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Best Clomid PCT Guide: Why It’s The Most Potent Testosterone Booster

Clomid is a type of SERM, a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It works in the opposite way to SARMs, which are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

Best Clomid PCT

In this complete Clomid PCT guide, you are going to learn everything you need to know to use it to successfully bounce back your testosterone levels. To me reviews out there skip over exactly how it works, and how it differs from Nolvadex. It’s crucial to understand that, so you can make a good decision on which is best for your situation.

I’ll also explain that some SARMs don’t require the use of PCT supplements at all, and what I tell you might surprise you.

Put together, this is everything you need to know about Clomid, how to use it (including cycle length and dosage), side effects and warnings, and where you can buy Clomid to use as a bodybuilding PCT.

The SARMs You Need PCT Supplements For

Not all SARMs require PCT supplement use, because not all SARMs are androgenic in the effects they have in the body.

Androgenic SARMs work by mimicking the effects of testosterone in muscle and bone tissue. They selectively activate androgen receptors in those areas, increasing the androgenic effects, but without increasing levels of testosterone.

But the body assumes from these signals that you have more testosterone than you naturally need, so it starts to diminish its own production to get back to equilibrium. But in reality, you are getting lower and lower in testosterone as you progress through a SARMs cycle.

These are the SARMs that modulate the androgen receptor:

  • RAD-140 Testolone
  • LGD-4033 Ligandrol
  • S-4 Andarine
  • MK-2866 Ostarine
  • S-23

So if you are using any of those SARMs, then you don’t need PCT, because you won’t start to diminish your own supply.

Ostarine does work on the androgen receptor, so don’t let people tell you it isn’t androgenic. But it’s very mild, and unless you are taking doses of around 30 mg or higher per day, then you won’t notice a drop of any significant level.

On the other side of the coin, these are the chemicals that are grouped with SARMs but aren’t actually androgenic at all:

  • GW-501516 Cardarine
  • YK-11 Myostatin
  • MK-677 Ibutamoren
  • SR-9009 Stenabolic

So you can use those as much as you want and they won’t affect your testosterone supply. However, YK-11 is a myostatin inhibitor that works very much like an anabolic steroid, and in some people, it can produce anabolic side effects, so you may need a post-cycle therapy supplement if you use it.

How Does Clomid Work?

Clomid is a type of SERM, a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator. It works in the opposite way to SARMs, which are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators. So rather than acting on the androgen receptors, Clomid instead modulates the estrogen receptors, telling the body it has estrogen and blocking the activity of estrogen on the receptors.

Clomid work specifically in this way within the pituitary gland, blocking estrogen receptors there.

Oestrogen binding to the pituitary gland receptors lowers the production of both follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Both of these are crucial to stimulating testosterone production in the testes.

So blocking these receptors, it stops estrogen from lowering levels of these two crucial androgens.

But Clomid is stronger than a normal SERM because it also stimulates higher production of both of these male hormones. Therefore, you don’t just maintain your levels, you can accelerate production above natural.

That’s why some guys use Clomid on cycle. Not only does it stop estrogenic problems, but it can actually boost muscle growth, strength, and endurance levels.

Clomid Benefits For Bodybuilders

These are the benefits that you can get from using Clomid as a bodybuilding PCT supplement:

  • Will increase testosterone production
  • Lifts aggression and determination levels
  • Improves your mood and outlook
  • Reverses problems with gyno
  • Counteracts messages from androgenic sarms
  • Can develop more lean muscle mass

Note that some of the main benefits of Clomid are not actually due to Clomid at all. They are down to the increase in testosterone levels. Either helping you regain lost levels, or even spiking them so you could technically improve strength and determination, and develop more lean muscle mass.

In fact, some people do use Clomid during the cycle to spike testosterone levels and get bigger gains.

But, doing that alongside SARMs or steroids to me seems pretty crazy. You are messing with your androgen levels in a way that could lead to semi-permanent, or even permanent, fluctuations outside normal levels.

For me, the benefit of using Clomid as a bodybuilder is that it’s a very potent SERM that stands the best chance of regaining normal levels of testosterone production, and even beyond that, after a SARMs cycle.

Clomid Vs Nolvadex

There has always been a Clomid and Nolva PCT debate going on online, and in the real world between people advocating one, or both. There are similarities, but there are some differences as well.

Let’s talk you through three main differences between Clomid and Nolvadex here:

  1. Both Clomid and Nolvadex are SERMs. However, Clomid is more aggressive. Therefore, it will bounce your testosterone levels back higher faster. But this comes at an increase in cost of potentially more severe side effects in the short, medium, and long term.
  2. Nolvadex is milder. It binds to the estrogen receptors in blocks activity there. However, it does it more mildly, and it doesn’t boost levels of FH and FSH. So it can help rebound you back to natural production levels, but not beyond them.
  3. Although both are taken within comparable dosage ranges, at those same levels, Nolvadex will produce far weaker levels of testosterone rebound. You would have to take twice as much Nolvadex to get similar effects to half the dose of Clomid, and you still wouldn’t get elevated FH and FSH production.

Clomid PCT Dosage Guide & Cycle Length

You should start using Clomid as soon as you spot any of the symptoms of your testosterone production levels starting to drop:

  • Decreasing levels of gains and strength output
  • Slowing in shredding (body fat loss)
  • Lowering of enthusiasm and drive
  • Lack of physical and emotional energy
  • Feelings of empathy and depression
  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Potential change in tissue around the nipples

My advice is to stop the SARMs cycle immediately when two or more of those symptoms start to get notable. Some people continue and ignore it for a while, and others start PCT on cycle.

At the very least, taper your SARMs dosed down. On the androgenic SARMs, half the doses and don’t run them from more than another week or so.

But my preference is to say that as soon as you feel the symptoms, just stop. Start your PCT, and be cautious with your androgen levels.

You’ll take Clomid at the start of the day. For moderate levels of testosterone drop, take 50 mg. For feelings of severe drop, take 100 mg per day.

Some people split the doses and take half in the morning and a half in the afternoon. It really is entirely up to you and it can mean a smoother ride splitting the dose, but splitting the doses means less of a hit and more chance of you forgetting about it.

You should start seeing results after two weeks, and be getting back to normal after four weeks. However, sometimes you have to run PCT for two months to really reinstate your natural production levels (it depends on the aggressiveness of the SARMs you have used).

After two weeks, half your dose, and after four weeks, half that dose again. Or, after four weeks, switch to the milder dose of Nolvadex (25 mg per day is a good starting point).

Should You Use Clomid On The Cycle?

Some people do use Clomid or Nolvadex on the cycle. The idea is it counteracts the effects of testosterone depletion and attacks the estrogen effects by binding to the estrogen receptors. However, you’re creating a push and pull at the same time you are pressuring your body with your workouts.

For me, if you’re feeling the signs of depletion, at least taper down dramatically; or my recommendation is to stop and hit PCT fully. You can always run Ostarine post-cycle to protect your gains as well.

Can Clomid Build Muscle And Strength?

Some people do run Clomid on cycle because it can spike your testosterone levels. This leads to increases in muscle gains, strength, and determination. However, this can lead to aggressiveness, and can really affect how you feel and act due to problems with testosterone depletion and gains happening together.

You are using SARMs to build muscle and strength, so use Clomid for PCT. Stick to one drug for one thing and one drug for the other, then you stand less chance of problems and long-term damage.

Clomid Side Effects & Warnings

People talk about Clomid as if it’s a cup of tea. It’s a very potent chemical, that you are using off-label for reasons it was never created for.

These are the issues you need to watch out for and be aware of, with Clomid use:

  1. Prolonged use may reduce your bone density. Even though testosterone increases bone density, one study in men a few years ago did show that long-term use actually seemed to accelerate osteoporosis levels in older men.
  2. Clomid does cause water retention. So you will have watery weight and bloating. This is normal and it should go in a couple of weeks.
  3. Because testosterone production in the testes is stimulated so much, after weeks of diminishing activity, it can cause pain. This pain can occur in the testicles, through the reproductive tract, and can even present as a more general abdominal pain that can lead to you thinking you are ill.
  4. At higher doses, one of the most common short-term side effects is disturbances in your vision. Unless you’re taking doses over 100 mg per day for weeks on end, then this usually disappears within a few days of stopping.

Natural Alternative To Clomid

If you’re really smashing your testosterone levels then you need Clomid. Don’t try and sidestep that, you will cause yourself long-term problems.

If you don’t want to use Clomid, you can use Nolvadex. Use higher doses to try and rebound big drops, or for more moderate use of SARMs, Nolvadex will be fine.

But, for moderate drops, you could find that you don’t need Nolvadex or Clomid at all. There are some potent natural alternatives out there that definitely can lift your testosterone levels by around 10%.

Rebirth PCT is one of those supplements I will highlight here. I have experience with this one, so I’m confident in its effects.

It contains several natural testosterone-boosting ingredients and one ingredient that works as a natural estrogen blocker. Combining those benefits, it can definitely help to stop the effects of estrogen and gently lift your testosterone levels as well.

It’s easy to use, just like Nolvadex or Clomid. You take the same amount of pills every day, for the length of time you need to. Easy, and uses completely natural ingredients to get the results.

Where Can I Buy Clomid Online?

It’s getting tougher to find SARMs, peptides, nootropics, in fact, anything off-label.

This is thanks to the Chinese ban on the manufacture of many of these chemicals and the Russian war against Ukraine, with both of those countries being former produces many of these chemicals.

One company that is still reliable in selling them is Swiss Chems. Based in the USA, they offer fast delivery there and global shipping options as well.

Right now, you can get the generic versions of Nolvadex and Clomid for very reasonable prices, alongside a couple of other well-known PCT supplement options:

  • Clomid (clomiphene) – 60 capsules, each dosed at 25 mg @ $69.95
  • Nolvadex (Tamoxifen) – 60 capsules, each dosed at 20 mg @ $80
  • Raloxifene – 60 capsules, each dosed at 20 mg @$85.95
  • Anastrozole – 60 capsules, each dosed at 0.5 mg @$63.95

So, all at reasonable prices, with at least a month’s supply in most cases, and in a convenient capsule format. Swiss Chems also sell SARMs in capsules, making them a great place to buy both.

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