of Marriage , Venus and Jupiter and has spoiled the Navamsha. Once these factors get activated, they may remain active in second or other subsequent marriages also. Such things can be neutralized only when the chart of the other person counter-balances such negatives. Mind you, a second marriage is not essential but generally happens between the two aggrieved persons, so the chances of such negativities in both the charts are brighter. But the peculiarity or intensity can be different; thus it is highly recommended to go for second marriage only after matching the horoscopes by date of birth that too, as explained above. I even go one step further, suggesting that a person go for a marriage counselling session before going for a second marriage. If the horoscopes are matched, proper counselling therapy is taken, all pros and cons considering what you faced in the first marriage are discussed, the second marriage will not fail. A person should not decide on second marriage in a hurry lest the happiness of marriage become a life curse. 

An Astro- marriage counsellor can be the best guide who can put forth the methods to negotiate the ill effects of the negativity creating planets. Mind you, a karmic correction is best in such a case, as going through mindless rituals can complicate matters further.

How does the wife's horoscope affects husband horoscope?

DVB:  Yes, it works both ways, i.e., the husband's horoscope affects the wife's horoscope and vice -versa. A horoscope has a complete Kendra-house or 'Bhav' dedicated to the spouse. Kendra houses are known to function as the powerhouse for the horoscope, and most importantly, they fructify or give results irrespective of the Dasha or the periods. 

So, when a person activates his/her House of spouse by getting married, he/she switches the power button of his/her powerhouse. Fate, which is interwoven with this House too, gets a boost. 

Everyone experiences a change of luck as they become a transformed person after marriage. It is essential to make the maximum use of the positive energy that comes with this transformation. The impact this transformation will produce depends upon the relative placement of planets in both the horoscopes. 

Is online marriage chart matching good

DVB—online marriage chart matching is good if taken as an initial step but not to make the final decision. Online horoscope matching is simply based on the D-1 chart and does not consider the soul of the horoscope, D-9 Navamsa. I have no further comments on online marriage chart matching/online horoscope matching except what I have explained above: how to match charts for marriage.

This was Dr Vinay Bajrangi, a good marriage astrologer who has explained many similar insights on marriage astrology and also cautions people to know how to judge a good astrologer. For anything specific, one can call his office at +91 9278665588 or 9278555588.

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