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Do You Know The Relation Between Astrology And Medical Science?

Astrology can help you to live a healthy & fit life. As each of our organ, anatomical structure, body part is inherently influenced by astrological elements; we can predict certain things through astrology.

Sohini Satri, Astrologer

Dr. Sohini Sastri, best astrologer in India , known for her accurate prediction and effective guidance with vast knowledge of astrology and occult science. She is a KP Astrologer with 15+ years of experience in Vedic astrology, palmistry, vastu etc.?

Dr. Sastri is rewarded by President of India, Vice President of India, and Governors of three states. She has written many books about astrology and regular columnist of many popular magazines and a very popular face in different TV shows.

What is the relationship between astrology and medical science according to you?

The ancient Greek doctor and philosopher Hippocrates once said, “A physician without knowledge of astrology has no right to call himself a physician.” Those who have faith in astrology always considered the position of the sun and other planets to understand our health, our personalities, and to make predictions about the future. This is an old age tradition.?

We can’t ignore our health if we want to live a happy, fit, and prosperous life. If we are suffering from health issues, it eventually breaks the whole cycle of life. You cannot study, work, or even earn if you are not healthy. To sustain in this competitive world, we should all be focusing on our health. Especially with current pollution, workload, duplicate food, pesticides, junk food habit etc. we all need an extra bit of care.?
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Which houses or planets are responsible for governing health or health related issues?

Astrology can help you to live a healthy & fit life. As each of our organ, anatomical structure, body part is inherently influenced by astrological elements; we can predict certain things through astrology.

2nd, 6th, 8th, and 12th house plays the major role in indicating health issues. If any of them is influenced by malefic planets, then the native will face health trouble. The native would suffer from related medical problem if any planet posited in those houses is weak or debilitated.?

1.?The 6th house denotes sickness, 8th house surgery, death, and 12th house hospitalization. If the sub lord of 12th cusp is in 6, the house of disease, and if the sub lord is in the constellation of the planet occupying or owning 6 or 8 or 12; it is definite that the native will have some health problem from the time when the significators conjointly operate.

2. If the sub lord of the ascendant is in the constellation of the significator of 6 or 8 or 12, then the native will suffer from disease or accident or hospitalization.?

The following list has the planets, the organ/ body part they represent, and health issues they represent.

Sun: Represent Stomach, heart, head, back, right eye of a man, left eye of a woman, vitality, joint. Responsible for sinus, migraine, high fever etc in certain combinations or situations.

Moon: Represent Lungs, blood, body fluids, brain, left eye of a man, right eye of a woman. Responsible for insomnia, asthma. When aligned with Saturn it causes dry cough, diabetes, vomiting etc.

Mars: Represent Blood, chest, nose, gall bladder, bile, bone marrow, red blood cells etc. It causes brain disorder, thalassemia, itching, blood clotting, female genital diseases, knee problems etc.?

Mercury: Represent Nervus system, skin, face, thyroid. It has direct influence over mental disorder, ear problems etc.

Jupiter: Liver, kidneys, pancreas. Excessive fat gain, fatty liver, heart tumour, memory-loss are few effects of weak Jupiter.

Venus: It has direct impact over throat, throat glands, face, cheeks, urine problems, ovarian cyst etc. A weak Venus can also cause impotence.

Saturn: Impact over Legs, bones, muscle, teeth, hair, physical weakness, joints pain, arthritis, gastric problems etc.

Rahu: Rahu causes cancer, breathing problems, ulcer, cataract, stammering problems etc.

Ketu: This is ‘karaka’ planet of abdomen. It is also responsible for wound and rotten flesh due to insect bite. Ketu brings in mysterious diseases, it gradually decreases our immunity system. It can also cause physical weakness, stomach pain.

Can you please explain what is chakra? How many chakras are there and how they are related human characteristics and organs??

Dr. Sohini Sastri: According to Vedic astrology, planets and our birth sign is closely related to human chakras and organs. Planets and Horoscope will help identify Chakras energy, physical, mental, emotional strength, and diseases in the human body. Every planet relates to respective chakras in our astral body.

Chakras indicate qualities of a person through ruling planets. If any planet is weak, respective chakra associated with that planet would also be weak. This also means that the specific chakra energy is debilitated; hence health issues related to that chakra are caused. We call this method as “AstakaVarga” in vedic astrology.

Followings are the list of 7 chakras and their related human characteristics & organs.

1. Muladhara/Root Chakra: Mental characteristic: Fear, indiscipline, facing tough situations, being greedy & insecure, sleeplessness, work longevity.
Organ/ health issue: Meat, muscles, teeth, bone, knee, feet, joints, rheumatism, and endocrine gland: Adrenal cortex.
2. Svadhishthana/Sacral Chakra: Characteristic: Self Assurance, financial wealth, luck, material and spiritual life, justice, education, dishonesty, being opposite to religion and philosophy, expansion, passion.?

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Liver, hips, glands, hormones, pancreas, diabetes, blood vessels, buttocks, obesity, sexual urges and sexual endocrine gland issues, Ovaries, testicle issues.?

3. Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra: Characteristic: Independence, courage, will power, generosity, protection, clarity, Energy Drives.?

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Sexual energy, head, blood, digestive system, bile, accidents, metabolism, burns fractures, fever, piles, skin rashes, electronic shock, suicidal tendencies, pancreas, Endocrine gland: Adrenals. ?

4. Anahata/Heart Chakra: Characteristic: Love failure, extreme attachment to materialistic things, importance to luxuries, and unhealthy relationships?

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Throat, neck, Sexual organ, pelvis, menstrual irregularity, semen, urinary bladder, kidneys, and Endocrine gland: Thymus.?

5. Vishuddha/Throat Chakra: Characteristic: Lack of intelligence and Communication, bad decision making.?

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Abdomen, skin, nervous system, neck, mouth, bronchial tube, tongue, lungs, hands arms, insomnia, deafness, dyspepsia, Endocrine gland: Thyroid and Parathyroid gland.?

6. Ajna/Third Eye Chakra: Characteristic: Being overconfident, lack of awareness, dominating, the wrong judgment.

Physical/Mental Health Problems related to: Eyesight, gall bladder, spine, belly, headaches, constipation, blood pleasure, immune system, breast, face, psychic problem, sleep disorder, tuberculosis, cough, cold, hypersensitivity, overreaction, lack of appetite.?

7. Meditation Sahasrara/Crown Chakra: Physical/Mental Health?

Problems related to: Memory problems, productivity, femininity, motherhood, depression, emotions disorder, bad and horror dreams, nervous system, neurological Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, epilepsy, Head, pineal gland, skeletal and muscular systems Endocrine gland: Pineal gland.?

As per my experience and case studies, the combine effort of astrology & medical treatment has a better chance in curing health issues.