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Arimistane PCT Guide: Also Potent For Muscle Building – Great On/Off Cycle Supplement

Is Arimistane for men the “holy grail of supplements”, that’s safe and easy-to-use, and that works both as an aromatase-inhibiting PCT supplement and an androgen-lifting muscle builder? All of those questions will be answered, along with the full information you need to know to use Arimistane, as well as where to find cheap Arimistane for sale.

Arimistane PCT

In this complete Arimistane PCT guide you’re going to learn everything you need to know about the potency and performance of this naturally occurring, but artificially synthesized for supplement used, bodybuilding chemical.

These are two key Arimistane supplements we will be talking about:

Is Arimistane for men the “holy grail of supplements”, that’s safe and easy-to-use, and that works both as an aromatase-inhibiting PCT supplement and an androgen-lifting muscle builder?

All of those questions will be answered, along with the full information you need to know to use Arimistane, as well as where to find cheap Arimistane for sale.

What Is Arimistane?

Some people get this completely wrong. They state that Arimistane is chemically similar to 7-Keto-DHEA and that it’s a prohormone. This is complete rubbish. Arimistane was first discovered way back in 1971. It was found in human urine and also determined to be a powerful natural Aromatase Inhibitor (AI).

It’s actually a diagnostic marker of 7-oxo-DHEA and 7-keto-DHEA use. It is a metabolite of 7-Keto-DHEA. But it also occurs naturally. It is a derivative of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone).

When synthesized for use by bodybuilders, you are getting a synthetic version of the naturally occurring Arimistane to take; it is not collected from natural sources.

Arimistane has the following two key benefits for bodybuilders:

1. Aromatase Inhibitor

Arimistane is a potent natural aromatase inhibitor (AI). That means it blocks an enzyme called aromatase from converting androgens (mostly testosterone) into estrogens. So, it’s good for helping your testosterone levels to bounce back at the end of a SARMs cycle.

2. Androgen proliferator

Arimistane also has the ability to not only increase levels of free testosterone through its AI ability, but also to increase FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone), both of which are crucial androgens for muscle development.

So this supplement potentially works from both angles. On cycle it’s going to pump up your androgens and allow more energy, endurance, and aggressive muscle growth.

Post cycle, it helps get rid of the estrogen proliferation and helps bounce back your androgen levels to the naturally occurring ones at the start of your last cycle.

Arimistane Is Performance Enhancing – So Is It Legal?

It is not illegal to buy and use supplements containing Arimistane. So, for your own personal use and benefit, fill your boots.

However, because it is a performance-enhancing drug, and it is detectable, you won’t want to be using it for professional sports. In fact, it’s on the banned list for most professional sporting activities.

The fact it’s banned should also tell you that it must have potential bodybuilding benefits. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t bother.

Also note, if you are in the USA, it is not a legal ingredient as defined by the FDA. So, for any supplements containing it there can be a problem to get hold of it. But, there are fantastic quality supplements available, as I’m going to explain to you.

How Arimistane Supplements Work

Arimistane supps works as an aromatase inhibitor. That means it blocks an enzyme called aromatase, which naturally processes the conversion of androgens (predominantly testosterone, but also LH and FSH) into estrogen.

It is a nonsteroidal AI supplement, that’s been artificially synthesized based on the structure of the naturally occurring chemical.

Therefore, if you are using SARMs (click here for my recommended brands), and your testosterone levels start to dip, this will help them to recover. It will do it by slowing down the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, allowing your natural production more of a chance to recover quickly.

More than that though, it can increase levels of several key androgens. That’s why it can be used on cycle is a potentially potent muscle builder and strength supplement as well.

Arimistane Bodybuilding Benefits

Overall, before we delve into bit of detail, this is a summary of the benefits you can get from using Arimistane:

  • Boosts testosterone levels
  • Boosts levels of LH and FSH
  • boosts levels of FT, DHT, and T/E
  • Promotes more aggressive and larger muscle growth
  • Blocks conversion of testosterone into estrogen (strong AI activity)
  • Helps lower levels of cortisol
  • Speeds up recovery times
  • Creates stronger and drier muscle growth
  • Increased androgen levels improve strength and endurance output

Put all that together, and you get three main areas of benefit from using an Arimistane supplement:

  1. On cycle this can be used to supplement SARMs, or even on its own, to increase muscle development. Not only that, but the increased levels of androgens will also improve strength and endurance levels.
  2. Post cycle its use as an aromatase inhibitor will help to bounce your androgen levels back higher. At the same time, you’ll be able to work out harder and longer, develop muscle tone, and cut fat more than you would just use a SERM such as Nolvadex.
  3. Because it can spike your androgen levels, it can be used as a pre-workout supplement. Taken first thing in the morning, it can increase your levels to help you punch through your workouts later in the day and recover faster from them.


Arimistane Bodybuilding Benefits

Let’s Talk About Arimistane PCT Use

Overall, Arimistane is best used as a PCT supplement if you want to use it for its most optimal purpose.

Although it can help you to build more muscle, as it does lift levels of androgens, it is not as potent at doing that as it is acting as a PCT supplement.

However, because it does boost androgens, it can offset some of the issues with losing your gains and energy levels. It can minimize these problems compared to milder AI’s and SERMs such as Nolvadex.

You’ll start using Arimistane PCT as soon as you feel your testosterone levels dropping. When you start getting the symptoms of decreasing testosterone, there’s nothing wrong with starting to use it on cycle, because it can also be used on cycle as a muscle builder.


Post cycle you can continue to use it. You’ll start with a high dose post cycle to really kick things back, and then you’ll taper the dose down over several weeks.

It’s an aromatase inhibitor, meaning it blocks the conversion of androgens into estrogen. You can also, therefore, team it up with a SERM such as Nolvadex, which works as a selective estrogen receptor modulator by blocking it from attaching to certain estrogen receptors in the body and producing estrogenic effects.

Arimistane Dosage & Cycle Length For PCT

Arimistane has never been tested on humans properly, so there is no trail of study data or official instructions. Therefore, anything you see about cycle length on dosage for using Arimistane as a PCT or muscle building is almost totally anecdotal apart from a few small-scale studies.


In my experience, and based on my own research and discussions online, you’ll get conflicting answers on pretty much everything.

One really popular guide to using Arimistane claims you should use a low dose as a bodybuilder and build it up to ensure there are no side effects, but if you are using it as a PCT then you should start a high dose!

Obviously, that’s totally contradictory. Why would you advocate high dose and a low dose simultaneously?

But anyway, for PCT, the average dose is as follows:

  • 75 mg Arimistane daily for the first two weeks
  • 50 mg Arimistane daily for weeks three and four
  • 25 mg Arimistane thereafter


Usually, this is dosed once per day, but some people split it. Also, tapering down to 25 mg may not be possible if you still have symptoms of a testosterone drop.

In terms of muscle building, a dose of 100 mg per day for a six-week cycle is often used. At that level, I noticed good results.

Some people advocate using 200 mg daily. However, I would not recommend you start off with that level, as you need to see how your body responds and make sure you don’t have any bad side effects.

So can be used on a cycle. Both for muscle building and offsetting testosterone drop during a SARMs cycle.


Be careful with this though. I would not start it until late in the cycle when you are minimizing messing around with your hormonal balance. It’s better to finish your SARMs cycle and then start using Arimistane PCT than mix them up.

Having said that, if you want to build muscle and get the benefits of an aromatase inhibitor, you can start on cycle, but as I say, just be really careful with dose.

Arimistane For Men: Muscle Development Through Boosting Male Hormones

Some people advocate using Arimistane for insane muscle development. The claim is that the way it works as an aromatase inhibitor encourages high levels of testosterone through increased levels of Luteinizing Hormone. This also encourages higher levels of FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone as well). This will also then elevate levels of DHT.


All of these are crucial to muscle development, strength, endurance, and well-being in males. However, some people say they don’t really see or feel much different when using this compound on its own for muscle development.

So how much does Arimistane actually raise levels of these male hormones?

Again, there isn’t much official study data out there to answer that question for you and tell you if it’s worthwhile taking this as a muscle-developing supplement.

However, one study from 2007 (“Effects of eight weeks of an alleged aromatase inhibiting nutritional supplement 6-OXO (androst-4-ene-3,6,17-trione) on serum hormone profiles and clinical safety markers in resistance-trained, eugonadal males”) did investigate this.


Dosing in two groups at 300 mg and 600 mg per day, changes in serum testosterone levels were recorded over eight weeks. Body composition changes were also recorded.

The summary of their findings ended with this statement:

“…supplementation at a daily dosage of 300 mg and 600 mg for eight weeks did not completely inhibit aromatase activity, yet significantly increased FT, DHT, and T/E”

So, it does appear to increase some androgens, including (indirectly) testosterone, FSH, and LH in some study participants, but not consistently in all males.

It also did not completely inhibit aromatase activity. However, that’s also the case with chemicals that are fully tested and prescribed.


Arimistane Side Effects & Warnings

Most reported side effects are actually very mild. However, this is not widely studied, and people may simply not be reporting the worst side effects or misinterpreting them as coming from another supplement they are using.

Generally, side effects from Arimistane are the same as for other aromatase inhibitors:

  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea

However, the side effects don’t appear to be common and are rarely reported. They also have similar side effects that can happen with any new supplement, even well-tested medications.

My advice is the first time out, whether you are using this compound for muscle building or PCT, is to start low.


For PCT, have something like Nolvadex to hand as well. Then, if you do get bad side effects, you can stop taking Arimistane and switch to it instead.

For muscle building, start around 100 mg, and see how you go on its own for one month. That way, you’ll be able to feel any side effects, and no if it relates to Arimistane, and you’ll be able to judge the compound's ability to build muscle purely on taking that.

Where To Find Cheap Arimistane For Sale

If you want to buy Arimistane supplement, then there are many places that are affordable and offer high quality/purity. For PCT, this is the product I use: Behemoth Labz Arimistane Post Cycle Base.


For $68.98 you will get 90 potent capsules of Arimistane PCT. Each capsule contains 50 mg, which is a good mid-range dose.

Used at a rate of one or two capsules per day, this is enough to get you through a complete course of PCT. If you’re looking to use Arimistane for bodybuilding, to build lean muscle by increasing androgen levels, then you need to look at the liquid product from the same company.

The high potency variant, dosed at an incredible 60 mg/mL, comes in a 30 mL dropper bottle (total dose of 2000 mg).

Costing just $65.98, that’s enough for up to a month of muscle-building support, depending on how strongly you dose it.


Combine the two, and you’ve got Arimistane all wrapped up to test. You can use it on cycle and then switch to the capsules (which also contain Safed Musli and NAC - both linked to increased androgenic activity) to help bounce your testosterone levels right back.

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