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Best SARMS For Cutting And Fat Loss For 2023, Top SARM Stack Cycle To Cut Body Fat

Good cutting SARMs need to do more than accelerate fat loss. They also need to protect or build muscle mass while cutting.

Best SARMS For Cutting And Fat Loss For 2023

This article concentrates on the best SARMs for cutting to burn fat on cutting cycles. We have provided a short review of the five most effective SARMs bodybuilders use to lose body fat and get ripped.

We will also provide the pros and the cons of using SARMs for cutting and take a look at the best SARMs cutting stack.

Top 5 SARMs for Burning Fat Without Loss of Lean Muscle Mass

Good cutting SARMs need to do more than accelerate fat loss. They also need to protect or build muscle mass while cutting.

Cutting cycles aim to accelerate fat loss so a low-calorie diet plan is required. This type of diet plan can cause the body to begin burning a little muscle tissue along with its body fat to get extra energy.

The best cutting SARMs help prevent this from happening. They also support improvements in muscle mass while cutting.

These are the five best cutting SARMs:?

●?? ?C-Dine 501516 - best legal Cardarine (GW 501516) brand
●?? ?Stena 9009 - legal Stenabolic (SR9009) brand
●???Ibuta 677 - best Ibutamoren (MK677) SARM
●?? ?Ligan 4033 - legal Ligandrol (LGD4033)
●?? ?Osta 2866 - legal Ostarine (MK2866) SARM

Bodybuilders stack SARMs to improve the efficiency of each and compound the results. Latest 2023 data tells us that using a fat burning SARMS stack to cut is approximately 5 times more effective than using an individual SARM.

2023 has been a busy year for the SARMS marketplace with several new discoveries found. Below are short reviews of the most effective and safest SARMs to cut and burn fat. The reviews contain the latest data and information for 2023.

The Best Cutting SARMs for Losing Fat

#1. Cardarine GW 501516 - for cutting and energy

Cardarine GW 501516

As we have already pointed out, Cardarine is a PPAR receptor agonist, not technically a SARM. Regardless of the confusion regarding what type of drug it is, Cardarine is commonly regarded as being one of the best cutting SARMs.

In fact, many bodybuilders will tell you Cardarine is the top option for cutting. None of the true SARMs can match its potency as a fat burner.

Like SARMs Cardarine is an experimental drug that's often referred to by development code. Cardarine is also known as Endurabol and, in addition to being popular in bodybuilding, it's also favored by athletes seeking a performance enhancer.

GW501516 (Cardarine) was not originally intended as a fat burner or a performance booster. It was developed as a potential treatment for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases.

Data from a study showed GW501516 delivered remarkable improvements in physical performance and caused rapid fat loss. GW501516 was retargeted and is now a staple in most best SARMs stacks

Had this data gone unnoticed by members of the bodybuilding community things may have been different and it may not be as widely used as it is now in 2023. However, as is generally the case in these situations, it did not go unnoticed so it was not long before people were using Cardarine to enhance their physiques and boost their physical performance.

Cardarine (GW 501516) Benefits and Cautions

Like other PPAR receptor agonists, Cardarine influences blood sugar and insulin levels. Although there are benefits to this, the ability makes Cardarine an especially poor option for diabetics.

Cardarine provides a significant energy boost that supports improvements in training capacity. Bodybuilding enthusiasts and athletes who use this SARM are quick to say it helps them to train harder and longer and improves athletic performance.

Needless to say, when you are training harder you burn more calories, and, presuming your diet is correct, there will be improvements in body fat reduction and lean muscle growth.

Cardarine also appears to encourage the body to burn fat for energy in preference to carbohydrates and proteins. This helps regulate blood sugar, making the body less likely to break down muscle tissue to get energy.

However, although Cardarine has a reputation for outperforming other popular cutting SARMs, the best idea is to think twice before using it. Too many athletes focus on the Cardarine benefits while ignoring the risks.

It's also worth noting many Cardarine users report side effects:
A few of the most commonly reported side effects are:
●?? ?Stomach aches
●?? ?Diarrhea
●?? ?Dizziness
●?? ?Headaches
●?? ?Joint pain
●?? ?Fatigue
●?? ?Irregular heartbeat
The idea of a performance-boosting drug causing fatigue may seem strange. However, this type of reaction is often an indication of harmful changes occurring within the body.

If you are serious about using Cardarine, please use a hybrid SARM such as C-Dine 501516?

#2. Stenabolic SR9009 - for cutting and stamina

Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic is #2 on our list of best SARMs for cutting and fat loss. Most experienced SARMs users will tell you it's not as good for cutting as Cardarine, but it has a slightly better reputation than the other top SARMs for cutting.

However, as with Cardarine, Stenabolic is not really a SARM. It's a Rev-ErbA ligand agonist.

SARMs bind with the androgen receptors in muscles and bones. Stenabolic lacks this ability. Rev-ErbA ligand agonists bind with the protein Rev-ErbA, which regulates circadian rhythms and metabolism. [1]

Rev-ErbA is present in the liver, body fat, and skeletal muscles. When Stenabolic binds with it, mitochondria count increases. This results in greater levels of endurance and stamina because these important membrane-bound cell organelles generate chemical energy inside the cells. [2]

By improving energy metabolism within the cells, Stenabolic delivers notable improvements in training capacity. This enhancement to mitochondria activity within the muscles also appears to speed up fat burning.

Many bodybuilders who use Stenabolic for cutting say it greatly improves fat loss while reducing the need to focus on diet.

Stenabolic (SR9009) Benefits and Dangers

Stenabolic has an advantage over true SARMs (and anabolic steroids) because it does not suppress normal testosterone production. That means there is no requirement for a post cycle therapy (PCT) treatment to tackle low testosterone issues. Some brands such as Stena 9009 are actually used as testosterone boosters.

However, most athletes stack Stenabolic with genuine SARMs that do suppress testosterone so the need for a PCT generally remains.
If you are considering using Stenabolic for reducing body fat and weight loss, please be aware it has never been tested on humans. The long-term dangers are unknown.

Some bodybuilders who use Stenabolic say it interferes with their ability to sleep. That's not good because adequate sleep is a key factor in muscle maintenance and growth.

However, this Stenabolic side effect is not surprising because Rev-ErbA ligand agonists affect the circadian rhythms that play an important role in the human biological clock and help govern periods of waking and sleeping. [3]

Some Stenabolic users also say the drug makes them sweat more. But that could be a physical indication that it is increasing thermogenesis.

Reports of side effects, other than insomnia, are rare but let's not forget Stenabolic is an experimental drug. Its safety profile is unknown and there is no way to be certain it is not causing long-term damage that may take years to become apparent.

#3. Ibutamoren MK 677 - build muscle mass and strength

Ibutamoren MK 677

CLICK to see legal Ibutamoren SARM price and discounts Ibutamoren takes the #3 spot on our list of best SARMs for cutting and gaining lean muscle tissue. It is not a SARM at all but we have to include this impostor because so many people believe that it. Ibutamoren is also another experimental drug that is common to many of the most popular SARMs cutting stacks.

Instead of binding with androgen receptors in the same way that SARMs do, Ibutamoren enhances the production of two important anabolic hormones?insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and human growth hormone (HGH). Both hormones play key roles in muscle tissue replenishment and repair.

HGH is also believed to be the body's internal fountain of youth. Many celebrities inject synthetic versions of HGH hoping that doing so will help them to look young.
It won't do much for your youth, but IGF-1 is a powerful anabolic hormone as well. Like SARMs, IGF-1 influences muscle growth and bone strength. Boosting IGF-1 can support rapid improvements in body composition.

IGF-1 also influences ghrelin production. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone that increases appetite. When IGF-1 increases, ghrelin decreases. As does hunger.
Bodybuilders who are using Ibutamoren for cutting phases should find it easier to lose fat and stick to their diet plans and maintain the calorie shortage that triggers the need for fat burning.

Meanwhile, the anabolic enhancements the SARM provides should help maintain lean muscle tissue.

Ibutamoren (MK 677) Benefits and Dangers

Ibutamoren users often say this SARM causes considerable reductions in hunger. Sticking to a low-energy diet plan is difficult for many people and getting to grips with hunger can be challenging, to say the least.

Due to its ability to reduce appetite to the extent that it does, Ibutamoren can be a very good addition to SARMs cutting stacks.
Some people who use this SARM say it also helps them to sleep better. Although Ibutamoren does not appear to do this for everyone, it's still a useful benefit.

Muscles work better when they are well-rested.

HGH production increases during sleep so, if you can get to sleep without difficulty and avoid waking up during the night, that can only be a good thing.
Ibutamoren has a reputation for being one of the mildest SARMs. However, although many people are keener to talk about the benefits than the dangers, the risk of side effects is still there.
Reported side effects include:
●?? ?Feeling unwell
●?? ?Bloating
●?? ?Painful pumps
●?? ?Daytime fatigue
●?? ?Finding it hard to wake up in the morning
●?? ?Liver problems

#4. Ligandrol LGD 4033 - for muscle growth?

Ligandrol LGD 4033

Ligandrol is another popular bodybuilding SARM that's often used for losing fat on cutting cycles. In addition to its development code name, Ligandrol is also known as Anabolicum.

Now get ready for a surprise. This popular bodybuilding drug really is a SARM.

A popular option during bulking cycles as well, Ligandrol is known for being one of the best SARMs for enhancing muscle growth. Bodybuilders who use this SARM for cutting generally do so to prevent reductions in lean muscle growth. It enhances fat loss as well so there is every reason to use it in this way.

Ligandrol is often considered one of the best SARMs for women because it's so good at improving bone health. This makes it especially useful to women who are going through or have passed through menopause because this "change of life" causes hormonal issues that may weaken bones and cause osteoporosis.

Bodybuilders who use Ligandrol often praise the SARM for its ability to reduce fatigue during training. It's even reputed to improve muscle pumps.
However, despite the attractive benefits, using Ligandrol may involve dangers as well.

Ligandrol (LGD 4033) Benefits and Side Effects

Like all true SARMs, Ligandrol binds with the androgen receptors in the muscles and enhances protein synthesis. It's also a good SARM for speeding up muscle recovery.

Although its ability to support improvements in fat loss is lesser than the top 3 cutting SARMs, many bodybuilders feel it adds value to their SARMS stack cycle.
For reasons that are difficult to discern, Ligandrol is also reputed to be very good for improving leg strength.

Men who use this SARM say it boosts their libido and helps them to perform better in bed. These reports are much easier to understand because Ligandrol acts like a synthetic form of testosterone.

Now we have covered the potential benefits, it's time to provide a brief review of the Ligandrol side effects. Needless to say, testosterone suppression is one of them. If you use this SARM you will need to follow every cycle with an appropriate PCT.

Ligandrol is also associated with a diverse range of additional side effects.

These may include:
●?? ?Acne
●?? ?Dry mouth
●?? ?Headaches
●?? ?Sore throat
●?? ?Lethargy
●?? ?High cholesterol
●?? ?Water retention
●?? ?Gynecomastia (man boobs)
●?? ?Erectile dysfunction
●?? ?Depression
●?? ?Fatigue
●?? ?Muscle pain
●?? ?Testicle shrinkage
●?? ?Testicle pain
●?? ?Bleeding from the penis
●?? ?Reduced mental clarity
●?? ?ADHD-like symptoms
●?? ?Increased susceptibility to upper respiratory tract infections
This SARM may also have the potential to cause liver damage, heart attacks, and strokes.

#5. Ostarine MK2866 - to lose weight and muscle building

Ostarine MK2866

Also known as Enobosarm, Ostarine is a popular bulking SARM that offers additional value for cutting. We are placing it at the bottom of this list because the top 4 SARMs have greater value in this area. However, there are many good arguments for adding Ostarine to SARMs cutting stacks.

Like Ligandrol, Ostarine is a true SARM that takes over the role of testosterone. It can deliver rapid increases in strength and gaining lean muscle mass and also accelerates fat burning.

The company that created this SARM was originally hoping to create a treatment for hypogonadism (low testosterone) in men. The drug never left the development stage but its abilities as a muscle growth enhancer caused Ostarine to become a popular black market alternative to Dianabol (anabolic steroid).

Ostarine (MK2866) Benefits and Dangers

Once it hits your system, Ostarine acts as a high-potency testosterone alternative. Like natural testosterone, this chemical impostor plays a key role in protein synthesis and fat burning.

Due to its highly anabolic nature, Ostarine can make it much easier to burn fat without loss of lean muscle mass.
Ostarine also enhances training capacity and is reputed to improve vascularity as well.

Although it has never been approved for use, Ostarine is one of the few SARMs that has been tested on humans.

Data from one 12-week study, conducted in 2006, show 3 mg per day delivered significant improvements in muscle mass.

The researchers were happy with the results and stated they believed Ostarine to be safer than steroids. [4]

However, bodybuilders use this SARM in doses of 15 mg to 20 mg per day. There is no way to know what dangers a dose as high as this may present.

What we do know is Ostarine has side effects. Bodybuilders have been known to stop using this SARM because they could not stand the side effects anymore.

Some of the side effects such as nausea and headaches are common to many performance-enhancing drugs but it appears that, with Ostarine, they may be more pronounced.

Ostarine is also known to cause extreme muscle pain, man boobs, and erectile dysfunction.

A case report published in ACG Case Reports Journal suggests Ostarine has the potential to cause liver damage. [5]

Osta 2866 (as highlighted at the start of this article) is one the best legal sarms supplements for those wanting to use Ostarine

Why People Use SARMs for Lean Muscle Gains

Bodybuilders and athletes use SARMs to give them an extra edge. Using the right SARM at the right time can speed up muscle gains while bulking and fat loss while cutting. They can also improve athletic performance and aid recovery.

So although bodybuilders may be training the same way, following the same cycles, and eating similar diets, the results they get while using SARMs are better than the results they would get without them.

Bodybuilders use steroids for the same reasons but SARMs have a reputation for being safer. We have already explained some of the problems these drugs can cause so, by now, you should be aware that using SARMs can never be seen as safe. At best, it's a calculated risk.

Athletes from other sports often use SARMs as well. For instance, some fighters use cutting SARMs to help them drop down to their ideal fighting weights or into lower weight categories. Needless to say, fighters who test positive for SARMs will be banned from competing in the first place.

Stacking SARMs to Reduce Excess Fat: The Pros and Cons

We have mentioned stacking several times throughout this article. It would have been hard not to because it is such common practice.
People who use SARMs do it because they want faster results. The same is true for people who use anabolic steroids or any other form of performance-enhancing drug or supplement.

Bearing this in mind, it shouldn't seem strange that they may want to use several drugs together if doing so can make the results faster still.

Some SARMs users pyramid their doses. The doses during the early stages of the cycle are often quite low but gradually increase as the cycle continues, often decreasing again towards the end of the cycle.

Alternatively, athletes may gradually introduce additional drugs, or remove others, at different parts of their cycles. There are many different ways people do it.

However, the SARMs cycles people use are often a process of trial and error or based on other people's recommendations. Stacking SARMs, or any other drug, is a very risky business. Although doing so can increase the benefits, it also increases the dangers.

An article published online in Toxics (journal), in October 2021, provides details about a 23-year-old sports coach who went to the emergency unit of his local hospital complaining of muscle pain, stomach issues, and severe headache.

The doctors discovered his condition was due to him using a "poisonous combination" of Cardarine and Ostarine. [6]

In June of the same year, the World Journal of Clinical Cases published an article that detailed two case reports about people who suffered liver injury after using Ligandrol and/or Ostarine. [7]

What are SARMS?

Originally intended to treat muscle wasting diseases and bone density conditions SARMS have been adapted for bodybuilding use. Certain SARMS can build muscle mass?

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) are experimental drugs that are often used for performance enhancement in bodybuilding and sports. As with anabolic steroids, using this type of drug is illegal, and people who get caught doing it face competition bans.

Some SARMs are considered to be best for improving muscle mass during bulking cycles, while others are deemed better options for fat loss and cutting. Certain options are also common to both bodybuilding cycles.

SARMs have a reputation for working like steroids but being less dangerous. However, although using SARMs may be a little less risky than using steroids, these drugs are still dangerous.

In fact, it could be argued that SARMs are more dangerous than steroids because many popular steroids are medications that are being abused as anabolic agents or drugs that are used for veterinary purposes.

SARMs have never left the development stage. Not a single one of them has been approved for use on animals or human consumption. However, despite the potential dangers and the availability of safe, natural alternatives, SARMs continue to be much sought-after bodybuilding drugs.

Note: sometimes mispronounced and misspelled as SARNS - for example, best cutting SARNS

SARMs Classification and Misclassification

Before moving on and introducing you to the SARMs that work best for cutting, it may be helpful if we explain why these drugs are often known by identifying numbers as well as their names.

We also need to point out that, when you use this type of drug things are not always what they seem. The truth is, a lot of the most popular SARMs are not SARMs at all.

Why SARMs Have Numbers

Although SARMs have names, they are also known by code numbers. In many cases, when you are seeking information about SARMs online, you may find both the name and code used together.

For instance, Cardarine (one of the best cutting SARMs) is also known as GW501516. This is the development code the scientists who developed the drug identified it by.

Many experimental drugs are scrapped in the early stages of their development. This may be due to several reasons such as being not fit for purpose or presenting an unacceptable risk of harm.

The letters in the development code identify the company or companies that created it. The numbers identify the experimental compound itself.

So many experimental drugs are discontinued in the early stages it would be pointless naming them all. Names come later on if they are deemed to show potential value.

All the popular bodybuilding SARMs were deemed promising enough to earn names. Unfortunately, none of them was deemed safe and effective enough for FDA approval.

A few SARMs remain in the development stage. Others were discontinued because they harmed animals during clinical trials or presented other risks and dangers.

Why Some of the "Best" Bodybuilding SARMs are Not SARMs

Bodybuilders often use two or more SARMs alongside each other. They do the same with anabolic steroids. The process is known as stacking.

Popular SARMs stacks often contain other drugs that boost muscle growth, fat loss, and/or physical performance.

Rightly or wrongly, because people tend to rank SARMs and steroids more highly than the other types of drugs, when stacks contain SARMs they are considered SARMs cutting or bulking stacks. A similar thing happens with stacks that contain steroids.

For instance, the fat-burning drug Clenbuterol is often considered to be a steroid because it's present in so many of the best steroid cutting stacks.

However, Clenbuterol actually belongs to a class of drugs known as beta2-adrenergic agonists.

In some countries (but not the USA) Clenbuterol is approved as a prescription treatment for asthma. In the USA, it's a veterinary medication that's used for helping horses to breathe better.

You could call it guilt by association or put it down to a lack of research but Clenbuterol is often misclassified. The same thing happens with Cardarine.

We have already mentioned Cardarine is generally considered to be one of the best SARMs for cutting and fat loss. But it's not a SARM. It's a PPAR receptor agonist that's included in most of the best SARMs cutting stacks.

Best SARMS Alternative Options - Legal Alternative

There are several manufacturers and supplement specialists that produce legal sarms alternatives. Arguably the best SARMs company (and brand) is Crazy Bulk - a US supplement company.
The flagship product with the range is the Crazybulk Sarms Cutting Stack that contains 3 of the best sarms for cutting.

All products contain natural ingredients and will not infringe any regulations laid down by WADA (World Anti Doping Agency)

Most Frequently Used SARMs Cutting Stack?

Here is an example of a the most popular SARMs cutting stack combination that was widely used in 2022 and 2023:
●?? ?Ibutamoren (MK677)
●?? ?Cardarine (GW 501516)
●?? ?Ligandrol (LGD4033)
●?? ?Stenabolic (SR9009)

As you can see, it contains four of the top 5 cutting SARMs.

This type of stack is used in 6-week cycles and would need to be followed by a PCT.

Extending the length of the cycle may not produce additional benefits but doing so would increase the dangers.

Cutting SARMs FAQs

Are SARMs anabolic steroids?

SARMs are not steroids but they work in a similar manner. Like steroids, SARMs bind with androgen receptors in the body. However, SARMs are selective. They only bind with the androgen receptors in muscles and bones. Steroids bind with these too. They also bind with the androgen receptors in other bodily tissues. This increases the risk of side effects.

How much fat can I burn with SARMs?

Fat reduction varies from one SARMs user to the next and will be greatly influenced by the quality of your diet, your training regimen, and which SARMs you decide to cycle. However, if you are already burning fat, the best cutting SARMs should help you to burn significantly more.

Are SARMs addictive?

No. Not in a conventional way. However, some research suggests SARMs usage may cause some degree of dependency by providing improvements in energy and body composition, along with the added self-confidence these changes can bring.

If you look and feel your best physically, you may want to continue cycling SARMs to avoid slipping backward.

What happens when you stop taking SARMs to lose fat?

SARMs take over the role of testosterone. This causes your body to cut back on production. After you have finished your SARMs cycle it can take many weeks for things to return to normal. Unless you take relevant steps (PCT), you will experience symptoms of low testosterone such as brain fog, fatigue, low libido, and rapid muscle loss.

Are SARMs worth using to reduce body fat?

Many people believe SARMs can reduce body fat, gain lean muscle mass and increase bone density.

However, SARMs are experimental drugs that are linked to liver damage and other side effects. The other experimental drugs that are often mistaken for SARMs present many health risks as well. Our advice is not to use any bodybuilding drugs. If you want to speed up your muscle growth or fat loss, use a natural SARMs alternative instead.

How long should I cycle off a SARM ?

SARMs cycles should be followed by a break of 6-8 weeks. During this time you will be swapping one type of drug for another because you will need to do a PCT.

Are SARMs FDA-approved?

No, the FDA only approves drugs that are safe and effective. All drugs can cause side effects, but they may still get FDA approval if the benefits appear to be greater than the potential risks.

SARMs are experimental drugs that have poor or unknown safety profiles and may cause liver damage, heart attacks, or strokes.

Research Sources
1. Rev-Erb-α: An Integrator of Circadian Rhythms and Metabolism:?
2. Mitochondria:?
3. Circadian Rhythms:?
4. The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator Gtx-024 (Enobosarm) Improves Lean Body Mass and Physical Function in Healthy Elderly Men and Postmenopausal Women: Results of a Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase Ii Trial:?
5. Drug-Induced Liver Injury From Enobosarm (Ostarine), a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators:?
6. Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Delta Agonist (PPAR- δ) and Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARM) Abuse: Clinical, Analytical and Biological Data in a Case Involving a Poisonous Combination of GW1516 (Cardarine) and MK2866 (Ostarine):?
7. Liver Injury Associated With the Use of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators and Post-cycle Therapy: Two Case Reports and Literature Review:?

Best SARMS for Cutting Summary and Conclusion
If you are looking for the best SARMS for cutting cycles we recommend using a stack. Cardarine, Stenabolic and Ostarine synergise well to cut and get ripped quickly. If you want to turbocharge your results you can add Ibutamoren and Ligandrol into the mix to create the perfect SARM cutting stack.

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