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Align Probiotic Reviews - All Hype and No Meat

Align Probiotic is a brand of probiotic supplement that contains only one strain of probiotic bacteria - Bifidobacterium infantis 35624. This strain of probiotic bacteria is commonly found in the human gut and is thought to be important for a healthy digestive system.

Align Probiotic

If Align Probiotic reviews are to be believed, then this single-ingredient probiotic supplement is the answer to all our digestive issues. It's no wonder that this supplement has become so popular in recent years with the ever-growing popularity of probiotics.

But do Align Probiotic reviews really tell the whole story?

The aura around probiotics doesn't seem to fade away anytime soon. In fact, it only keeps growing with more and more research being conducted on the human gut microbiome and its importance in overall health. Probiotics have been touted as a cure-all for everything from digestive issues, a healthy digestive system, belly fat, abdominal discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome, leaky gut, skin conditions, and everything in between.

With all the hype surrounding probiotics, it's no wonder that supplements like Align Probiotic have become so popular. This supplement claims to be different from other probiotics on the market because it contains only one specific strain of bacteria.

Best Alternatives for Align Probiotic

Biotics 8 - Best choice for all-round use

Probiology Gut - Perfect for family use

What is Align Probiotic?

Align Probiotic is a brand of probiotic supplement that contains only one strain of probiotic bacteria - Bifidobacterium infantis 35624. This strain of probiotic bacteria is commonly found in the human gut and is thought to be important for a healthy digestive system.

Also, it happens to be one of the oldest and most researched strains of probiotic bacteria.

Align Probiotic is manufactured by a company called P&G Health Sciences, which is a subsidiary of Procter & Gamble, one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world.

Goes without saying that they have a monstrous marketing budget and resources to get their message out there.

Align Probiotic is available in both capsule, chewable tablet, and powder form, which further adds to its appeal.

Each dose contains 1 billion CFU (colony-forming units) of Bifidobacterium infantis 35624. To be honest, that's a very low dose. But more on that later.

What Are The Benefits of Align Probiotic?

There are a few key benefits that Align Probiotic claims to offer. Most of this is based on the clinical research surrounding Bifidobacterium 35624. Here are the primary ones.

Better digestive health

Align's main tagline is "The number 1 selling probiotic brand" and they claim that their probiotic can help with occasional digestive issues like gas, bloating, and constipation.

A healthy digestive system is important for overall health as it plays a role in nutrient absorption, immune function, and gut-brain communication.

Bifidobacterium 35624 in some studies has been shown to improve symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a common digestive disorder.

In a 2012 study, 100 IBS sufferers were given either a placebo or Bifidobacterium 35624 for 8 weeks.

At the end of the study, those who were given the probiotic had significantly lower levels of IBS symptoms. That said, with just 1 billion CFUs of Bifidobacterium 35624, I wouldn't expect much from Align Probiotic in this department.

There are other probiotic supplements on the market that contain 10-20 times more CFUs and a broader range of probiotic strains.

Reducing abdominal discomfort

Align probiotic claims that their probiotic can help reduce abdominal discomfort. And there is some clinical research that supports this claim to an extent. That said, abdominal discomfort can be caused by many different things like lactose intolerance or gluten sensitivity.

So it's hard to say how effective Align Probiotic will be in this department.

If the abdominal discomfort is caused by IBS or leaky gut syndrome, then potentially, a blend of probiotic bacterial strains that support healthy bacteria may be more effective than just one.

Supporting a healthy immune system

A strong and healthy immune system is important for protecting the body against infection, disease, and other foreign invaders.

A healthy gut microbiome is thought to play a key role in immunity as 70-80% of the immune system is located in the gut.

There is some clinical research that suggests Bifidobacterium 35624 may help to support a healthy immune system.

In one study, daycare children were given either a placebo or Bifidobacterium 35624 for 6 months during the winter season. The group that was given the probiotic had fewer days of absence due to illness.

But that's a one-off study and we all know that one-off studies are rarely reliable.

Most Doctors recommended probiotic

Align claims that their probiotic supplement is the one that's most recommended in America by Gastroenterologists. They cite a 2015 Survey of Gastroenterologists to back up this claim.

The survey found that Align probiotic was the number one recommended probiotic by gastroenterologists.

Now, we are not sure how reliable this survey is. It's quite possible that P&G Health Sciences, the company that makes Align Probiotic, had a hand in commissioning this survey.

That said, even if the survey is accurate, it doesn't necessarily mean that Align Probiotic is the best probiotic supplement on the market.

It just means that gastroenterologists recommended it more than any other probiotic brand.

Are there any align probiotic side effects?

On their website, Align mentions that most people have reported experiencing gas and bloating in the first couple of weeks after starting to take their probiotic supplement.

They also mention that these side effects are typically mild and go away after a week or two.

Other than gas and bloating, there have been no reported side effects from taking Align Probiotic. But if you look at the side effects reported with Bifiobacterium 35624, they are usually mild and include:

  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating
  • Flatulence

So if you do experience any of these side effects while taking Align Probiotic, just stop taking it and consult with your doctor.

Align Probiotic Cost

Align Probiotic is sold both, in-stores and online. A 28-day supply costs $26.99 which is half the cost of what you'd normally pay for a quality probiotic supplement.

You can also get a subscription which costs $24.99 per month. If you choose to subscribe, you'll get a 10% discount and free shipping.

The price is probably one of the primary reasons why Align Probiotic is so popular. But you have to remember that you get what you pay for.

A cheaper probiotic supplement is not necessarily a better probiotic supplement.

Does Align Probiotic work?

We dug up a lot of information, analyzed the primary ingredient, spent hours reading clinical studies and reviews, and even consulted with a couple of experts.

And after all that, we still can't say for sure if Align Probiotic works or not.

Here's why.

  • There's only one bacteria strain in the formula

Align probiotic contains only one bacterial strain. They actually flaunt it like it's a good thing. They say that their probiotic supplement has "the leading strain of healthy bacteria"

The thing is, we are not really sure whether this claim holds water. There has been so much development in the probiotics space of late.

Many newer probiotic supplements now contain multiple bacterial strains which are thought to be more effective.

Align's primary ingredient has some clinical research to support its efficacy. But to meet the claims they make, there has to be more to the formula than just one bacterial strain.

  • There's only 1 billion CFU

The number of colony forming units or CFUs is a measure of the live and active cultures present in a probiotic supplement.

If you look at most of the other probiotic supplements on the market, they usually contain anywhere from 10 billion to 50 billion CFUs.

Align's primary ingredient only has 1 billion CFU which is quite low. It's possible that this low number may not produce the desired results.

In other words, you may not even feel that you are using a probiotic blend.

  • There's no prebiotic fiber

Prebiotics are a type of fiber that feed the good bacteria in your gut and help them to grow and multiply.

Our stomach acids can actually kill some of the live cultures present in a probiotic supplement.

So, to ensure that the good bacteria reach our gut alive, most manufacturers now add prebiotic fiber to their probiotic supplements.

Align Probiotic does not contain any prebiotic fiber. So it's possible that some of the live cultures may not even reach our gut.

  • Vague claims

Align's claims are very vague, to say the least. They claim that their probiotic supplement will help to "support your digestive health".

They also say that it will help to "maintain your digestive system". In fact, there's a section on the website where they explain what to expect after using Align.

But the only thing they mention is to keep taking it beyond the first two weeks when you may experience side effects.

They do not mention anything about improving digestion or boosting gut health. That's quite funny because they use the taglines "For a balanced digestive system" and "A healthy gut makes a happy you".

But they don't really explain how their probiotic supplement can benefit you week after week.

Align Probiotic Review - Our thoughts

After careful analysis, we have come to the conclusion that Align Probiotic is not really worth your money.

We have explained our reasons for the same in detail. It's a single-strain probiotic supplement with a low CFU count. It also does not contain any prebiotic fiber which means that some of the live cultures may not even reach our gut alive.

What's more, the claims made by the company are very vague and there's no solid evidence to back them up.

We think you are better off trying a more potent and effective probiotic supplement that contains multiple bacterial strains and has a higher CFU count.

In fact, we have two amazing options for you.

#1 - Biotics 8 - Top Selling Probiotic blend

Biotics 8

A blend of 10 probiotic cultures, prebiotic fiber, digestive enzymes, and 40 billion CFU just blows Align Probiotic out of the water.

This is Biotics 8 , an international bestselling probiotic supplement that has taken the world by storm.

It's a complete probiotic supplement that contains everything you need for gut health.

The 10 different bacterial strains in Biotics 8 are known to offer a host of benefits like better digestion, reduced bloating and gas, strong immunity, clear skin, and more. To add to that, it comes with food for the bacterial strains so that they thrive in the hostile environment of the gut.

The benefits of using Biotics8

One of the claims that Align makes is that their's is the only probiotic supplement that contains Bifiobacterium 35624. They are not too far off from the truth there. But the fact is that there are so many more strains with amazing health benefits that you are not really missing out on anything.

Biotics 8 with its 10 bacterial strains ticks every box that you can think of when it comes to gut health.

  • Fewer IBS symptoms

IBS or irritable bowel syndrome is a digestive disorder that can cause a host of symptoms like bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation.

Biotics 8 contains Lactobacillus Plantarum which is known to be very effective in reducing the symptoms of IBS. In addition to this, there's also Bifidobacterium Longum which is known to reduce bloating and gas.

  • Better digestive health

A healthy digestive system is key to good overall health. Biotics 8 contains Lactobacillus Rhamnosus which is clinically proven to improve digestive health.

It also contains Bifidobacterium Breve which is known to reduce the duration of diarrhea. A lot of customer reviews also mention that it helps regularize bowel movements.

  • Reduces inflammation and improves overall health

Chronic inflammation is considered to be the root cause of most diseases. Biotics 8 contains Lactobacillus Acidophilus which is known to be very effective in reducing inflammation, as well as five other strains that have anti-inflammatory properties.

It also contains Lactobacillus Casei which is known to boost immunity.

Biotics 8 Cost

A one-month supply of Biotics 8 will cost you $59.99, which may seem like a lot at first glance. But when you compare what it brings to the table with Align Probiotic, it's really not that expensive.

This is a stronger, more potent, and more effective probiotic supplement that will offer you so much more in terms of gut health.

Not to mention, the company also offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Biotics 8 - Our Thoughts

Biotics 8 is a clear winner when pitted against Align Probiotic. It's a more complete probiotic supplement with multiple strains, a higher CFU count, and comes with prebiotic fiber and digestive enzymes.

There's no comparison here.

#2 - Probiology Gut+ - A Probiotic for the household

Probiology Gut+

If there's one thing that we agree with, it is that multiple probiotic strains increase the risk of side effects. That does not mean that a single strain is all that you need. But if the strains are tried and tested and offer specific benefits, then we think it's a good idea to go with one that contains a limited number of strains.

Here's Probiology Gut+, a probiotic blend of 4 bacterial strains with a dosage of 40 Billion CFU. Probiology Gut+ is the first and probably, the only supplement that's designed for the whole family.

The benefits of using Probiology Gut+

We like the fact that Probiology Gut+ does not try to heal everything under the sun. It's a very targeted probiotic supplement that's designed to promote digestive health and boost immunity.

Here are some of the benefits that you can expect from this supplement:

  • Reduces Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of gastrointestinal issues. It can cause bloating, gas, abdominal pain, diarrhea, bowel dysfunction, and constipation.

Probiology Gut+ contains Lactobacillus Plantarum which is known to be very effective in reducing stress levels. In addition to this, there's also Bifidobacterium Longum which is known to help reduce the symptoms of stomach issues and digestive problems.

  • May help reduce weight

A sluggish digestive system can contribute to metabolic slowdown, which in turn can lead to weight gain. The good bacteria in Probiology Gut+ can help improve gut motility and regularity, which may help you lose weight.

In addition to this, the probiotic strains in Probiology Gut+ are also known to reduce inflammation, which is another factor that can contribute to weight gain.

  • Better energy levels and mood

Your mood and energy levels are closely linked to your gut health. The good bacteria in Probiology Gut+ can help improve your mood and energy levels by reducing inflammation and balancing the levels of serotonin in your body.

This not only helps improve your mood but also helps you concentrate better and improves your cognitive function.

Probiology Gut+ Cost

Probiology Gut+ costs $59.99 for a 30-day package. If you are looking at using this for your family, check out the three-month package at $179.99. You get two months for free. You heard that right.

Two bottles for free. Isn't that amazing?

Probiology Gut+ - Our thoughts

Probiology Gut+ contains all the ingredients you need for a healthy digestive process. It is a clean-label product with minimal ingredients and an antioxidant preservative. There's nothing else that can trigger side effects.

No fillers. No unwanted stuff. With just 4 strains of probiotics, this supplement is very targeted and effective. If you are looking for a probiotic that can be taken by the whole family, this is it.

The Bottom Line

Despite all the fancy Align Probiotic reviews, there's not much solid evidence to support the claims. If you are looking for a probiotic supplement that's backed by science and has clinical studies to show for it, then we recommend our top two choices.

  • Biotics 8 - Best choice for all-round use
  • Probiology Gut+ - Perfect for family use

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