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Alpilean vs Exipure [Review] Which Diet Pill Works Best for Weight Loss?

This review of Alpilean and Exipure will compare the two most popularly promoted products to see which one is right for you. Before getting started, know there is only one option on the entire internet into buying either of these pills as there are countless fake Exipure pills and Alpilean scams online right now already.

Alpilean vs Exipure

Reviewing the best weight loss pills on the market is no easy task to do when there are so many formulas to choose from today. With dozens of viable options in any given niche, let alone the most popular supplement niche being fat burners, narrowing down the best-ranked weight loss support products is the optimal path to take for finding out which one is right for you. And with the popularity of Alpilean buzzing at lightening speed or the tried and true brown fat booster in Exipure, these diet pills are at the top of everyone's list of exotic weight loss pills that truly work.?

This review of Alpilean and Exipure will compare the two most popularly promoted products to see which one is right for you. Before getting started, know there is only one option on the entire internet into buying either of these pills as there are countless fake Exipure pills and Alpilean scams online right now already.?

And then, to do the same for:?

Now, let's start at the beginning of the Exipure and Alpilean comparison to see which one is the best option to buy for you today.?

Why Supplement with Diet Pills to Lose Weight??

The obesity epidemic is one of the most pressing public health concerns in the world today. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of American adults are obese, and the rate of childhood obesity has more than doubled in the past 30 years.?

The health consequences of obesity are well-documented and include an increased risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic conditions. In addition to its toll on physical health, obesity can also lead to psychological problems such as low self-esteem, depression, and body image issues.?

The good news is that there are steps you can take to prevent or reverse weight gain and obesity. One of the most important things you can do is to focus on eating a healthy diet. This means consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein while limiting high-calorie processed foods and sugary drinks.?

Getting regular exercise is also critical for maintaining a healthy weight.?

There are also several supplements on the market today that claim to help with weight loss. However, you should be wary of these products as many of them are not backed by scientific evidence and can have potentially dangerous side effects. Instead, opt for natural dietary supplements, which are safe and effective for weight loss.?

Today, two all-natural weight loss supplements are competing in the market to become the customer’s favorite- Alpilean and Exipure. This article will conduct a comparative study to help you determine which supplement might help you achieve your goals.?

Let’s begin the comparison with a product comparison table below.?

Product Comparison?

Topic Of Comparison?



Product Category?

Dietary supplement?

Dietary supplement?

Product Form?



Product Description?

Alpilean is a dietary supplement that addresses the underlying reason for weight gain, which is a lower internal body temperature.?

Exipure is a supplement designed to raise the body's levels of brown fat in an effort to encourage weight loss.?

Ingredients In The Product?

  • Golden algae?

  • Dika nut?

  • Drumstick tree leaf?

  • Bigarade orange?

  • Ginger rhizome?

  • Turmeric rhizome?

    • Perilla?

  • Amur bark cork,?

  • White Korean Ginseng,?

  • Holy Basil,?

  • Oleuropein,?

  • Propolis,?

  • Quercetin?

  • Kudzu.?

  • Pricing?

    • 1 bottle of the Alpilean supplement costs $59 for a 30-day supply.?

  • Three bottles of the Alpilean supplement, each costing $49, are enough for a 90-day supply. The full cost is $147.?

  • A six-bottle or 180-day supply of the Alpilean dietary supplement for $39 each. The entire cost is $234.?

    • A single Exipure bottle costs $59, making it affordable for all potential customers.?

  • A 90-day supply of Exipure costs $147 for three bottles; here, one bottle costs $49.?

  • Six bottles of Exipure cost $234 for a 180-day supply; here, one bottle costs $39?

  • Money-Back Guarantee?

    60-day 100% money-back guarantee?

    180-day 100% money-back guarantee?

    Official Website?

    Click here?

    Click here?

    How Do The Supplements Work To Get Rid Of Stubborn Fat??

    On the surface, both Alpilean and Exipure seem to be very similar to each other in terms of their quality and the purpose they serve. The major difference between these two dietary supplements lies in how they function to eliminate excess fat.?

    Alpilean’s makers have found out that a low inner body temperature, that is, a lower temperature of your muscles and organs, is the reason behind a slow metabolism that leads to unnecessary weight gain. Exipure, on the other hand, says that low levels of BAT or brown adipose tissue are the primary cause behind your body's inability to get rid of stubborn fat.?

    Both these supplements, however, agree on the fact that a simple restrictive diet or a regular exercise routine cannot get rid of your weight permanently. The change should be made internally to see permanent effects externally.?

    So, what is this lower inner body temperature that Alpilean is talking about??

    The research team of Alpilean has found out that obese people have lower core body temperatures that slow down their metabolism and lead to fat accumulation. In such a situation, no proper diet or strict exercise will help unless the inner body temperature is raised- and this is where the Alpilean supplement comes in.?

    The ingredients in Alpilean are scientifically proven to raise the level of metabolism in your body by increasing the temperature of your muscles and organs; this is essentially how the supplement serves to help you attain your weight loss goals. Visit the official website to learn more about the low core temperatures of the body and their consequences.?

    Moving on to Exipure, what is BAT or brown adipose tissue that the supplement holds responsible for unaccounted weight gain??

    The research and development team of Exipure claims that obese people have lower levels of brown adipose tissue or brown fat (BAT). Now, BAT has the ability to burn 300 times more calories than white or regular fat can. Lean people have higher levels of BAT, and therefore their bodies can burn calories more effectively.?

    Without enough brown fat, no matter what you do in your workout or how carefully you eat, you will never see long-lasting weight loss; this is where the role of Exipure is important. The natural ingredients used in Exipure aim to enhance the levels of BAT in your body so that your metabolism improves and you burn more calories every day.?

    Taking A Look At The Key Ingredients?


    Let’s take a look at two key ingredients of Exipure to see how the supplement can help you lose weight.?


    This ingredient causes phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C to become active (PC-PLC). PC-PLC divides Diglycerides and monoglycerides into small bits. Both of these components contribute to the accumulation of fat when not broken down and absorbed by the body, and they are easier for the body to absorb when PC-PLC separates them.?

    Olive leaf extract also seems to enhance the number of insulin-responsive receptors on fat cells. As a result, the body begins to retain fewer calories as fat.?

    According to studies, olive leaf extract shrinks fat cells' size. Additionally, it decreases the growth of fresh fat cells.?

    White Korean Ginseng?

    For thousands of years, white Korean ginseng has been utilized in traditional Chinese medicine.?

    It is grown in Australia, China, Japan, North and South America, and Europe. Because it lacks saponins, white Korean ginseng differs from other ginseng varieties. Ginseng's ability to combat stress and weariness is due to a plant component called saponin.?

    White Korean ginseng is thought to be effective because it raises serotonin levels, a neurotransmitter that controls mood and hunger, to suppress your appetite. White Korean Ginseng is essential because stress and anxiety often lead to weight gain caused by overeating.?


    Now, let’s review two key ingredients of Alpilean:?


    It has been demonstrated that fucoxanthin increases fat oxidation by boosting the activity of enzymes responsible for fat metabolism. Additionally, they seem to prevent the digestion of triglycerides and cholesterol from your food.?

    Fucoxanthin is also effective in treating metabolic syndrome. Several disorders are included in the metabolic syndrome, such as abdominal obesity, increased LDL cholesterol, raised blood pressure, and poor glucose tolerance.?

    Ginger Rhizome?

    Ginger root's rhizomes are well recognized for promoting appetite and digestion.?

    Additionally, ginger includes shogaols, which are bioactive substances with anti-inflammatory activity. Therefore, a ginger rhizome is extremely efficient in reducing pain and swelling anywhere on your body.?

    Furthermore, ginger might also lessen tension and anxiety. Overeating and poor nutritional decisions can result from stress which leads to weight gain, and ginger can help prevent this?

    Ginger has been demonstrated to enhance focus and mental sharpness.?

    Here we see that both supplements are giving primary importance to your mental well-being, which is important.?

    Scientific studies have shown that with compromised mental health, losing weight becomes almost unachievable, and these supplements, unlike others, will bring you peace of mind so that you can focus on your weight loss journey.?

    Comparing The Quality Of Alpilean And Exipure?

    Both Exipure and Alpilean are two natural dietary supplements that have been formulated under an FDA-approved and GMP-certified facility.?

    Both supplements contain natural ingredients that have been shown to be effective for weight loss, and they are vegan and include no additives.?

    Exipure's main ingredients are Oleuropein and Quercetin, which are antioxidants that help your body get rid of toxins that hamper the proper functioning of BAT cells. These ingredients also promote healthy heart and digestive health.?

    Alpilean's main ingredient is Fucoxanthin, which has been demonstrated to stimulate AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which aids in controlling fat and improves metabolism.?

    Additionally, lipases—enzymes that break down lipids into smaller molecules—appear to be blocked by fucoxanthin, preventing them from entering the bloodstream.?

    The efficacy of the ingredients in both supplements is backed by scientific research (we’ll look into more of this later). Therefore, these supplements provide a safe and effective way to lose weight without the use of synthetic or artificial ingredients.?

    Scientific Evidence Backing Alpilean and Exipure - Which Is More Proven??

    The ingredients in both Alpilean and Exipure are thoroughly backed by science. Here's how:?

    Starting with Alpilean, some researchers, while testing the efficacy of moringa for cancer prevention, gave some participants moringa leaf powder while others received a placebo. After two years, the people taking moringa leaf powder had lower levels of fecal mutagenicity or the ability to create mutations in cells. Mutations can lead to cancer.?

    A recent study found that African mango seed extract could be used as a weight loss supplement. Researchers divided overweight men into three groups: one group took a placebo, another took 500 mg of African mango seed extract daily, and the third group took 1000 mg of African mango seed extracts daily.?

    After 8 weeks, the group taking 1000 mg of African mango seeds lost more than twice as much fat as the other two groups. They also experienced greater improvements in their cholesterol profiles.?

    A study conducted on turmeric's efficacy for treating diabetes showed that turmeric was effective in reducing blood sugar levels. In this study, diabetic rats were given either a normal diet or a diet containing 0.5% curcumin. After 6 weeks, the rats fed with the curcumin-enriched diet had significantly reduced fasting blood glucose levels.?

    Coming to Exipure and its ingredients, clinical trials have shown that propolis has anti-inflammatory properties. Propolis contains flavonoids, antioxidants, and polyphenols. These compounds may help prevent inflammation in the body. Inflammation is associated with many diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, asthma, and type II diabetes.?

    In addition to its anti-inflammatory effects, propolis may help boost metabolism. A study published in the journal Food & Function shows that propolis helps increase metabolic rate by up to 10%.?

    In a small clinical trial, obese women were given either a placebo or 200 mg of propolis daily for 12 weeks. At the end of the study, the women taking propolis lost more weight than the women taking the placebo.?

    A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests that white Korean ginseng, another ingredient in Exipure, may improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin sensitivity refers to how well the body uses insulin. People with low insulin sensitivity tend to gain weight easily because they don't use insulin efficiently.?

    The research team studied 20 healthy adults who consumed either 100 mg of white Korean ginseng or a placebo every day for 4 months. The results showed that those taking white Korean ginseng had higher insulin sensitivity after 4 months compared to those taking the placebo.?

    Now, coming to the unavoidable question, "Which is a more proven formula than the other?" Alpilean does sweep away the victory in this section since some of the Exipure ingredients still require further research and trials to prove their utmost efficacy in helping people lose weight.?

    How Much Do The Supplements Cost??

    Both Exipure and Alpilean are decently priced on the official website.?


    Three different bundles of weight reduction pills are available for consumers to select from on the Exipure official website. You will get 30 Exipure capsules in each bottle that will last for one month.?

    • A single Exipure bottle costs $59, making it affordable for all potential customers.?

  • A 90-day supply of Exipure costs $147 for three bottles; here, one bottle costs $49.?

  • Six bottles of Exipure cost $234 for a 180-day supply; here, one bottle costs $39.?

  • Furthermore, Exipure is backed by a steadfast 180-day, 100% money-back guarantee from the producers. As a new customer, you can test the product for six months and submit a return to get a complete refund if you don't get the results you were hoping for.?


    • One bottle of the Alpilean supplement costs $59 for a 30-day supply.?

  • Three bottles of the Alpilean supplement, each costing $49, are enough for a 90-day supply. The full cost is $147.?

    • A six-bottle or 180-day supply of the Alpilean dietary supplement for $39 each. The entire cost is $234.?

    Alpilean's producers are providing a robust 60-day money-back guarantee. This indicates that you have a 2-month window to return the item and request a refund if you are dissatisfied with it. The business will give you a 100% refund without any questions asked.?

    Here, we can see that both Alpilean and Exipure are being sold at the same price; the difference, however, lies in their money-back guarantee. Exipure provides a six-month return window, whereas Alpilean has two months to let you experiment and file a return for the product.?

    Final Word- Which Supplement Should You Buy??

    The above article is just a short comparison of Alpilean and Exipure; you should visit the official website of both these supplements to decide which one suits you best. However, the return policies of these two products are widely different, and if you really want to take your sweet time to experiment with a supplement, go for Exipure.?

    But if you want a product with multiple additional health benefits, including enhanced libido, then Alpilean is the one.?

    Overall, both products serve the same purpose and have several positive customer reviews. Therefore, you have to conduct thorough research to understand which of the supplements and their ingredients can benefit you in the long run. Additionally, consult your doctor if you are on other medications or supplements.

    Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.