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Best Pill To Lose Belly Fat 2023 - Which Fat Burning Supplements Best Target Stubborn Fat?

Hunter Burn is a premium weight loss pill that uses it's resources well, providing only the best of the best ingredients around that can help you lose belly fat. Being premium it is quite expensive compared to the competition, but once you see what it's capable of you'll see that its price is justified.

Best Pill To Lose Belly Fat

Though a lot of people are motivated by fitness goals, most of the time we want to lose weight because we're unhappy with how certain things look on our bodies. The most common place being belly fat, which is annoyingly one of the hardest places to actually burn fat effectively. Now it's not like if you take any of the fat burning pills on this list that you'll magically lose the stubborn belly fat overnight, but instead what even the very best belly fat burner supplement will do is simply give you that final push over the finish line. That is to say that if you don't plan on sticking to a plan of regular exercise and a healthy diet, then you're unlikely to lose weight at all, never mind have a shot at tackling belly fat.

That said, the weight loss pills we've chosen for you today have been selected as they help your natural fat burning hormones do there thing, as well as other natural fat burner processes such as increasing your resting metabolic rate and providing your body with the precursors to such mechanisms as burning fat tissue, helping to increase the efficiency with which your body burn fat. This will help you to get to the point where you'll burn excess fat much earlier on your weight loss journey than would have otherwise been possible.

Without any further delay, let's get into what is our choice for the best pill to lose belly fat.

Our Choice For The Best Belly Fat Burners?

Hunter Burn - The best belly fat burner overall


Hunter Burn is a premium weight loss pill that uses it's resources well, providing only the best of the best ingredients around that can help you lose belly fat. Being premium it is quite expensive compared to the competition, but once you see what it's capable of you'll see that its price is justified.

Hunter Burn is made by Hunter Evolve , which have made quite the name for themselves with their other dietary supplements which are a nootropic called Hunter Focus and a testosterone booster called Hunter Test. This has firmly cemented them as a name that provides only the highest quality ingredients, with carefully planned formula's to be as effective as possible, and their foray into weight loss supplements has not affected their momentum, showing once again that they know how to provide the best dietary supplements around.

One of the more impressive feats Hunter Evolve have accomplished with Hunter Burn is that it's actually FDA approved. This is monumental, as anyone who has spent anytime research this field can attest to. The most common words on any supplements page is "these claims have not been FDA approved", so Hunter Burn being able to be one of the very few to instead say that they have been approved is a great testament that they're not only providing the best fat burner supplements, but are prioritising the health of safety of their customers over all else, something that can't be said for it's competition.

Highlighted Features of the Best Pill to Lose Belly Fat

??? ?Strong appetite suppression
??? ?Scientifically backed formula
??? ?Boost metabolism via thermogenesis
??? ?Targets belly fat
??? ?Reduce caloric impact of carbohydrates
??? ?FDA approved weight loss supplement
??? ?Highly dosed formula
??? ?Fast acting ingredients

Ingredients Breakdown

Let's take a look at what the highest quality weight loss pill considers worthy ingredients.

Quite literally the king of appetite suppression , glucomannan is a common ingredient because it's undeniably effective at what it does. Derived from the konjac root that grows in Asia, you may have encountered some kind of konjac based carb replacement, as it's become far more popular as of late. They most commonly take the form of noodles or pasta and are a great way to feel full without really eating all that much.
The way glucomannan works is it essentially expands in your stomach, making you to feel full with less calories, and keeps you feeling fuller for longer as its a fiber, which are otherwise known as slow release carbs.

It's been proven by clinical studies time and time again to be a highly effective way to suppress appetite. We found one clinical study that took 20 obese subjects and gave them glucomnnan 1 hour prior to each meal, whilst instructing them to not change their exercise or eating habits. After the 8 week trial an average of 5.5lbs had been lost by the glucomannan group, showing how effective it is as a an ingredient for the best pill to lose belly fat [1].

Cayenne Pepper
A common culinary spice that is beloved around the world for its sharp heat, thanks to the capsaicin involved. It's also this capsaicin that we want to talk about here, as these spicy oils work as what's known as a thermogenic fat burner.

Thermogenesis is the process by which our bodies create heat, and it's a process shared by all warm blooded animals, and even some plants. When we ingest capsaicin it temporarily increases the amount of heat our muscles generate, increasing the amount of energy needed, or calories. You can see then that this has the effect of essentially increasing metabolic rate, so when combined with a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, helps you burn just that little bit more calories, helping to push you into caloric deficit.
We found an analysis of clinical trials for the antiobesity properties of capsaicin, within which there was a trial focuses on the thermogenic fat burner properties and how it might promote weight loss. This trial found an 8% increase to weight loss in the capsaicin-treated group [2].

Matcha Green Tea Extract
Green tea is a drink that is enjoyed the world over, but has the most cultural significance in Asian countries. It's long believed to have therapeutic effects, and these have been studied in modern times in order to separate speculation from fact.

The small caffeine content has some role to play in green tea extract but we'll talk about that in more detail further along in the review as it's effects will be mild at best for the small quantity that green tea provides. Instead we'll talk about something known as catechins, which are polyphenols that reside within green tea, and even more specifically EGCG's. These are thought to have anti-obesity effects, and so have been studied thoroughly.

There have been many studies that have indicated the positive effects green tea has on weight management. For example, a cross-sectional survey of 1210 adults demonstrated that habitual tea drinkers showed a 19.6% reduction in body fat and a 2.1% reduction in waist-to-hip ratio over a period of ten years, when compared to non-habitual tea drinkers [3] Due to the positive effects that it has on bloating it makes it's definitely an ingredient that we want to see in the best pill to lose belly fat.

A common ingredient in sleep aids as it helps ones body to relax, helping to promote sleep without any sedative effects. This is helpful in weight loss as it's vital we get enough restful sleep if we're trying to lose weight, which we'll talk about in more detail further on, but it's not just this effect that we want to talk about today.
In our bodies is what is known as the lipid metabolism, which can be understood simply as the processes our bodies both store fat, and access stored fat for energy. This process is of course very important when it comes to weight loss, and L-theanine has brilliant effects in this area. See, when we store fat it is stored as white adipose tissue. In order to access this tissue for the energy held within, it needs to undergo a browning process, and this is where L-Theanine comes in.
What L-Theanine does is it activates the browning of white adipose tissue, making it more available for our bodies to burn, therefore increasing the efficiency with which fat is burned for energy [4]. This has been clinically observed to have a positive impact on weight loss and as such, L-theanine has found itself in some of the best fat burning supplements around.

Vitamin D3
Known widely as the sunshine vitamin, Vitamin D is a highly important essential mineral that seems to have an effect on almost all aspects of our lives. It's a sad truth then that over 40% of Americans are deficient in vitamin D, and suffer as a consequence.

One such way the populace might be suffering is metabolically. This is because Vitamin D deficiency has been closely associated with obesity, with most overweight individuals displaying lower than normal levels of Vitamin D.
It's good news then to hear that we've clinically observed an improvement in obesity symptoms when Vitamin D supplementation is introduced, with one study taking 40 obese women who were all vitamin D deficient and supplemented them over 6 weeks. The group supplementing vitamin D saw a significant reduction in BMI, weight and many other factors when compared to the control group [5]

White Kidney Bean Extract
This is where things get really interesting with Hunter Burn, as so far the ingredients we've been talking about are all fantastic, but they're also rather common affairs in many a fat burning supplement. This isn't a bad thing in anyway, but for something that tops this list it's kind of treading water... that's until we look at white kidney bean extract.

This is because what this excellent ingredient has been found to do is actually reduce the caloric impact on carbohydrates, the most calorie dense (and delicious) food group available. This definitely sounds too good to be true, so we totally understand why you might be hesitant to believe us, but it's really true. How it works is quite simple, as the way we digest food is via enzymes. One such enzyme is called Alpha-amylase and it's role is to break down starchy chains, which are commonplace within carbohydrates. White Kidney Bean Extract contains blockers for this enzyme, reducing how effective it is and ultimately reducing the amount of calories absorbed from such carbohydrates. Now this is a good time to once again bring up that this pill to lose belly fat won't lose weight for you, but will simply help you lose weight faster via conventional means. That is to say that it doesn't matter how much white kidney bean extract you've had, you won't get away with living off pizza every day.

Looking at the trials and you can see how this has been observed to be effective. One such trial took a group of volunteers that were divided into two groups and supplemented white kidney beans for 35 consecutive days and analysed many different aspects of losing weight. As a result, the average amount of weight lost by the group supplementing white kidney bean extract was 2.24kg, where the placebo group only lost 0.29kg [6].

Hunter Burn, The Best Pill to Lose Belly Fat Verdict

There's little else to say really, Hunter Burn is a great fat burner and a fantastic option for whoever can afford it. It may seem a bit expensive to some, but what you're paying for provides more than enough value to justify the price point by being such a reliable way to push your weight loss journey to it's next stages.
Just the fact that it reduces the caloric impact of carbs alone makes this one of the best fat burning supplements around, but add on top of that the appetite suppression, the thermogenesis and the amazing weight loss properties of green tea extract and you have a formula that could have only come from the brilliant minds of Hunter Evolve. Make sure you check it out today.

Instant Knockout Cut - The best belly fat burner for men


It might not seem clear at first that it's worth making a distinction between the sexes, and it's correct to think that there's not much difference in it, but men and women have different struggles when it comes to losing weight and that's where these clever fat burning supplements play their strengths.

For men, it's more about maximising a metabolic advantage. As men are able to grow muscle mass much faster than women, the average man has a higher metabolic rate than the average woman, and can build this metabolic rate both faster and higher. This is where Instant Knockout Cut focuses, by providing you the perfect diet pills to enhance your workouts. It's by no means exclusive to men, and many women have found instant knockout cut to work perfectly for them, but it's still without a doubt the best pill to lose belly fat for men.

Looking at how this fat burner supplement was designed, it was actually made in conjunction with professional MMA coaches who were looking for something that could help their fighters to meet weigh-in goals whilst remaining as competitive as possible. To put it simply, they needed a way to help them to lose weight without losing muscle mass or strength, and that's exactly what Instant Knockout Cut aims to do.

Highlighted Features
??? ?Fast acting belly fat burner
??? ?Boost metabolism via thermogenesis
??? ?Strong appetite suppression
??? ?Scientifically backed natural ingredients
??? ?Transparent, honest labelling
??? ?Lose weight without losing muscle
??? ?Made in FDA approved facilities

Ingredients Breakdown
If we encounter repeat ingredients we'll simply summarise their effects to avoid repetition.

Vitamin D3
An essential vitamin synthesised from the sun, the deficiency of which has been linked with obesity. That's not just because people who have less vitamin D are outside less though. It plays a role in your metabolism and how your body stores fat. It has also been shown to give you more energy, and improve athletic performance (aka your workouts) meaning that it's one of the best ingredients to have to help you lose belly fat.

A powerful amino acid that makes fat cells more available to burn for energy. This helps your body burn fat specifically. It's not going to target just belly fat, but fat in general though. But, it's still a good ingredient and one instant knockout shares with the best pill to lose belly fat overall Hunter Burn.

Green Tea Extract
A popular drink containing EGCG's, studied for their anti-obesity effects. There's a few ways in which this works, one by being a lipase inhibitor, which means that it stops the body from processing some calories from fat by preventing your enzymes which break down fat from bonding too it. It is also a mild appetite suppressant. And has been shown to help the body break down fat, resulting in it being a good inclusion for our best pill to lose belly fat for men, Instant Knockout.

Cayenne Pepper
A common spice across the globe that boosts metabolic rate by increasing the amount of heat generated by our muscles. It's active ingredient capsaicin is in all of the contenders for best pill to lose belly fat.

Able to suppress appetite by increasing in volume inside your stomach, making your feel full faster and for longer. As we'd expect from any of the ingredients in what is arguably the best pill to lose belly fat, it has some extra benefits beyond helping you diet. It's a prebiotic, that means that it helps your gut bacteria out. And as one of the things that makes your belly fat look bigger is bloating, there's an added benefit.

Vitamin B6 and B12
We've grouped these as B vitamins play quite similar roles in that they help us to get the energy from our foods into our cells as fuel. This has led them to be studied rather extensively for their potential as weight loss supplements.

Staring in numerical order we have vitamin B6, of which we found a study that took 44 obese patients and had them divided randomly between a control (placebo) and treated group. After 8 weeks the scientists observed that weight, BMI, body fat percentage and waist circumference had all reduced in the treated group, showing that B6 supplementation is effective in reducing BMI and improving body composition/ biochemical markers associated with obesity [7].

Vitamin B12 is similar to vitamin D in that a deficiency seems to be associated with obesity. To test this, one study enrolled 976 patients of varying levels of health (414 were obese, 212 overweight and then the control was 351 patients of a healthy weight) and tested their vitamin B12 levels. It was found that the B12 levels were much lower in those who were overweight and obese, and a significant correlation between the lowest B12 levels found in those with the worst BMI [8].

Caffeine Anhydrous
This is quite literally the most commonly taken drug on the planet, found in many popular drinks including tea and coffee. It's known largely for its stimulant effects, as it increases focus and alertness, but there are many ways that it can help as a weight loss tool.

It's known to increase thermogenesis, increasing metabolic rate in the same way cayenne pepper does, and it's also been found to have some appetite suppressant effects. This is all great, but the main advantage it provides Instant Knockout is its ability to increase the intensity of workouts [9].
This has been shown time and time again, and can be observed in everything from its presence in pre-workout formulas and its presence in modern day competitive sports.

Black Pepper Extract
More than just a common pairing to salt, black pepper contains piperine, which is the compound that gives it that biting flavor. This compound also helps to increase the bioavailability of nutrients, making it essentially have the effect of increasing the effectiveness of everything else within Instant Knockout Cut. This is why you'll see it in many dietary supplements, not just weight loss pills.

By focusing on exercise primarily, Instant Knockout Cut reaches the top of our list for men who are looking for a way to shift belly fat for good. It'll work for women too ofcourse, but it's worth baring in mind that our next choice might work better for you personal struggles.
Instant knockout doesn't forget the important of diet either, providing glucomannan for that all important appetite suppressant effects and then the thermogenic fat burners included to help increase calories burned. All of this comes together to provide a great way to help reduce fat and build muscle mass.

Hourglass Fit - The Best Pill to Lose Belly Fat for women


First we had the men, but of course we can't forget the women. Now because women require a higher percentage of body fat than men, your hormones work quite different in regards to food and diet. In simple terms, women are more likely to suffer mood swings when craving food, making you more likely to give in to said cravings. As such, if you were to design a fat burner specifically for women, appetite suppression and mood regulation would be the highest priority.

This is where Hourglass Fit comes in, and it's clear to see that from the ground up this impressive fat burner has been designed with the woman's body in mind. Now again, of course this formula will work for men too, but it's women that will really see the heights it can reach as a fat burner.

Highlighted Features
??? ?Designed specifically for women
??? ?Strong appetite suppression
??? ?Boost metabolism via thermogenesis
??? ?Fight cravings with mood regulation
??? ?Stimulant free fat burner
??? ?Transparent, honest labelling
??? ?Scientifically backed formula

Ingredients Breakdown

Vitamins B6 and B12
Helps to convert energy from food into energy for cells, the deficiencies of which have been linked with obesity. They're also been linked to fat storage meaning they're good for helping you lose belly fat.

Black Pepper Extract
Increases bioavailability of other ingredients, making them more effective. It's not going to help you burn fat by itself, but it is going to help make all of the other ingredients in the best pills to lose belly fat work more effectively.

Cayenne Pepper
A common spice across the globe that boosts metabolic rate by increasing the amount of heat generated by our muscles. We covered capsacin in a bit more detail when we talked about hunter burn, the best pill to lose belly fat overall.

Able to suppress appetite by increasing in volume inside your stomach, making your feel full faster and for longer. It expands about 50x larger as we said earlier. It's also important to remember if you want this to work to help you lose belly fat, then you're going to need to make sure you drink plenty of water with it so that the glucomannan can actually expand.

This is where Hourglass Fit comes into a league of its own, and basically earned it top spot for best pill to lose belly fat for women. As we mentioned briefly previously, the major struggle women face when losing weight is mood regulation, as hormones linked with negative emotion spike when craving food. Evolutionarily this makes sense as it's far more vital women's body fat percentage doesn't drop too far, and so there was an evolutionary advantage to incentivise stocking up as much as possible.

In the modern day this just presents a bit of a problem, as the only real way to lose weight is to reduce your calorie intake below a particular threshold to force your body to use stored fat as energy. 5HTP however is a precursor to dopamine and serotonin, and supplementation has been observed to have the ability to suppress appetite.

We found a study supporting this that took 20 obese people and randomly assigned half to receive 5HTP and the other to act as the control. It went over two consecutive periods of 6 weeks, the second of which came with a prescribed diet. Significant weight loss was observed in 5HTP treated patients during both periods, with a notable reduction in carbohydrate intake as well as a consistent presence of early satiety [10].

Zinc is an essential mineral that is rather plentiful in foods, and is notable for its involvement in cellular metabolism, similar to B vitamins. It's no surprise then that its been studied for its potential as a weight loss supplement, just as B vitamins have been.

This has proved rather fruitful, as there have been many studies that show zinc to be quite useful when trying to lose belly fat. We found one study that took 40 obese subjects and randomly assigned some to receive zinc supplements for a period of 15 weeks. Both groups were under a restricted calorie diet that was 300 calories below estimated energy requirements.

It was found that reductions of body weight, BMI, waist circumference and hip circumference were significantly higher in the group supplementing Zinc, leading the scientists to conclude that zinc supplementation has favourable effects on weight less when in combination with a restricted calorie diet [11].

Vitamin B2
Also known as riboflavin, vitamin B2 is one of the 8 B vitamins (don't ask why they go up to 12) and is similarly involved in the conversion from foods into energy by the body, as well as fat metabolism.
This inclusion is mainly for protection against deficiency, as B2 deficiency is far more common than B6 and B12, and without it your body will be getting a lot less worth out of the calories you do eat. As a bonus for women, B2 is also important for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails.

This is a naturally occurring essential trace element that is relatively abundant in the earth crust. It's most commonly found in vegetables, though the amount we get from food has diminished over the years. This is because, in order to get Chromium into food sufficiently, the plants need to absorb it from the soil, and this takes both a nutrient rich soil and time. Modern agricultural practices require both less nutrient dense soil and less time, so you can see how the amount we receive has lessened over the years.

This is unfortunate, as it's become clear that Chromium has a protective effect against obesity and is directly involved in the regulation of both carbohydrates and the lipid metabolism. This is hugely important, as its carbohydrates and sugary treats that our bodies commonly crave, leading to overeating and snacking, whereas Chromium helps to reduce these cravings down [12], making it a perfect fit in Hourglass Fits formula and one of many reasons it's the best pill to lose belly fat for women.

What's the Best Pill to Lose Belly Fat Final Verdict

There we have it, the top of the hill when it comes to all things appetite suppressant. A genius formula designed quite carefully to be perfect for any woman struggling to lose that belly fat, helping you to lose weight easier by reducing food cravings, tackling appetite, helping with mood regulation and increasing metabolic rate via thermogenesis.

It's no surprise that Hourglass Fit is very popular and has a stellar reputation thanks to it's transparent dosing. It's not the only weight loss pill out there that is marketed towards women but it's only one with a fully scientifically backed and properly dosed formula, that was actually designed with the obstacles women face with weight loss in mind.

Honorable mentions - Best Budget Options?

The three we've spoken about are definitely at the top of their respective fields, but they might price out some people so we dug in to find what budget options might be worth your time and found two offerings by Jacked Factory in Burn XT and Lean PM.

Now when it comes to budget options for fat burners there's really only two ways it goes - you either get a poorly dosed formula of expensive ingredients or a well dosed formula of cheap ingredients, and it's the latter here that you want to look for as, if an ingredient is under dosed, it's not going to have much of a positive impact at all, whereas at least the cheaper ingredients will do what they're supposed to when they're dosed properly, but if you're looking for the best pill to lose belly fat, then unfortunately the slightly more expensive options are going to be a lot better.

Burn XT focuses primarily on being a thermogenic fat burner, providing a good dose of cayenne and caffeine to achieve these effects, as well as Acetyl-L-Carnitine. Lean PM is a little bit more specialised as it focuses on making sure you're getting enough sleep, as if you're not it can be detrimental to your weight loss goals. Both are great options if you're looking for something on the cheaper side. They might not have the same sort of power as our top contenders, but in terms of saving the money, these are definitely your best options.


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