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Kratom Brands To Stay Away From: Online Vendors And Gas Station Kratom Brands

In this article, we are going to tell you about the top three best kratom sellers I found in the past decade.

Online Vendors And Gas Station Kratom Brands

The best kratom companies are not the ones you’ll often be told are. After 10 years, I’ve learned that the hard way. I’m going to tell you right now which kratom brands to stay away from.

I’ll give you the worst five for quality I’ve ever found, and also talk to you about things like gas station kratom brands, where the quality is always low.

But it’s not all bad. I’m also going to tell you about the top three best kratom sellers I found in the past decade.

These have stood the test of time, and I’m recommending them for a variety of reasons:

  • Great range of powder
  • Good range of capsules
  • Incredible kratom extract liquid shots
  • High potency extract and Maeng Da kratom

So let’s kick off here by talking you through the worst five I’ve ever found, which are definitely kratom brands to stay completely away from.

1. Purkratom

Purkratom are really well-known, and have had lots of positive reviews in the past. I’ve even used them myself over the years.

But what’s become evident to me is that behind the great packaging is not so great quality kratom. Sure, it’s okay. It will give you a hit, it works. But it’s not the best for the money.

But it’s not just about the volume of powder that matters. You’re looking at building trust, and I just can’t with this company when they spout nonsense like this on their website:

“Red Maeng Da in the Kratom community, you can guess by its name that it grows in the tropical and humid jungles of Thailand. Red Maeng Da is one of the most popular strains of Kratom.”

Maeng Da is not a strain of kratom. It just means it is stronger kratom entirely, pimp grade kratom. So it could be literally anything that has a higher alkaloid content, and certainly isn’t a strain, and certainly it doesn’t just grow exclusively in Thailand and isn’t one of the most popular strains.

So in factually they are talking nonsense, and when everything in the key product statements is wrong, then I cannot recommend such a company to you, and you shouldn’t trust them.

2. OPMS Kratom

OPMS kratom products are sold in many places, including being one of the gas station kratom brands you might see.

The two main product ranges are “gold”, and “black”. So when people talk about gold kratom brand, or the kratom kaps brand, they are usually referring to OPMS.

They are expensive. They focus on incredibly strong kratom at the highest price possible in an irresponsible way.

There’s even a lawsuit against them, a class-action, going on right now, because they don’t warn consumers about the potent levels of kratom alkaloids on the packaging. In one liquid shot, extract equivalent is the same as 25 g of powder, which is ridiculous.

Apart from being an insanely high end dose, and ridiculously expensive, it’s highly irresponsible and not a company you want to be throwing money at.

3. Happy Go Leafy

A cheesy name and not great quality kratom. It all feels a bit like a branched out weed seller taking advantage of the craze.

I tried these guys once, and I just didn’t like what I received. It was not earthy and rich, it was dry and dusty, and just not potent at all.

They also aren’t that cheap, being one of the more expensive sellers for a 9 ounce bag of any type of kratom powder.

4. Super Speciosa

On the surface these guys looked quite good. Prices were cheap, with a 9 ounce bag costing just $39.99.

In their information section, they also bust open the myth about kratom strains. They acknowledge that most kratom is just made on the island of Borneo, and exported to the USA and then called names by the people who actually bagged it up, rather than it actually being “red Borneo”, or “white Thai”.

But then, bizarrely, on the product pages, they still sell them labelled up that way, and talk about the alkaloid content of that strain being very rich. Why have information pages which tell you to ignore that as marketing hype, and then use the exact same marketing hype yourself?

So how can I ever trust to order from a company who rightly destroys the whole nonsense around kratom strain differences, and then bigs them up when you land on the actual product pages?

5. Klarity Kratom?

The website isn’t that compelling, just being a standard template WordPress website.

Beyond that, there’s not a lot of information about kratom, and not much to reassure you about the quality of what they are selling. This is what turned me off completely.

Worse than that, they have some kratom capsules called “Trainwreck kratom”. It doesn’t really say if it’s stronger or not, or what the name refers to, but it seems slightly irresponsible to me to market it that way.

Overall, the offer is not that good and slightly pricey, the kratom isn’t particularly great and doesn’t have guarantees, and when there are better sellers out there, I just don’t know why you would give them a try. I did, and the experience was not satisfying.

Avoid Buying Kratom Locally (Gas Station Kratom Brands)

Buying locally at places like gas stations and head shops is a really bad idea. The quality is always low.

Not only are gas station kratom brands always sold at the worst prices with the worst quality, but mostly they are just a complete waste of your time trying them.

There’s a gold kratom brand that people search for, called KRX. Its gold bottled liquid shots. But it’s really poor quality. So when you are looking at gold kratom brands, they aren’t what you think.

My worst experiences have come early on from the local gas station kratom. When I was much younger, I bought a pouch at a gas station on the way to a party. Can’t even remember what it was now, but it was rubbish. I took several grams and never felt a thing.

The only way to get good quality kratom is to buy online from trusted vendors, so let’s look at the top three right now.

Top Three Best Kratom Companies

Now I’ve told you about the worst five kratom vendors in the USA that I’ve tried, I want to tell you about three good alternatives instead.

Each of these ticks the following boxes:

  • Supply chain to Southeast Asia is guaranteed
  • They are knowledgeable about the kratom they sell
  • Prices are fair for the quality
  • Between them they provide great variety
  • Each has a unique selling point
  • All have great user reviews

1. Kratora

Kratora has been around for a long time and has been one of my favorite places online to buy kratom for nearly a decade now.

If you’re looking for kratom powder that is high quality and has a wide variety of choice, then look no further. For many years it was unrivalled in size.

Classic strains like White Bali, Green Malay, and a variety of extracts and Maeng Da, really are unsurpassable.

They only used to sell powder and extracts (the best extracts and strength you will find anywhere), but they now even do a range of competitive capsules, 19 in total.

I’ll also mention the variety packs. Small packs of different types of kratom, they are a great way to sample different veins and strains at a very affordable price.

2. MIT45

MIT45 sells a fantastic range of kratom extract shots. Note I said extract, this is not ground powder suspended in liquid, and is not just standard amounts of kratom extract boiled in water to extract them from the leaves and then mix them with a liquid.

This is full kratom extract, where a high number of leaves are used to make an incredibly potent liquid. Usually it’s then dried into a resin which is ground into a powder, but for these shots, the liquid forms the basis of the shot instead, which is very potent.

The mildest is MIT45 Boost, which also contains caffeine for good daytime kick, and the strongest is Super K XS, which packs an incredible 1200 mg of kratom extract into a 5 mL bottle of liquid.

3. Kona Kratom

If you just want great kratom at a good price Kona Kratom is a fantastic starting point and a way to continue enjoying kratom.

The powder is fantastic. Earthy, rich, and potent. Each batch is tested, and it really hits the spot for me every time.

Every single kratom powder they sell is also available in capsules. They aren’t separately listed though, which can be confusing.

When you click on the type of kratom, on the product page you can select various amounts of powder, or various quantities of capsules at a very competitive price.

Put all that together, and they are a great all-round and traditional kratom seller that offer premium quality with great value.

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