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Over The Counter Adderall – 4 Best Natural Adderall Alternatives

Supplements for the brain, essentially over the counter Adderall, exist. Adderall alternatives can provide a boost to your focus, energy, and memory to keep your brain in tip-top condition, giving you everything you need to push on, finish your task, and meet your deadlines.

4 Best Natural Adderall Alternatives

We often think about the limits of our bodies. We know how far we can run, we know how much weight we can lift, and we know what our limits are when it comes to pain. There are dietary supplements all over the place that will help you gain muscle, lose weight, metabolize food more efficiently, improve your heart health, the list goes on and on.

We often forget, though, that our brain has limits too. Our brain can focus only for so long, even the adult brain, and staying on task for a long period of time can be as strenuous for our brains as running several miles can be on our bodies. Your brain needs to rest, but sometimes it can’t. Deadlines are coming, work has to get done, and you need your brain to be function. Just like your body, sometimes your brain needs a little help.

Supplements for the brain, essentially over the counter Adderall, exist. Adderall alternatives can provide a boost to your focus, energy, and memory to keep your brain in tip-top condition, giving you everything you need to push on, finish your task, and meet your deadlines.

Like with all supplements that are alternatives to prescription medicine, you have to be careful of a few things. You want a product that is safe, all-natural and is not filled with cheap, ‘snake-oil’ ingredients that serve no real purpose. So, what is the best natural Adderall alternative? There are four on the market that are worth looking into:
1. ?? ?NooCube - The Best Priced Adderall Alternative
2. ???Hunter Focus - Supplement with the Strongest Dosage
3. ?? ?Mind Lab Pro - The Best Nootropic Around
4. ?? ?Brain Pill - Powerful Dual Formula for Focus and Memory

#1. NooCube - The Best Priced Adderall Alternative


Let’s start with the best deal when it comes to over the counter Adderall. NooCube is a relatively new product that will run you about $59.99 for a single-month supply. However, the deals for NooCube when bought in bulk are insane. 6 bottles can be purchased for $179.99. All package deals come with free shipping and a no-questions-asked policy that allows you to return the product and get a full refund for 60 days.

NooCube doesn’t require an excessive dosage to see results, either. At only 2 pills a day as the recommended dosage, NooCube shows results with relatively small requirements. However, as is the case with most Adderall Alternatives, because the ingredients are all-natural and generally side-effect-free, it is common for users to adjust the dosage to their own needs.
NooCube advertises itself as a supplement to assist with cognitive function. This is a catch-all term that essentially refers to:
· ? ? ? ?Focus
· ? ? ? Memory
· ? ? ? Language Ability
· ? ? ? Problem Solving
· ? ? ? Learning
While NooCube does have ingredients that can help with these mental processes, there are a few ingredients in here that aren’t quite what they promise to be, and NooCube’s claims about being a clinically researched, proven formula may be slightly exaggerated.
· ? ? ? Cat’s Claw
· ? ? ? Resveratrol
· ? ? ? Bacopa Monnieri
· ? ? ? L-Theanine
· ? ? ? Oat Straw
· ? ? ? L-Tyrosine
· ? ? ? Huperzine A
· ? ? ? Alpha-GPC
· ? ? ? Boost your memory. How much time do you lose in a day trying to remember key details? How many social faux pas have you committed because your memory failed you? NooCube has ingredients that have been shown to improve memory, including Bacopa Monnieri, which has been shown to be so useful to memory that it has even been used to treat patients with Alzheimer’s.
· ? ? ? Alpha-GPC is a proven ingredient. There are a million supplement ingredients out there that claim to be beneficial to cognitive functions but might as well be sugar pills. Alpha-GPC is not one of those ingredients. It has been proven to improve brain functions in clinical studies. Alpha-GPC is a neurotransmitter, and supplementing Alpha-GPC into your diet helps your brain cells communicate with one another for a stronger, faster-thinking brain.
· ? ? ? Antioxidants and Amino Acids. If you are familiar with the supplement world, you’ll know that antioxidants and amino acids are very common ingredients in all kinds of supplements that claim to be wonder cures. However, there are very good reasons why they appear all the time, and some of those reasons do help your brain. For starters, the antioxidants in NooCube, like Resveratrol and Cat’s Claw, increase blood flow, which in turn leads to a boost of energy and improved transportation of oxygen to the brain. Amino Acids like L-Theanine and L-Tyrosine not only help with blood flow as well but also have specific benefits for the brain. L-Theanine, commonly found in green tea, reduces anxiety and increases cognitive function. L-Tyrosine has also been shown to improve memory in individuals with decreased dopamine levels, so there are plenty of reasons why NooCube would include these ingredients. Oat straw also has the benefit of improving blood flow, thus improving overall mental health.

Pros and Cons
For these reasons, there is a lot to love about NooCube. NooCube can be a great Adderall alternative because:
· ? ? ? It improves cognitive function, especially memory, mood, and processing speed
· ? ? ? It contains Alpha-GPC to improve the communication between your brain cells
· ? ? ? It contains antioxidants and amino acids to improve your blood flow
· ? ? ? It is relatively cheap in comparison and has some great bulk deals
· ? ? ? It has an excellent refund policy that makes trying the product significantly less risky
· ? ? ? The effects happen quickly, within 30 to 45 minutes, and will last up to 10 hours
There are some things to consider, though, before you buy NooCube, like:
· ? ? ? A few of the ingredients, like Huperzine A and Cat’s Claw, lack the scientific data to really know if they do what NooCube reports they do. Furthermore, L-Tyrosine has not been shown to have much of an effect on individuals whose Dopamine levels are normal
· ? ? ? A few people have reported feelings of nausea, headaches, fatigue, and low blood pressure, though the cases are pretty small
· ? ? ? NooCube can only be purchased from NooCube’s official website
Click here for the Lowest Price on NooCube

#2. Hunter Focus - Strongest Dosage?

Hunter Focus

Hunter Focus , from the Hunter Evolve line of products, is another cognitive function supplement, but this time the ingredients have been ramped up significantly and the recommended dosage is much higher. For optimum effect, Hunter Focus recommends taking the supplement 6 times a day, 3 in the morning and 3 later in the day. However, due to the relative safety of this supplement, the dosage can be adjusted, though if you are going to do that, it is recommended that you consult a doctor, especially if you are on other medications.
Hunter Focus claims to have 6 benefits that are specifically designed to improve cognitive functions. These 6 benefits are:
1. ?? ?Improved Creativity
2. ?? ?Optimal Learning Capacity
3. ?? ?Improved, Elevated Mood
4. ?? ?Increased Focus
5. ?? ?Improved, Enhanced Memory
6. ?? ?Elevated Levels of Energy
The efficacy of the ingredients in Hunter Focus actually do seem to be completely solid and scientifically verified, and they are 100% natural. The ingredients themselves are further divided into 3 more categories, Concentration Activation, Memory Matrix, and Mood Amplification.
This is a powerful substance with a powerful dosage, but as a result, Hunter Focus is quite a bit more expensive, not offering as many free bottles on bulk orders and starting at almost $78 for a one-month supply, and free shipping is only offered on orders over $200.
· ? ? ? Lion’s Mane Mushroom?
· ? ? ? Ashwagandha?
· ? ? ? Citicoline?
· ? ? ? Passionflower?
· ? ? ? N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine?
· ? ? ? L-Theanine?
· ? ? ? Maritime Pine Bark Extract?
· ? ? ? Bacopa Monnieri
· ? ? ? Phosphatidylserine?
· ? ? ? Caffeine Andryhous
· ? ? ? Gingko Biloba
· ? ? ? Panax Ginseng
· ? ? ? Spanish Sage
· ? ? ? Vitamin B6
· ? ? ? Vitamin B9
· ? ? ? Vitamin B12
· ? ? ? Vitamin C
· ? ? ? Vitamin D3
· ? ? ? Vitamin K2

Enjoy the shrooms. Lion’s Mane Mushroom is actually a great ingredient to see. As well as having health benefits outside of the brain, like protecting the digestive tract from ulcers and helping to prevent heart disease, Lion’s Mane Mushroom has also been shown to improve memory and help reduce the effects of anxiety and depression, thus allowing your brain the calm to focus better. While the other ingredients in Hunter Focus are very effective, seeing Lion’s Mane Mushroom in a brain supplement is always good to see.

Improve Energy and Mood. Many over the counter Adderall supplements contain caffeine, and there is a reason for this. As well as boosting energy, caffeine helps you focus. However, some people are always nervous to see caffeine, as they are worried about getting jittery and anxious. The bright side is that Hunter Focus contains several ingredients that calm the mind and reduce anxiety. L-Theanine, Ashwagandha, and Lion’s Mane Mushroom are all ingredients that help reduce anxiety and calm the mind, keeping the caffeine from becoming an enhancement to your distracted brain, allowing it to provide you smooth, helpful energy.

Neuroprotective. If something is defined as neuroprotective, it means that it keeps brain cells from deteriorating and dying off, which can result in a loss of memory and cognitive function. Essentially, neuroprotective ingredients are the Fountain of Youth for your brain cells. Hunter Focus has neuroprotective ingredients, like Vitamin D3, that keep your brain young and healthy, improving and maintaining your memory and brain functions.

Learn faster and more effectively. Amino acids aid in protein synthesis. Protein synthesis, or more effectively metabolizing protein, leads to better cognition. Better cognition does not just mean memory and focus, though those are factors. If your brain is functioning at its peak, you will be able to gain and retain information and skills much faster and much more effectively. So, Hunter Focus can definitely make the claim that it improves your ability to learn.

Pros and Cons
Hunter Focus is a great product with a strong dose of high-quality ingredients. You should consider buying it because:
· ? ? ? It improves memory
· ? ? ? It improves mood
· ? ? ? It improves focus
· ? ? ? It improves learning
· ? ? ? It enhances your energy
· ? ? ? With it enhancing your focus, mood, and learning, it’ll also make you more creative and a better problem solver
· ? ? ? It contains high doses of powerful ingredients that are scientifically backed
· ? ? ? It has neuroprotective qualities to keep your brain functioning for years to come
There are a couple of things that do make Hunter Focus less appealing, like:
· ? ? ? Its high price tag and lack of deals. Hunter Focus is an expensive product
· ? ? ? It must be purchased from the company’s website
Click here for the Lowest Price on Hunter Focus

#3. Mind Lab Pro - Best Supplement for Dietary Concerns

Mind Lab Pro

One of the problems in the supplement market is not so much related to the active ingredients, but rather the inactive ingredients. Many pill capsules are made with gelatin, which causes the product to be unusable for vegans and vegetarians, as gelatin is an animal product. Also, depending on the warehouse or the ingredients in the supplement, it may contain dairy, gluten, soy, or various other allergens that people cannot take or aren’t right for people’s diets.

Thankfully, if you are looking for an over the counter Adderall alternative that is just as effective as the others, but won’t violate any dietary or allergy concerns, Mind Lab Pro may be the product for you. It is completely free of all standard allergens, GMO-free, and even caffeine-free.
Mind Lab Pro makes similar claims to other brain supplements, stating that it will:
· ? ? ? Improve your memory and cognition
· ? ? ? Improve mood and energy
· ? ? ? Boost your focus and mental clarity
Based on the ingredients in Mind Lab Pro, these claims are not to be doubted. Furthermore, Mind Lab Pro claims to begin working thirty minutes after you take the pill, and it is able to give you all these benefits with only 2 pills a day, though, again, you could probably change the dosage a little and be okay.
Though not the most expensive, Mind Lab Pro is also not the most affordable at nearly $70 for a one-month supply, and free shipping is only offered for the most expensive option, with only one free bottle being offered for bulk purchases.
· ? ? ? Bacopa Monnieri
· ? ? ? Citicoline
· ? ? ? L-Theanine
· ? ? ? Maritime Pine Bark
· ? ? ? N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine
· ? ? ? Organic Lion’s Mane Mushroom
· ? ? ? Phosphatidylserine
· ? ? ? Rhodiola Rosea
· ? ? ? Vitamin B6
· ? ? ? Vitamin B9
· ? ? ? Vitamin B12


Improve metabolism and build energy. Despite what many people think, Vitamin B does not actually provide fuel for the body to create energy. However, your body does need B Vitamins to produce energy, as B Vitamins help your body metabolize fats, proteins, and carbs to produce energy. So, the multiple B Vitamins in Mind Lab Pro will help turn your diet into a full source to revitalize your mind, providing you with energy and focus without loading up on caffeine.

Reverse the effects of aging on memory. Citicoline has been used for a while to help offset the loss of memory in Alzheimer’s and Dementia patients, and while the efficacy of this treatment isn’t fully proven, there is evidence to show that memory is improved by Citicoline. When combined with the Bacopa Monnieri, Mind Lab Pro can give a real boost to your cognitive functions, specifically in regards to your memory.

Calm your mind. When your brain is tired or stressed, it becomes hard to focus and find the energy to push through and get the job done. Sometimes, your brain just needs a little boost, and caffeine isn’t always the answer (especially if you value your heart health). Mind Lab Pro uses Rhodiola Rosea, an ingredient that has been shown to reduce both fatigue and stress. When combined with the calming effects of L-Theanine, Rhodiola Rosea will give you the mental fortitude and calm to complete whatever task you need to get finished.

Lion’s Mane and Amino Acids. Though we’ve already talked about these ingredients, it’s still great to see amino acids and Lion’s Mane Mushrooms in Mind Lab Pro . The mood improvements, energy from the synthesizing of protein, and the boost to memory are all the things you’d be looking for in a brain supplement.

Pros and Cons
Mind Lab Pro is a great product for many reasons, some of which are:
· ? ? ? It fits almost every dietary need
· ? ? ? It has incredible benefits for memory
· ? ? ? It will definitely improve your metabolism to increase your energy
· ? ? ? It has an almost Fountain of Youth effect on your brain
· ? ? ? It does not require you to take crazy amounts of the supplement, only 2 pills a day, to see results
· ? ? ? It has ingredients that are scientifically-backed, so no snake oil here
· ? ? ? It is caffeine-free
· ? ? ? It reduces mental fatigue and improves cognitive function to allow you to push your mind to your limit to meet your deadlines and get your projects done
· ? ? ? There is a 60 day, money-back guarantee on Mind Lab Pro
Mind Lab Pro is a great product, one of the better brain supplements on the products, but before you buy, consider the following:
· ? ? ? There are no free samples for Mind Lab Pro
· ? ? ? Mind Lab Pro should not be taken with other cognitive enhancers
· ? ? ? If you are pregnant or nursing, you should probably not take Mind Lab Pro
· ? ? ? Mind Lab Pro is not the cheapest of options, and the bulk deals are not the best

#4. Brain Pill - Powerful Dual Formula for Focus and Memory

Brain Pill

Caffeine is a very common ingredient in many supplements, whether it be for the brain or for other dietary concerns. While there are many benefits to caffeine, there are also many concerns about caffeine consumption, as it is slightly addictive and can have health concerns. Furthermore, caffeine is also a bit of a gimmick in brain supplements, as its effects are relatively short-term and do not work in the long term.

Brain Pill delivers on the cognitive performance without relying on caffeine. Its powerful dual formula helps the brain focus while also improving the user's memory. In fact, there are 6 prime benefits of Brain Pill, which are that it:
· ? ? ? Improves focus
· ? ? ? Counteracts mental fatigue
· ? ? ? Improves memory and rapid recall
· ? ? ? Enhances learning abilities
· ? ? ? Provides Neuroprotection
· ? ? ? Reduces brain fog
The more you can focus, the better you will remember things, hence the dual benefits of Brain Pill. The ingredients are also pretty scientifically sound, so this is another supplement that cannot be called a quack remedy, though there are a couple of ingredients that may not be the miracle cure they claim to be.
The recommended dosage for Brain Pill is two pills a day, which is fairly reasonable. Due to the strength of the ingredients in Brain Pill, it is not recommended that you alter this dosage, as increasing the dosage of Brain Pill could lead to potential side effects, so in this case, it is recommended that you follow the recommended dosage.

Brain Pills prices are fairly reasonable, with a one-month supply only running you about $70, though the bulk deals also offer great deals, with a 6 month supply saving you over $100. However, you do have to spend over $200 to receive free shipping.
· ? ? ? Citicoline
· ? ? ? Tyrosine
· ? ? ? Phosphatidylserine
· ? ? ? Vitamin B12
· ? ? ? L-Theanine
· ? ? ? Vitamin B6
· ? ? ? Vitamin B5
· ? ? ? Bacopa Monnieri
· ? ? ? Huperzine-A
· ? ? ? Vitamin B9
· ? ? ? Vinpocetine
· ? ? ? Ginkgo Biloba
· ? ? ? DHA complex

Improve your memory and focus, as well as other health benefits. We have a new ingredient on the list, DHA Complex. DHA Complex has been shown to boost memory and cognitive skills, but it also has the benefit of reducing cholesterol and high levels of fat in the body. Ginkgo Biloba has also been shown to have benefits when it comes to memory, as well as Bacopa Monnieri and Phosphatidylserine.

Focus, focus, focus. There are several ingredients that are shown to be useful to reduce brain fog and keep your mind sharp and alert. Phosphatidylserine is one of those components, serving up enhanced focus and improved memory. Citicoline is like a tune-up for your brain, keeping all the synapses firing so that you not only can remember what has happened but also keep your brain lightning quick, even as you age. Vitamin B5 has also been thoroughly tested in regards to the effects it has on focus and concentration and has shown results as it relates to increased productivity. Tyrosine is also great in this regard, as it keeps your brain functioning at its optimum efficiency longer.

?Ingredients your body can’t produce. A problem with supplements, sometimes, is that they are filled with ingredients that your body naturally produces, which is fine if you suffer from deficiencies but can also be a waste of time for a user whose body functions normally. The great thing about Brain Pill is that it contains ingredients, like Vitamin B6 and B12, that you can only get through consumption. A lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to all kinds of cognitive difficulties, and Vitamin B6 has been clinically shown to help users do better on cognitive function tests.

Pros and Cons
There are many reasons to love Brain Pill, like:
· ? ? ? How it helps improve your focus while reducing fatigue and brain fog
· ? ? ? How it helps protect your brain from the decay of age while sharpening your memory
· ? ? ? How it contains ingredients that your body needs but does not produce on its own
· ? ? ? How you can get a full refund, no questions asked, for up to 67-days
· ? ? ? How thoroughly researched all the ingredients in Brain Pill are
With that said, there are a few concerns that should be mentioned in regards to Brain Pill, like:
· ? ? ? Claims of the efficacy of Huperzine-A remain untested and a bit dubious
· ? ? ? Vinpocetine may produce side effects, as it is an incredibly powerful ingredient. In fact, it is so powerful that, in Germany, it is a prescription drug. It is also a synthetic ingredient, so not completely natural. Though it does help with blood flow, thus energizing and focusing the brain, it has been linked to issues with the immune system and some blood clotting, and it should not be taken by women who are pregnant or nursing

The bundles are not as generous as other NooTropics on the market
Click here for the Lowest Price on Brain Pill

Over The Counter Adderall Buyer’s Guide
These supplements are known as Adderall alternatives, but what is Adderall? Adderall is a stimulant that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactive disorder, or ADHD, and narcolepsy, a disorder where a person falls asleep randomly and uncontrollably. It changes chemicals in the brain to assist with focus and a reduction in jittery, distracting energy. It requires a prescription, can be incredibly addictive, and comes with an array of side effects, such as:
· ? ? ? Increased blood pressure
· ? ? ? Stomach issues like diarrhea and nausea
· ? ? ? Anxiety
· ? ? ? Loss of sleep
· ? ? ? And many more

While Adderall may be a necessary prescription for many people, it is an amphetamine and should only be used by people who truly need it.
Best Natural Adderall Alternative
So, which of these supplements is the best natural Adderall alternative? As with most supplements, it depends on what your body and your life needs:

NooCube may have some ingredients that don’t work and may exaggerate the clinical proof of its formula, but it does have plenty of ingredients that will help your brain focus, and it offers the best value

Hunter Focus and Mind Lab Pro may be tied for the best all-around brain supplement, due to their uses of effective, clinically proven formulas. Mind Lab Pro might edge out Hunter Focus only because of how well it fits with so many different dietary and allergen restrictions

Brain Pill is a powerful formula that will show results, but the Vinpocetine in Brain Pill, while having plenty of benefits and advantages, has side effects that should be considered before a regime is started
As with all supplements, it depends on what will fit your life, diet, and personal anatomy the best

Fakes and Copycats
The supplement industry is full of knockoff versions of effective supplements, so be careful what you are buying. None of the supplements listed here can be found anywhere except their official websites, so keep that in mind when purchasing. You might spend less money on a knockoff, but you might also not get the same benefits, and there could even be side effects from the cheaper ingredients.

Where do I find these Adderall alternatives?
Only purchase these supplements from the official websites. They cannot be found on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, GNC, or any other major retailer. Anything being sold with similar names on those sites are fake.

Should I take these supplements instead of Adderall?
If you do not suffer from Narcolepsy or ADHD, then these drugs can give you similar benefits to Adderall. Obviously, a doctor will not prescribe you Adderall without having some kind of mental health issue that Adderall can help, but some people will always seek out more illegal ways. The dangers of using this amphetamine-based drug are not recommended if you are just trying to improve your focus and concentration while also giving your memory a little boost.
With that said, these supplements should not be used to replace Adderall, or any prescription drug, if you have legitimate mental health concerns. Consult with your doctor, psychiatrist, or psychologist about these concerns, but do not stop taking your prescribed medication just to switch it out with supplements.

Are these supplements safe?
Largely, yes. Most of the supplements listed are completely natural and will cause no real harm to the user. Mild side effects can happen, such as headaches or stomach issues, but these are side effects that can come with the use of any supplement or even just the use of any ingredient at all. Caffeine causes headaches and stomach issues sometimes, but that doesn’t stop us from buying a cup of coffee.
Remember that Brain Pill contains Vinpocetine, which is a prescribed, regulated drug in some countries and has been shown to have some mild side effects.

To wrap all this up, there is no reason to take amphetamine-based drugs to help your brain if you do not suffer from some severe mental health issue. Adderall alternatives can be a great way to give your brain the boost it needs and to keep it functioning long after everyone else around you has started to lose their marbles a bit.
These over the counter Adderall alternatives will all provide you with increased energy, increased productivity, improved memory, and just overall improved cognitive function. Brain supplements may be the path to becoming your most optimal, productive self.

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