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Best Appetite Suppressant Pills Over The Counter In 2023 & Top 3 Hunger Control Supplements

This can be quite a struggle. Luckily, we have created out list of the 6 very best appetite suppressants in 2023, to help everyone find the ideal natural appetite suppressant supplement for their needs.

Appetite Suppressant Pills

When it comes to losing weight, one of the biggest issues that most people face is sticking to a healthy diet and reduced calorie intake. Unfortunately, no matter how much hard work you put in down the gym, weight loss simply will not occur if your diet doesn't match your goals.?

While there are lots of different weight loss pills on the market, taking appetite suppressants is the best option for people like this. Natural appetite suppressants work by tricking your body into thinking it is full, which takes away your desire to eat and helps you stay on track.?

Thankfully, there is no need to turn to prescription appetite suppressants, as there are plenty of over-the-counter appetite suppressants that work incredibly well. The only issue that you may have is, how do you work out what is the best appetite suppressant for you personally??

With appetite suppressing supplements often using an array of strange ingredients, this can be quite a struggle. Luckily, we have created out list of the 6 very best appetite suppressants in 2023, to help everyone find the ideal natural appetite suppressant supplement for their needs.?

How to use Appetite Suppressant Supplements?

It's important to follow the timing directions, a lot of appetite suppressant supplements require about an hour to take effect and then work for about 3-4 hours thereafter. That's because some of them work by tricking your stomach into thinking it's full or partially full. So if you eat straight afterwards they're not going to have the desired effect. You may just end up feeling overly full.?

Summary of the Best OTC Appetite Suppressants?

Best OTC Appetite Suppressant - Hunter Burn ?

Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For Women - Hourglass Fit ?

Best Appetite Suppressant Pills To Boost Metabolism - Instant Knockout?

What Is In The 6 Best Appetite Suppressant Pills Available Over The Counter 2023?

When it comes to the best appetite suppressant pills we're looking for a couple of key ingredients that make a natural appetite suppressant effective. We'll be looking for options that contain all of the following ingredients as a base with unique additions to make them stand out. With the exception of caffeine as whilst it can be an effective appetite suppressant, some people are sensitive to the ingredient, although there are some extracts that can be taken from coffee whilst removing the stimulant caffeine.?

Why Glucomannan is the Backbone of The Best Appetite Suppressant Supplements?

Glucomannan possesses unique properties that make it an excellent aid in weight loss, surpassing regular dietary fiber. However, it is essential to note that glucomannan is most effective when used in conjunction with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and other weight loss therapies. Let's explore the three ways in which glucomannan can contribute to your weight loss journey.?

Helps Control and Regulate Your Appetite?

Glucomannan's interaction with water leads to its expansion and transformation into a viscous, sticky fiber. This expansion occurs when glucomannan combines with water in your stomach, creating a feeling of fullness. By tricking your stomach into thinking it is full, glucomannan helps curb your appetite without the need to consume excess food (1).?

This appetite-regulating effect is particularly beneficial for individuals with thyroid problems or leptin resistance, as it helps restore the balance between appetite and metabolism. By using glucomannan, you can naturally and healthily regulate your appetite, preventing overeating and promoting portion control.?

Delays the Absorption of Nutrients?

Glucomannan also plays a role in managing blood sugar and insulin levels, making it valuable for weight loss. Approximately 50% of the American population struggles with insulin resistance, a condition closely linked to weight gain (1). By consuming glucomannan before meals, you can leverage its sticky, viscous fiber to delay the absorption of sugars and carbohydrates in your stomach. This delay prevents a rapid spike in insulin levels after meals, sensitizing your body to insulin and reducing blood sugar levels. As a result, weight loss becomes more achievable as insulin resistance diminishes.?

Supports Healthy Gut Bacteria?

As a fiber, glucomannan has a positive impact on the bacteria in your gut, which play a crucial role in various bodily functions, including metabolism and food cravings. By promoting the growth and diversity of healthy gut bacteria, glucomannan acts as a prebiotic, providing nourishment for these beneficial microorganisms. A healthy and diverse microbiome is associated with easier weight loss and improved overall health. Combining glucomannan with probiotics can yield even more powerful effects on weight, metabolism, and overall well-being.?

And Hunter Burn our number one rated appetite suppressant contains a fantastic 3 grams of glucomannan (which is about the size of 1 and a half bagels in your stomach).?

Caffeine Appetite Suppressant Supplements: Why Caffeine is in a lot of the Best Appetite Suppressant Pills?

Caffeine, the most widely consumed natural stimulant, has the remarkable ability to speed up the signals between our brains and bodies. Research has shown that caffeine, particularly found in coffee, possesses appetite-suppressing properties. Although it may not be the sole solution for shedding those extra pounds gained during the holidays, caffeine can contribute to calorie burning and appetite suppression, playing a pivotal role in weight management.?

Calorie Burning?

One of the notable effects of caffeine on our bodies is its ability to increase energy expenditure, even at rest. Caffeine stimulates our metabolism, enhancing the way our bodies generate heat and energy from digesting food. This increased calorie burning can aid in weight management when combined with a balanced diet and regular exercise. There is also the fact that when dieting the body naturally moves less subconsciously meaning you burn less calories. Adding a stimulant like caffeine reduces this effect. (2)?

Appetite Suppression?

Have you ever noticed a decrease in your desire to eat after consuming a cup of coffee? Caffeine has been found to reduce feelings of hunger and suppress appetite, albeit for a brief period. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals looking to control their food intake and avoid unnecessary snacking between meals.?

The Role of Chlorogenic Acids?

Coffee contains phytochemical compounds known as chlorogenic acids, which are abundant in both green and roasted coffee beans. These acids are biologically active and antioxidant dietary phenols, with the ability to control hunger and suppress appetite. Aside from coffee, chlorogenic acids can also be found in various fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, artichokes, strawberries, pineapple, sunflower, and blueberries.?

If you're looking for a caffeinated appetite suppressant then Instant Knockout is the best on the market right now . Offering a 2000mg dose of glucomannan and a strong dose of caffeine to boot.?

Why We Like 5-HTP Work for Weight Loss?

5-HTP, short for 5-Hydroxytryptophan, is a naturally occurring chemical compound in the body. It is derived from the amino acid L-tryptophan and is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood and appetite. 5-HTP is also found in certain plants, such as the Griffonia simplicifolia.?

Appetite suppression?

When you take 5-HTP supplements, it enters the bloodstream and crosses the blood-brain barrier, increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain. This increase in serotonin helps to curb your appetite and reduce hunger, making it easier to stick to a healthy eating plan and avoid overeating or unnecessary snacking.?

It's even been shown to be an effective appetite suppressant under brain scans where people were actually chemically less interested in unhealthy and sugary foods !?

Improved Mood and Mental Health?

As a precursor to serotonin, 5-HTP can help boost levels of this neurotransmitter in the brain. Serotonin plays a crucial role in regulating emotions and mood. Increasing serotonin levels may help alleviate symptoms of depression, anxiety, and other mood disorders.?

Better Sleep Quality?

Serotonin is also involved in the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep-wake cycles. Taking 5-HTP supplements can increase melatonin production, leading to better sleep quality and improved overall sleep patterns. Sleep is incredibly important for weight loss, and a lot of people struggle to get a good nights rest when they're restricting calories, so this is definitely an added benefit.?

If you're looking for an appetite suppressant with a good amount of 5htp and a full dose of glucommanan as well as some other great ingredients then we recommend hourglassfit .?

Hunter Burn - The Best Appetite Suppressant Supplement Overall?

Hunter Burn

Hunter Burn is comfortably one of the very best weight loss supplements on the market today as, while it prioritises appetite suppression above all else, it also doubles up as a potent fat burner supplement, to try and help you achieve weight loss results from all angles.?

Its potent appetite suppressing abilities are designed to help take your mind off of food cravings, so that normal fat metabolism can occur. The process is then supercharged by the fat burning ingredients present, to help you lose weight as quickly as you possibly can.?

The Hunter Burn formula is centred around a massive 3,000 mg dose of glucomannan (konjac root extract) and an almost as large 500 mg of white kidney bean 20:1 extract. These are then supported by vitamin d3, cayenne pepper, green tea extract, and l-theanine.?

Konjac root extract (glucomannan) and white kidney bean extract are well known for their incredible appetite suppressing capabilities (1). By combining both of them in one dietary supplement, this already gives Hunter Burn the edge over other otc appetite suppressants.?

Vitamin D3, cayenne pepper, and green tea extract can all help to boost the absorption and efficacy of the other ingredients in a weight loss pill, supressing appetite even further.?

However, cayenne pepper and green tea extract also have thermogenic properties which will directly promote fat burning as well, while the vitamin d can help to boost your energy levels, workout performance, and overall health, to keep you losing weight at a good rate (3)(4)(5).?

The amino acid l-theanine then aids your ability to focus, sleep, and relax, boosts your energy and immunity, and reduces anxiety and stress, to keep your weight loss journey on track (6).?

Each of its ingredients is present in its optimal dose, to ensure maximum efficacy and help make Hunter Burn the most powerful and effective appetite suppressant supplement available over the counter, and one which is better than many prescription appetite suppressants too.?

In fact, when you then throw in its reasonable price tag and ability to burn fat directly, boost your energy levels, enhance both exercise performance and your overall health, and speed up recovery time, it can even claim to be one of the very best weight loss supplements in general.?


  • Contains optimal doses of all of its ingredients, to ensure maximum efficacy without causing any side effects?
  • Easily one of the most effective appetite suppressants on the market today?
  • Does not feature anything but high quality, clinically proven ingredients?
  • Customer reviews are virtually all extremely positive?


  • Can take a while to get used to, as it may suppress hunger so well that you forget to eat for extended periods at first?

Hourglass Fit - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For Women?

Hourglass Fit

Hourglass Fit is specifically designed to help you lose weight by suppressing appetite. It is made to combat both the physical and mental causes of hunger pangs, to ensure that you can totally avoid getting food cravings and help you stick to a healthy diet and stay on track.?

The Hourglass Fit formula consists of 3 appetite suppressants, it has a potent 3,000 mg dose of konjac root extract (glucomannan), 150 mg of 5-HTP, and 125 mcg of chromium. It also has black pepper extract, cayenne pepper extract, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and zinc.?

The glucomannan will physically suppress hunger by taking up room in your gut. 5-HTP and chromium then effect the serotonin levels in your brain, making you feel happy and satiated, so that you can totally forget about food cravings and keep your calorie intake down (7)(8).?

The black pepper and cayenne pepper extracts will both then further enhance these appetite suppressing effects, as they are known bioavailability enhancers, while also stimulating the fat burning process directly to help promote weight loss on their own (9).?

The vitamins and minerals then add a range of effects, from aiding the appetite suppression or bioavailability of the other ingredients to improving your overall health and wellness (10)(11)(12)(13).?

This all helps to make Hourglass Fit the top appetite suppressant supplements for people who simply cannot focus on their diet, due to both mental and physical food cravings, as it stomps out both before they ever get a chance to take hold.?

This will allow you to stick to the healthy diet and calorie intake required to lose weight, while the optimal doses of the other ingredients will further accelerate the fat burning and weight loss processes, without putting you at risk of experiencing any discomfort or side effects.?


  • Capable of suppressing appetite with both mental and physical means?
  • Contains high yet safe doses of all of its natural ingredients?
  • All of its natural ingredients have been fully scientifically researched and proven to work?
  • Suitable for vegans?
  • Includes free worldwide shipping?


  • Only available on the hourglassfit website?

Instant Knockout Cut - The Best Appetite Suppressant Supplement To Burn Stubborn Fat?

Instant Knockout Cut

Unlike the other weight loss supplements on this list, appetite suppression is not the main function of Instant Knockout Cut, although it is a job that this dietary supplement still performs to a very impressive level.?

Instead, Instant Knockout Cut is a thermogenic fat burner designed to help top level combat sport competitors like boxers and MMA fighters to lose weight before a competition, without losing any muscle mass or using any ingredients that may be banned in their particular sport.?

Instant Knockout Cut is made with only natural ingredients and uses black pepper extract, caffeine, cayenne pepper, glucomannan, green tea extract, l-theanine, vitamin b6, vitamin b12, and vitamin d3, all of which are carefully dosed and work in synchronicity with each other.?

The glucomannan will absorb water in your gut to fill you up, suppress your appetite, and help you consume fewer calories. The green tea extract then improves digestion, to ensure that you do not get bloated, which is a common issue that can occur when consuming this type of fibre.?

Caffeine promotes thermogenesis, speeding up the metabolism of both fatty acids and stored fat, while also boosting your energy levels to help you train harder (2). The l-theanine then prevents the crashes and sleep problems that stimulants like caffeine are well known to cause.?

The cayenne and black pepper extracts further promote thermogenic fat burning, while aiding the absorption of all the other ingredients in the diet pills. Lastly the vitamins will ensure that your body is at peak health and optimal functions at every stage of your weight loss journey.?

Being such a powerful appetite suppressant alone should make Instant Knockout Cut a very popular choice for people who suffer from severe hunger cravings, especially as it contains ingredients that will help prevent the side effects sometimes caused by hunger suppressants.?

However, when you add in its abilities to help you burn excess fat while maintaining muscle mass and boost your energy levels to fuel your training, Instant Knockout Cut is perhaps the very best all around weight loss supplement that is on the market today.?


  • Gluten free, FDA approved, and vegan friendly?
  • Able to promote weight loss through virtually all known pathways?
  • Can be safely used by competitive athletes without risk of it making you fail a drug test?
  • Steps have been taken to prevent it from causing any side effects?
  • Provides both physical and mental support while you are losing weight?
  • A 14 or 30 day money back guarantee covers all purchases if you are not totally satisfied?
  • Has received extremely positive reviews from both athletes and regular users alike?


  • Some people are sensitive to caffeine?

Leanbean - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills To Prevent Sugar Cravings?


Leanbean is a unique weight loss supplement, in that it is specifically designed for women and takes special steps to cater to the needs of the female body. It also manages to do this while using nothing but a range of vegan friendly, gluten free, all natural ingredients.?

Each serving of Leanbean contains 3 grams of glucomannan, as well as green coffee extract (which contains caffeine), choline, acai berry, vitamin b6, and vitamin b12.?

A 3 gram dose of glucomannan is perfect to suppress appetite, keep you feeling full and hunger pangs at bay, and ensure your food intake stays where it needs to be. This helps you to consume fewer calories, promoting both body fat burning and overall weight loss.?

Choline is a compound similar to an amino acid that can boost metabolism of nutrients in your diet, regulate blood sugar levels, and enhance muscular contractions. This can promote weight loss and lean muscle mass growth, helping you to achieve all your physique goals (15).?

The b vitamins further boost metabolism of the nutrients from your food intake and the other ingredients in the diet pills, keep you healthy as you lose weight, and help to suppress appetite even more.?

The caffeine in green coffee beans stimulates thermogenesis, raising your body temperature to boost body fat burning, while raising your energy levels to fuel your exercise performance.?

The chlorogenic acid it contains will then further help to remove excess fat, while preventing inflammation to keep you fit and healthy (15).?

Finally, the acai berries will help to boost both your health and digestion, to ensure you do not experience any complications from the diet pills, such as bloating or constipation (16).?

The fact that acai berries have not had all their claimed benefits conclusively proven, as well as the fact that the supplement does not contain quite as big of a range of unique ingredients as some of the top appetite suppressant supplements are both admittedly a bit of a concern.?

However, when you put all that it does offer together, Leanbean may still be one of the very best appetite suppressant supplements on the market for women who want to lose weight while ensuring they stay healthy and all of the specific needs of their body are taken care of.?


  • Suitable for vegetarians, vegans, and pregnant women?
  • Helps to keep you satiated and prevents hunger cravings and over eating?
  • Thermogenic ingredients help to burn fat stores directly?
  • Manages your nutrient metabolism and blood sugar levels?
  • Prevents weight gain and improves body composition?


  • Some customers have reported that it made them feel a little warm or jittery?
  • Not quite as potent as some other appetite suppressant supplements?
  • Contains less ingredients than some weight loss pills, not all of which are proven to work?

TrimTone - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For Energy?


TrimTone is a herbal appetite suppressant supplement that combines glucomannan with green tea extract, green coffee bean extract, caffeine, and grains of paradise, to help promote body weight loss from all angles.?

Much like in all of the other appetite suppressing supplements on this list, the glucomannan will help you lose weight by making you feel full and preventing overeating. However, where this weight loss supplement differs, is that three of its five ingredients are stimulants.?

Green tea, green coffee bean extract, and caffeine will all give you a great energy boost which, when combined with an appetite suppressant, will help you train harder, burn fat faster, and stick to both the diet and exercise plans that you need to follow to achieve body weight loss.?

They then also offer additional benefits that will both keep you healthy and aid weight loss.?

They can boost metabolism and nutrient absorption, reduce inflammation and high blood pressure, blood sugar, and bad cholesterol levels, enhance brain, heart, and immune system health and functions, and even prevent and treat certain medical conditions.?

Then you have grains of paradise (17). A thermogenic herb in the ginger family, it targets the brown adipose tissue stores in your body directly. As your body can use brown fat more easily than other types of fat, this will lead to greatly accelerated rates of fat burning and weight loss.?

Admittedly, TrimTone will not curb your appetite quite as much as some of the other hunger suppressants on this list. Grains of paradise also requires a great deal more scientific study before its benefits can actually be deemed to be conclusive.?

However, given the effect that it can have on hunger and what else it can do, it may be the best herbal appetite suppressant for people who just want to take the edge off of their hunger, while getting greater help in the energy production and fat burning departments.?


  • Contains a powerful blend of stimulants that are great for boosting your energy levels?
  • Stimulates brown adipose tissue, which is said to promote stubborn fat loss?
  • Can burn fat and promote weight loss through all known mechanisms?
  • Offers other health benefits like optimising your blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol levels and treating and preventing certain medical conditions?


  • The high doses of the multiple stimulants present can cause crashes, particularly in people who are sensitive to stimulants?
  • A gelatin capsule means that it is not suitable for vegetarians or vegans?
  • Does not affect hunger as much as some of the very best appetite suppressant pills?
  • One of its five ingredients has not been conclusively proven to work?

Now Foods Glucomannan - The Best Appetite Suppressant Pills For People On A Budget?

Now Foods Glucomannan capsules are designed as a natural appetite suppressant that focuses solely on curbing your hunger and food cravings, to help you lose weight as fast as possible.?

Unlike most of the appetite suppressant supplements on this list, Now Foods Glucomannan contains nothing but pure konjac root extract. Each serving of the capsules contains 1,725 mg, which is intended to greatly reduce hunger and make sticking to a healthy diet much easier.?

With very few calories and just 2 grams of carbohydrates per serving, all of which comes from dietary fiber, they can pass through the stomach with great ease, while not causing any weight gain, spikes in blood sugar levels, or any unwanted energy.?

There is even evidence that they can help to relive constipation, This not only makes the pills a great natural appetite suppressant, but it also makes them an ideal choice to use before bed, as they will not keep you awake and can actually combat other conditions that would.?

While glucomannan is the only active ingredient in the capsules, they also contain vegetable magnesium stearate. This is to ensure that the powder doesn't stick together and can be easily absorbed, while also potentially improving nutrient absorption and lowering blood sugar levels.?

There are two issues that do need to be mentioned regarding Now Foods Glucomannan. Not only does only containing a single ingredient mean they will only help you lose weight in one way, but the dosage present is also a fair bit lower than in the best appetite suppressant pills.?

However, if you are shopping for over the counter appetite suppressants on a budget or want to use nothing but pure konjac root extract, Now Foods Glucomannan can still be a very good way to go.?


  • Contains nothing but pure konjac root extract which is proven to prevent weight gain?
  • Very reasonably priced?
  • An ideal choice for night time use, as it can keep you satiated and promote restful sleep?
  • Can help lower your blood sugar levels and treat constipation?


  • A bovine gelatin capsule means it is not suitable for vegans or vegetarians?
  • The glucomannan dosage used is lower than in similar natural appetite suppressants?
  • Using just one ingredient means it can only help you lose weight in a single way?

Final Thoughts On The Best Natural Appetite Suppressant Supplements To Help You Lose Weight?

Appetite suppressant supplements are the perfect choice for people who want to lose weight but who struggle to stick to a balanced diet and exercise plan. While there are plenty of great over the counter and prescription appetite suppressants, none are as effective as Hunter Burn.?

Made with a potent dose of a proven appetite suppressant, which is then supported by other ingredients that aid weight loss and fat burning from a variety of angles, it is comfortably the best appetite suppressant supplement on the market today and by quite some margin.?

If, for some reason, you feel it is not the right weight loss pill, one of the other options on our list of the best appetite suppressant supplements surely will be. For everyone else though, we highly recommend you give Hunter Burn a try and see the results that it can offer for yourself.?

Foods That Suppress Appetite?

If you want a bit of extra help on top of an appetite suppressant then we've got a foods that can help boost the effectiveness of natural supplements.?

Ginger: An Energizing Spice that Reduces Hunger?

For centuries, ginger has been revered for its health benefits, particularly its ability to aid digestion and reduce hunger. Whether used in a smoothie or an Indian dish, ginger acts as a natural stimulant that energizes the body and improves digestion, ultimately leading to reduced hunger.?

A small study published in the journal Metabolism found that men who consumed ginger experienced a significant decrease in appetite. Adding ginger to your meals or incorporating it into your daily routine can help you naturally suppress your appetite and achieve your weight management goals.?

Avocado: A Fiber-Rich Fruit that Keeps You Full?

Avocado, the beloved fruit known for its creamy texture, is not only delicious but also a great source of nutrients. Packed with fiber and heart-healthy monounsaturated fats, avocados offer numerous health benefits, including appetite suppression.?

A study published in Nutrients compared the fullness levels of participants who consumed a carbohydrate-based meal with those who ate a meal containing either half or a whole avocado. The results showed that those who ate avocado reported feeling fuller, and their levels of appetite-regulating hormones were elevated. Incorporating avocados into your meals can help you stay satisfied and reduce your overall calorie intake.?

Cayenne Pepper: Spice Up Your Meals and Eat Less?

If you're looking for ways to suppress your appetite, consider adding some spice to your meals. Spices with a kick, like cayenne pepper, can help you eat slower and have a more intuitive eating experience. Additionally, just half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper has been shown to boost metabolism and burn extra calories as it contains a compound known as capsaicin. (18)?

Research published in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that capsaicin from cayenne pepper can increase metabolism, leading to the body burning an additional 10 calories on its own. So, don't be afraid to add a little spice to your meals and reap the appetite-suppressing benefits of cayenne pepper.?

Apples: A Crunchy and Fiber-Rich Snack?

An apple a day not only keeps the doctor away but also helps suppress your appetite. Apples are filled with soluble fiber and pectin, which contribute to feelings of fullness and satisfaction. Just one large apple with its skin contains over 5 grams of fiber, making it an excellent choice for a satisfying snack.?

In addition to their fiber content, apples also regulate glucose levels and provide a natural energy boost. The act of chewing an apple requires time and effort, slowing down your eating process and giving your body more time to register fullness. Plus, the natural sweetness of apples makes them a tasty and healthy choice for curbing hunger.?

Low Calorie Vegetables?

The two best examples that come to mind are cauliflower and spinach, both are only around 100 calories per pound and they are both remarkably filling (assuming you don't overcook the spinach). Cauliflower can be mashed to make a rice as well meaning you can have an option that will keep you full for hours without having to worry about the calories.?

In general green leafy vegetables are the ultimate winners. Rich in thylakoids, this applies to spinach as we mentioned, but also other greens like, kale, broccoli, and mustard greens have been found to be particularly effective in reducing hunger.?

These fibrous greens can be enjoyed raw or lightly sautéed with a drizzle of olive oil. Incorporating them into your meals not only provides essential nutrients but also helps keep hunger at bay.?

Eggs: Protein-Packed Breakfast for Longer Fullness?

Starting your day with eggs can help you feel more satisfied and reduce your calorie intake throughout the day. A study in Nutrition Research found that individuals who consumed eggs for breakfast felt fuller over a 24-hour period compared to those who had a bagel with the same calorie content.?

Eggs are packed with highly-digestible protein, with one large egg containing 12 grams of it. Protein, especially from eggs, has been found to reduce calorie intake by decreasing appetite, according to a study published in Nutrients. So, consider incorporating eggs into your morning routine for a protein-packed start to your day.?

Water: Stay Hydrated to Curb Hunger?

Staying hydrated is not only important for your overall health but also plays a significant role in managing your appetite. Sometimes, what we perceive as hunger is actually thirst. By ensuring you drink enough water throughout the day, you can avoid unnecessary snacking and keep your hunger at bay.?

Research published in the journal Obesity found that drinking two glasses of water before a meal can lead to consuming 75 to 90 fewer calories during that meal. Drinking water not only helps you feel fuller but also aids in digestion and can improve your skin health. So, make it a habit to reach for a glass of water when you feel hungry, and you may notice a significant difference in your appetite.?

Dark Chocolate: A Bittersweet Treat for Hunger Control?

Believe it or not, dark chocolate can be a natural appetite suppressant. Next time you crave something sweet, try slowly savoring a piece or two of dark chocolate with at least 70 percent cocoa content. Dark chocolate has been shown to lower cravings due to its bitter taste, which signals the body to decrease appetite.?

A study in Nutrition & Diabetes compared the appetite suppression effects of dark chocolate and milk chocolate. The researchers found that dark chocolate helps lower cravings and increase feelings of fullness, thanks to the presence of stearic acid, which slows digestion and promotes long-lasting satiety. If the bitterness of dark chocolate is too strong for you, pair it with a cup of black coffee to balance the flavors and enhance the sweetness.?

Wasabi: Spiciness for Appetite Suppression?

If you're a fan of sushi, you may have noticed that it takes less food to fill you up. While fresh fish plays a role, part of the credit goes to the spicy green condiment - wasabi. Research published in the journal Foods suggests that the spiciness in wasabi acts as a natural appetite suppressant and has anti-inflammatory properties.?

Salmon: A Protein and Omega-3 Powerhouse for Satiety?

Salmon, fatty fish rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, is an excellent choice for appetite suppression and overall health. Each 3-ounce serving of fresh salmon contains nearly 17 grams of protein, which helps you feel fuller for longer.?

According to the Journal of Obesity & Metabolic Syndrome, high-protein diets increase signals in the body that indicate feelings of fullness. So, next time you're looking for a satisfying and appetite-suppressing meal, consider incorporating salmon or other protein-rich fish like tuna or herring into your menu.?

Green Tea: A Calorie-Free Beverage that Curbs Cravings?

For those who aren't coffee enthusiasts, green tea offers a natural appetite-suppressing alternative. Green tea contains caffeine and catechins, compounds that have been shown to suppress appetite and increase feelings of fullness, according to a research report in Appetite.?

By incorporating green tea into your daily routine, you can stave off hunger and mindless snacking, all while enjoying a calorie-free beverage.?

Hot Sauce: Spice Up Your Meals, Suppress Your Appetite?

If you can handle the heat, incorporating hot sauce into your meals can be an effective way to suppress your appetite. Consumption of hot sauce containing hot chili peppers has been shown to keep you feeling fuller for longer and prevent overeating.?

A study reviewed in the journal Appetite concluded that the spiciness of hot sauce can reduce appetite and lead to decreased food consumption. So, embrace the heat and sprinkle some hot sauce on your favorite dishes to naturally suppress your appetite.?



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