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Ostarine Vs RAD 140: Best SARMs Stacks For Bulking & Cutting + Full Guide Ostarine PCT

Testolone RAD-140, and it’s closely related variant RAD 150, is a research chemical that is used by bodybuilders to build significant lean muscle mass in a short period of time.

Ostarine Vs RAD 140

Many people ask about Ostarine Vs RAD-140, but in actual fact they are used for very different purposes. One is a bulking specialist, while the other is better for cutting fat.

I’m going to explain in detail here what each of the SARMs is, and what it’s best used for. I will cover how they work, how to stack them, cycle lengths, dosages, and PCT requirements.

If you want to check out RAD 140 or Ostarine quality and pricing before we get started, you can here:


As well as all that, I’ll explain about the variance of these SARMs, and similar SARMs you can also use, to swap them in and out and get the best possible combinations the creating the best SARMs stack for bulking or cutting.

Testolone RAD 140 SARM Explained

Testolone RAD-140, and it’s closely related variant RAD 150, is a research chemical that is used by bodybuilders to build significant lean muscle mass in a short period of time.

It’s highly androgenic, with a 90:1 androgenic ratio. Not as potent as testosterone, but still very strong.

It works by mimicking testosterone. It does this in a highly targeted way though, not generally across the body like anabolic steroids do.

RAD 140 is only an agonist of the androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, sending messages telling that muscle and bone tissue to grow strong and hard, and in the case of muscles, to grow much larger in a short space of time and can be achieved naturally.

Therefore, this is a highly anabolic substance that helps to develop significant lean muscle mass gains as part of a bulking stack.

RAD 140 Best Use & Effects

As RAD 140 is a potent muscle builder, it’s best used for bulking. There is a key reason why you shouldn’t use it during a cutting cycle, which I’ll just explain.

Because it’s highly androgenic, it will deplete your testosterone levels, even at small doses as low as 5 mg. So, when you are already struggling in a calorie deficit, sapping your testosterone would be ridiculous.

So, RAD 140 should be used as the basis for bulking stack. I’ll talk you through the best and how to switch SARMs out to vary it, in a moment.

● Ideal for bulking

● Potent muscle builder

● Gives strength and endurance increases

● Dramatic results compared to natural growth

● Pack on several pounds of new lean muscle growth

In terms of the results you can achieve, you can put on several pounds of new lean muscle growth in just a single cycle of as little as 8 or 10 weeks.

That muscle will be large, dense, and permanent. Then, you can cut and tone as much as you want. Hard work isn’t included though, so you’ll have to put plenty of effort into get the returns.

MK-2866 Ostarine SARM Explained

Ostarine is at the opposite end of the SARMs scale to RAD-140. Where is that is a potent androgenic muscle builder, Ostarine is incredibly mild and barely androgenic at all.

Ostarine has been found in numerous human studies to protect muscle mass in a calorie deficit, notably helping with muscle wasting illnesses.

Therefore, it stands to reason it can aid bodybuilders who are cutting fat in a slight calorie deficit. It will ensure that your gains are not eroded through starvation messages leading to muscle tissue being used as fuel.

Don’t think the body uses all its body fat first, in fact, it will always try and keep some fat reserves as a last resort, which is why muscle tone needs to be protected.

So this is best used to protect your gains during a cutting cycle, when you don’t want your hard work eroded.

Ostarine Best Use & Effects

The best way to use Ostarine is as part of the stack for cutting fat. You can use on its own, and in a calorie deficit working out, it will help you to shred a ton of fat.

However, it’s best employed as part of a stack because you can use it with other SARMs, including the classic Ostarine and Cardarine stack, to burn a lot more calories and even increase your tone.

Effects of a cycle of Ostarine will be significant fat cutting compared to what can be achieved naturally. This is partly due to the effects of Ostarine, and partly because it protects you in a calorie deficit, meaning that you won’t lose so much muscle tone.

How To Create A Potent RAD 140 Bulking Stack

Let’s now turn specifically to how you can create a potent RAD-140 bulking stack that will help you to pile on a ton of large and lean muscle gains in a short space of time.

Ideally, you’ll want to bulk before you cut. That way, you are unveiling your gains, and you will feel better as you see this happening. If you cut first, you are shrinking to nothing, and it can be depressing.

This is the classic RAD stack that many people use, and that I have used myself several times over the past few years to really create a significant mass gain I can then sculpt further:

● 30 mg RAD-140 per day

● 15 mg Cardarine per day

● 20 mg MK-677 per day

● 10 week SARMs cycle

● PCT supplement required (Nolvadex usually)

● Gap at least eight weeks between cycles

The results of eight weeks or so of this will be significant lean muscle mass gains. This could be as much as 10-15 lbs of muscle weight gains. You can then harden those up and sculpt them using further stacks.

30 mg is a high dose, and if you’re a beginner, I would actually recommend you start at 15 mg. After three or four weeks, hit 30 mg for a week and see how you feel. But be aware that this will be highly suppressive to your testosterone levels.

In fact, if it’s your first SARMs cycle like this, using highly androgenic SARMs, then I would strongly suggest that you get blood work done before your cycle, and as soon as you start to feel the effects of potential testosterone drop. Don’t be afraid to end the cycle early, rather than pushing on and causing further problems.

Note that this androgenic SARM is underpinned with two research chemicals that are not androgenic at all.

Cardarine is an energy booster. It works as a PPAR Delta modulator to change your circadian rhythm, so that you have higher amounts of glucose ready to use. Known as “energy in a bottle” by athlete to use illegally, it will allow you to push harder and further, which is brilliant for both bulking and cutting stacks.

You can swap Cardarine out for SR-9009 if you want, it’s a very similar chemical works in a similar way.

Stacking RAD-140 with a non-androgenic bulking SARM also minimizes the stress on your testosterone production as well. That’s why I teaming up with MK-677. This chemical boosts muscle gains, but works as a ghrelin receptor agonist. This builds levels of key hormones and improve your appetite.

How To Create The Classic Cardarine And Ostarine Stack For Cutting

The Ostarine and Cardarine stack is the classic SARMs cutting stack. There are tons of variations on it, which I’ll talk you through in a moment, but let’s start by telling you exactly how to construct the stack:

● 30 mg Ostarine daily

● 15 mg Cardarine daily

● 10 week SARMs cycle

● No PCT required

● 6 week gap minimum

This is not really androgenic so you don’t have to have a gap between cycles of your testosterone levels to bounce back from. However, you should always have a month or two free of research chemical use so that your body can stabilize and you can assess that things are still okay.

30 mg as a good mid-range dose of Ostarine. For me, a low dose is 20 mg, and a high dose much as 50 or 60 mg.

Be aware that at 50 mg or higher, it can start to be mildly suppressive of testosterone. People will tell you it’s not androgenic, but it definitely is because it works androgen receptor sites in muscle tissue, it’s just very mild.

Cardarine underpins this is the engine. You’ll be able to push yourself harder and longer in the gym, and complete all those cardio sessions you’ll be doing between (you’ll be doing those right?) That allows you to burn more calories, build more strength, and tone.

You can swap the Cardarine out for SR-9009 Stenabolic as this works in a similar way (or use GW-0742, which is a variant of Cardarine).

If you want an additional punch, where you don’t just protect your muscle mass gains but even harden them and enlarge them slightly, then you can sculpt them by adding a small dose of Andarine into the stack.

Andarine is made by the same company as the one who constructed Ostarine. It’s a similar formula, just significantly stronger and very androgenic.

Using a moderate dose of Andarine, around 10 mg per day, will allow you to harden and sculpt your muscle tone rather than just protect it.

If you do add in even a moderate dose of Andarine though, be prepared to use a PCT supplement for a few weeks after because it will drop your testosterone.

Best PCT For RAD-140

When it comes to PCT for androgenic SARMs like RAD-140, then you need potent ones which start to correct the problem immediately.

That problem is simple. Because the androgenic SARM is mimicking the signal sent by testosterone, the bodies fooled into thinking it has more than it has in reality. It starts to cut back its own supply, which in reality is leaving you with lower and lower levels.

The knock-on effect of this is that estrogen starts to dominate, which is why you get gyno symptoms and emotional problems as well.

The two main options you have are SERMs, selective estrogen receptor modulators, that work as agonists of the estrogen receptors, and in doing so stop the estrogen from signaling and having its effects.

1. Nolvadex is the most popular SERM used by bodybuilders. It’s potent, and can be used to really hit testosterone drop with a high dose of 100 mg for the first week, then tapering down by 25 mg per week until you get to a 25 mg per day dose for one or more weeks.

2. Some people use Clomid instead of Nolvadex. It’s more potent initially, but its effects tail off far quicker than those of Nolvadex. It also has more side effects. But it is better for an initial hit, which is why some people recommend using it at a dose of 75 – 100 mg per day first week, before switching to Nolvadex.

You also have second-generation SERMs, such as Raloxifene to consider. These are milder though, and aren’t as aggressive, even though they are more targeted and can help with gyno symptoms.

Another option is in aromatase inhibitor, like Letrozole. These block the conversion of testosterone into estrogen via attaching to an enzyme called aromatase.

In fact, some people will use a SERM and in aromatase inhibitor to tackle things from both angles. If you’re going to do this, keep your doses low and cycle short.

But one, or all of them in combination can make can be the perfect strategy for rapidly bouncing back your testosterone levels after a cycle using an androgenic SARM like RAD-140.

Ostarine PCT: Can You Use It Post Cycle?

It’s perfectly possible to use Ostarine during PCT. The idea comes from people using steroids, who would use Ostarine post cycle in order to protect the gains.

However, it’s now widely used by people using SARMs for the same reason. But I wouldn’t really recommend it unless you are completely confident in what you are doing.

If it’s a small dose of 30 mg or less, then it should be fine. But remember the Ostarine can actually be suppressive of testosterone at high doses. If you use 50 mg or more, then you are fighting against the PCT supplements you are using.

So, if you want to go from bulking straight to cutting via PCT, then that’s possible to do, but I wouldn’t recommend it and there’s really no need to use Ostarine during PCT. It’s always good to give your body a break from SARMs.

Review Conclusion: Ostarine Vs RAD-140 Is Not A Fair Comparison

As you can see, asking the question around Ostarine vs Rad 140 isn’t really a fair one because they are completely differently structured.

They have different uses as we have now found:

RAD-140 is potently androgenic, and send strong signals to your muscle and bone tissue to grow harder, denser, and larger. It’s highly suppressive, and has to be treated with care and respect.

MK-2866 Ostarine is mildly androgenic only if you take a very high dose. It sends signals your body to protect your gains during a calorie deficit, meaning that you can cut more aggressively and not lose the muscle tone you have developed.

The only way you could really combo them is to use a very low dose of RAD-140 during a cutting cycle in order to slightly develop and hard your muscle tone rather than just protect your gains. That would be more of a maintenance stack though.

But Andarine is a far better SARM for achieving this, because it’s better at sculpting and hardening the muscle tissue, rather than making it bigger.

Where To Buy A High Purity Ostarine & Testolone

Let’s finish this guide by telling you the two best places that you can buy high-purity SARMs right now.

There are very few SARMs sellers left, simply because the market has shrunk so much for a variety of reasons.

So, if you can find SARMs sellers have high purity guarantees, good variations in the SARMs they sell, and good doses for your money, then don’t let them go.

These are the two SARMs sellers I recommend:

1. Chemyo don’t offer the widest range of SARMs that you will still find, but it is one of the highest in purity and best value.

The value reason is because they sell 50 mL dropper bottles rather than 30 mL dropper bottle. Prices aren’t that much higher than those standard sized bottles, so you are getting up to 40% more SARMs for your money.

Right now, these are the prices you will pay:

RAD-140 $79.99, dosed at 10 mg/mL

Ostarine $69.99, dosed at 25 mg/mL

2. Behemoth Labz I your second option, and just as good in terms of purity. In fact, they have a very wide range of SARMs available. Note that they are 30 mL dropper bottles, so are smaller.

These are the prices you will pay for the SARMs we have discussed today:

Ostarine $72.98, dosed at 33 mg/mL

RAD-140 $58.98, dose to 70 mg/mL

Also note that Behemoth sell an incredible range of SARMs stacks in ready-made capsules. Simply pop one pill, and your entire dose of several SARMs is in your body and getting to work.

We talked about the classic Cardarine and Ostarine stack, well for just $148.98, you can buy 40 capsules in the “demigod stack”, with each capsule dosing 25 mg of each SARM.

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