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Indian Astrology By Pradip Verma

Astrologer Pradip Verma will cast the birth chart and will guide you that when a better time will come and when pressures can come in life.

Pradip Verma

Indian Astrology or Indian Astrology or Hindu Astrology is an ancient Indian science through which one can decipher predictions regards to career, finance, marital life, business, overseas travels, and much much more according to one of the best astrologers of the time name Pradip Verma.

In Indian astrology, the birth chart is framed by getting the date, place, and time of the birth where planets are placed in the 12 houses as according to there position in the celestial sky over that period of time.

Planets are moving in the sky and birth chart is the snap shot of the placement of the planet over that period of time.

An important house in Indian astrology is the Lagna or ascendant as it is like the base of the tree.

If the base of the tree is stronger, it can withhold all kinds of weather but if the base is weaker, then the tree cannot stand and ultimately fall.

In Indian Astrology, Lagna is given prime importance. There are 12 houses and 7 planets and 2 nodes called Rahu and Ketu and all these placements, aspects, and conjunctions of these planets in the birth chart will be helpful to get the predictions in Hindu Astrology.

Astrologer Pradip Verma will cast the birth chart and will guide you that when a better time will come and when pressures can come in life.

There is a certain set of rules that have to be followed while casting charts and then predicting.

There are various rules that are described in Indian Astrology that have to be followed as told by the honest astrologer in India, Pradip Verma.

He will look at the placement, aspect, and conjunctions in the birth chart and then tally it with Divisional charts which are helpful to predict the events.

Then with the help of transits, dasa –antardasa , predictions are made, and you can get the answer to your queries.

Astrology predictions are time bounded and astrologers have to look at the minute details in Indian Astrology to make sure of their predictions.

This is a time-consuming process and there is a need that one time should be accurate as the Divisional charts in astrology work on the correct time principle.

Our sages had made micro charts which are termed as the Divisional chart and without looking at them will not give an accurate picture of life.

Divisional charts are the essence of Indian Astrology.

Indian Astrology is bit different than Western Astrology as Indian astrology gives prime importance to the Moon, Nakshatra as without them predictions are impossible in Indian astrology because without Moon movement, Vimshottari dasa cannot be calculated and then predictions cannot be judged.

On the other hand, western astrology is more devoted to Sun movements in various Zodiac signs.

In western astrology, importance is given to Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto but in Indian Astrology, there is no significance to Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune.

Here, Moon, and Nakshatra are given importance, and Muhuratha, compatibility, and predictions are impossible without Moon and Nakshatra as told by one of the best astrologers in India, Pradip Verma.

You can also take guidance from Pradip Verma regarding career, finance, marriage, debts, litigation, and overseas journey, and can get guiding answers in regards to the various domain of life.

You can ask n number of questions regarding your job or any stressful situation of life with Pradip Verma.

He will guide you by looking at your chart and following the rules of Indian Astrology to guide you in the best possible way.

Remedies in the form of the Mantra, Pooja has prime importance in Indian Astrology.

There are mantras that can reduce problems in life.

Pooja or Gemstones also have a positive effect and the only thing will be to study the chart properly and then guide it in the right direction.

All this requires n number of experience and then applying that experience properly to solve people's problems.

Indian Astrology is the divine tool to reduce the problems in life.

There is various dosha in astrology like Pitra Dosha, Matru Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, and Grahan Dosha that can affect life but these dosha can be reduced with the help of Hindu Astrology remedies.

It can only be possible when an eminent astrologer will look out at your chart and provide solutions to solve the problem.

Today's world is full of stress and various problems haunt us from time to time but getting an answer is not easier and thus depression, frustration, and anger come which spoils life but Indian Astrology has solutions to the problems and the only thing is to identify the good astrologer.

Various charts will be used in order to answer the query.

All planetary aspects and placements have to be studied and then tallied in the Divisional charts to give the predictions.

There is a need to submit the date of birth, time of the birth, and place of birth along with your query to give answers and solutions through Indian Astrology medium feels the genuine astrologer Pradip Verma.

What one had sowed has to be reaped and thus results will come as according to the karma which cannot be changed but changing lifestyle, and adopting a good path along with remedies can reduce problems in life.

It is all in destiny. There are Karak for aspects of life. Like Jupiter is the Karak of progeny, Venus is the Karak of love, Saturn is the Karak of the profession and so on and so forth and all things have to be studied properly in Indian Astrology to guide you.

Thus if there is a need and you are haunted by problems getting now way out to reduce problems, you can contact one of the best astrologers Pradip Verma who will guide you with the principles of Hindu Astrology.

He will try to give you the right directions where you can illuminate your life and can reduce stress.

Muhuratha is also cast based on Indian astrology principles.

Under that section, Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, and Yoga are looked and a prescribed day is given to undertake auspicious activities.

Various calculations are being made by the astrologer before giving an answer in one line.

Similarly, a lot had to be looked like dosha, Yoga, and planetary combinations which can give good or bad results.

Indian Astrology is a much deeper subject that can answer to any question and through that one can get a guiding path to illuminate lives.

There is a need to furnish the correct details and query to give a much better answer.

Answers can be positive or negative and that all depends upon the birth chart and that further depend upon our karma.

One cannot get more than what is there in the chart and not before the time.

There is a need to keep patience and try level best to make the best use of Indian astrology.

It is astrology that is always right but due to the wrong details or novice astrologer, predictions can go wrong.

There is a need to have self-belief and faith before going to the astrologer.

For more information, you can log on to

You can take directions for career, finance, debts, and litigation and can get blessings from Pradip Verma ji.

Please note Pradip Verma ji is also known as Pradeep Verma in some contexts.