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Addall XR Reviews - Does It Natural Adderall Alternative?

"Addall XR reviews suggest that this nootropic is a natural Adderall alterative. But is it really? We find out for you."

Addall XR

While researching the newest developments in Attention deficit disorder medication, we happened to bump into some Addall XR reviews. The first thing that caught our attention was the brand name.

That sounds and reads a lot like Adderall XR, which is a very popular medication for treating ADHD. It turns out that Addall XR is actually a nootropic supplement that is being marketed as a "natural Adderall alternative."

Top 3 Alternatives to Addall XR

  1. Hunter Focus - Top natural adderall alternative

  1. Noocube - One of the most popular nootropics on the market

  1. Mind Lab Pro - Perfect for all-round cognitive enhancement

The website for this product makes some pretty bold claims. They say that their product can improve focus, concentration, and energy levels. They also claim that it can help to reduce stress and anxiety. And they say that it is completely safe and free of any side effects.

While that in itself isn't necessarily impressive, we were curious to find out more about this nootropic and whether or not it lives up to the hype. So, we took a closer look at Addall XR to find out whether there's any other similarity with Adderall.

What is Addall XR?

It is estimated that a staggering number of adults suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in the United States. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, around 4.4% of American adults suffer from ADHD.

ADHD is a mental disorder that is characterized by symptoms such as impulsive behavior, difficulty paying attention, and hyperactivity. The condition can cause a lot of problems in a person's life, including problems at work or school, and can even lead to relationship difficulties.

There are a number of medications that are commonly prescribed for treating ADHD. The most well-known of these is Adderall. Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant that helps to increase attentiveness and reduce impulsive behavior.

However, due to the potential for abuse, Adderall is a controlled substance in the United States. This means that it can only be obtained with a prescription from a doctor.

Addall XR is a dietary supplement that is marketed as a "natural Adderall alternative." The manufacturers obviously want to capitalize on the fact that Adderall is a controlled substance by offering a product that can be obtained without a prescription.

According to the website, Addall XR is a " clinically validated nootropic." They say that it can improve focus, concentration, and energy levels. They also claim that it can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

How does Addall XR work?

There's no dearth of natural Addrall alternatives out there that claim to offer similar benefits without the risk of abuse or addiction. So, what sets Addall XR supplements apart from the rest?

The website doesn't really offer much in terms of explaining how the product works. They just say that it is a "clinically validated brain enhancement supplement" that can improve focus and concentration.

That said, they do make some tall claims about the working of the supplement.

Stay in focus without coffee

Millions of people around the world rely on their daily cup of coffee to help them get through the day. While there's nothing wrong with that, Addall XR claims to offer a better solution.

They say that their product can help you to stay focused and alert without the need for coffee or other caffeinated beverages. That's a tall claim folk.

Even people who are on ADHD medications use coffee to help them stay focused. So, the claim that Addall XR can do away with the need for coffee is pretty far-fetched.

Boosting focus

Being an Adderall alternative, it's no wonder that Addall XR claims to boost focus. If you read any Addall XR review, you will find a common pattern where they claim that it can help you focus more.

But the question is, how does it do that?

Focus is the result of a multitude of cognitive processes that are going on in the brain. These include things like attention, motivation, working memory, and so on.

Addall XR needs to somehow improve all of these processes in order to provide a significant boost in focus.

Reduce anxiety

Anxiety is probably the last thing you want when you're trying to focus on a task. Unfortunately, it is a common problem that many people face. This triggers a loop where the anxiety leads to more difficulty focusing, which in turn leads to more anxiety.

Addall XR claims to be able to help reduce anxiety levels. There might be some truth to this claim because it contains GABA, a neurotransmitter that has calming effects and can improve cognitive function.

Addall XR Ingredients

When it comes to Nootropic supplements that claim to boost mental health, one look at the ingredients usually suffices. You see, there are very few clinically proven ingredients that can boost cognitive function. We are talking not only about memory but also other health benefits.

The question is, do Addall XR capsules, which is the premium cognitive health supplement quantumind, deliver on this front?

Here's the ingredient list.

Beta-Phenyl-Gaba - This is the first ingredient on the list and is also one of the most important. Beta-Phenyl-Gaba is a precursor to GABA or gamma aminobutyric acid that has calming effects and can improve cognitive function.

1-Amino-2-Phenylethane - This is an amino acid that is commonly found in nootropic supplements. It is believed to improve cognitive function by increasing levels of dopamine and norepinephrine,

2-Amino-6-Phenylethane - This is commonly known as DMHA and is a central nervous system stimulant that's often added to weight loss products. The FDA recently issued warning letters to companies that were using DMHA in their supplements.

That's all that it contains. What's even worse, is that these three ingredients are in a proprietary blend that's 750 mg.

Does Addall XR work - Our Addall XR review

After analyzing the ingredients and trying to correlate them with the claims being made, we know for sure that Addall XR doesn't work.

The simple fact is that there are no clinically proven ingredients in the supplement that can improve cognitive function, let alone boost focus.

It contains a strong stimulant

The reason why they claim boldly to help you stay focussed without a single cuppa a day is because it contains a strong stimulant. It is not that the ingredients are top-quality, but because it forces you to focus by stimulating your central nervous system.

But rather than using a stimulant that's labeled as contaminated and unsafe by the FDA, we'd gladly choose our cup of coffee any day.

In our opinion, it is not only dangerous but also unnecessary to use a stimulant like DMHA when there are safer bets out there.

It uses a proprietary blend

No matter what a brand wants you to believe, a proprietary blend is always a red flag for us. Period. A proprietary blend is nothing but a marketing gimmick to make you believe that the product contains some powerful, clinically-proven ingredients.

In reality, it's just a way for the company to hide the actual amounts of each ingredient in the supplement.

Proprietary blends are also dangerous because you have no idea how much of a stimulant like DMHA you're actually getting. We believe that this is one of the reasons why the FDA has issued warning letters to companies using DMHA in their supplements.

It does not contain enough ingredients

Any quality memory enhancement product will have more than three ingredients, especially when two of them are amino acids.

The fact that it only has three ingredients is a major concern for us because it means that it's not going to be very effective.

It's also worth noting that barring GABA, none of the ingredients in the supplement have been proven to improve cognitive function.

Addall XR Cost

It just keeps getting better. A single bottle of Addall XR capsules is priced at $99/month. That's just insane considering that there are better products out there that cost a fraction of the price. This is just a very overpriced stimulant pill that will make you poorer.

Addall XR Side Effects

Is Addall XR safe? Well, the very fact that it contains DMHA is enough to send chills down our spine. DMHA is a central nervous system stimulant and can cause some serious side effects like anxiety, headaches, and dizziness. It may also trigger another serious medical condition that's not listed here.

It's also worth noting that GABA can cause some side effects like drowsiness and fatigue.

Conclusion - Is Addall XR worth it? (Best Alternatives)

We have explained it with as much detail as we can. The call is yours. Do you think that a blend of three ingredients, one of which is banned by the FDA, is worth $99/month?

We certainly don't think so. There are better products out there that can help you improve your cognitive function without putting your health at risk. So, we would recommend that you stay away from Addall XR and look for a better alternative.

There are in fact much better, safer nootropics that can not only help you with focus but also help boost other areas of brain function. In fact, we have a list of three potent cognitive health supplement below.

#1 - Hunter Focus - The #1 Adderall Alternative


Since Addall XR positions itself as an Adderall alternative, let's start with the bestselling nootropic supplement in that space. Hunter Evolve's Focus is the go-to cognitive support supplement for anyone looking to improve their focus, concentration, and productivity without the use of dangerous stimulants.

The all-natural supplement contains clinically-proven ingredients like Alpha GPC, Huperzine A, and Bacopa Monnieri which have been shown to improve cognitive function.

What is Hunter Focus?

A lot of people do not suffer from attention deficit disorder per se. But they struggle to focus on a task or complete it efficiently. This can be due to stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, or just the grind of day-to-day life.

This is where a cognitive enhancer like Hunter Focus comes in. The nootropic supplement contains a blend of clinically-proven ingredients that not only improve focus but also memory, concentration, energy levels, and mood.

The result is peak cognition, mental health, brain speed, and overall mood. You just feel like a new person.

Reasons to choose Hunter Focus over Addall XR

There are several reasons why Hunter Focus is a much superior choice as compared to the overpriced stimulant pill that is Addall XR.

  • A potent blend of cognitive enhancers

Hunter Focus is a blend of 9 potent nootropic ingredients that have a wide range of benefits for cognitive function.

The blend includes clinically-proven ingredients like Bacopa Monnieri, Alpha GPC, L-Tyrosine, and more. The fact that it contains such a wide range of nootropics is a major advantage as it leads to better results, as opposed to 3 unproven ingredients.

It also contains a blend of B-vitamins including a powerful water-soluble vitamin, which plays a key role in brain health.

  • Unwavering focus

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for focus, attention, and executive function. The nootropic supplement contains a powerful blend of cognitive enhancers that help support the prefrontal cortex and improve focus.

The result is that you can push through any task with ease and complete it efficiently.

  • All day energy without crashes

Hunter focus contains caffeine. But you know exactly how much caffeine it contains and hence, is a much safer choice. The amount of caffeine is just right to give you an energy boost without the dreaded energy crash that comes with other stimulants.

It also contains L-Tyrosine which is an amino acid that helps the body produce dopamine and noradrenaline - two key neurotransmitters responsible for focus and concentration.

Hunter Focus - What we feel

There's no doubt about this. Hunter Focus is the best Adderall alternative supplement in the market. It contains clinically-proven ingredients that help improve cognitive function. The all-natural supplement is also free of any side effects.

The fact that it is much cheaper than Addall XR is just the icing on the cake!

#2 - Noocube - Powerful Nootropic for Memory


If your work demands quick thinking on your feet and complex problem-solving, Noocube is a great option to help improve your cognitive function. It's a blend of natural nootropics that helps support focus, mental speed, and memory.

Noocube has been around for quite some time and has built up a strong reputation in the nootropic community.

What is Noocube?

The nootropics space has seen some remarkable advances in recent times. Noocube is the perfect example of the same. This amazing blend of natural nootropic herbs, vitamins, and minerals will power up your cognitive function to help you think faster, remember better, and stay focused for longer.

Noocube is one of the most popular nootropics on the market and has been helping people achieve their cognitive potential since its launch in 2015.

Why Noocube might be better than Addall XR

The benefits of Noocube are more spread out than boosting focus, which is all that Adderall does in reality.

Here are the primary ones.

  • Tap into your memories at will

With billions of bits of data stored in your brain, it can be tough to find what you need, when you need it. Noocube helps give you the power to access those memories quickly and easily.

If you read reviews, most users improve their cognitive abilities including

  • verbal fluency

  • working memory

    • reaction times

    In other words, a sharper brain.

    • Process information at lightning speed

    Noocube's ingredients are also designed to boost neuroplasticity which is the brain's ability to change and adapt. This results in improved processing speed so you can take in new information and react to it much faster than usual.

    • Breakthrough mental barriers

    The powerful blend of nootropics in Noocube can help break through the mental barriers that are holding you back. So whether you're preparing for an important exam, working on a complex project, or just trying to be more productive, Noocube can help give you the edge you need.

    Noocube - What we feel

    With almost 15 ingredients that are clinically backed, as opposed to Addall XR's proprietary blend, Noocube is miles ahead. It is powerful, works on multiple fronts, and is also non-addictive. The best part, is it comes with a money-back guarantee.

    #3 - Mind Lab Pro - Potent Nootropic for quick information processing


    When Mind Lab Pro was first offered to worked-up students and ambitious entrepreneurs, it was like a secret pill for gaining an edge.

    The potent nootropic quickly caught on as one of the most talked about "life-hacking" supplements available.

    Mind Lab Pro is still one of the most beloved nootropics by students and professionals who need to be at the top of their game. Even with all of the newer "smart drugs" on the market, Mind Lab Pro remains one of the most popular options.

    What is Mind Lab Pro?

    Mind Lab Pro is the most advanced natural nootropic supplement out there to biohack your brain into performing at superhuman levels.

    The supplement is designed to improve every aspect of cognitive function and brain health.

    From better focus and concentration to increased memory recall and improved mental clarity, Mind Lab Pro can help you achieve peak cognitive performance.

    The all-natural nootropic was developed by a team of neuroscientists and is backed by years of research.

    Why Mind Lab Pro is way better than Addall XR

    Focus is just one tiny piece of the puzzle when it comes to cognitive performance.

    While Addall XR may improve focus in the short term, it does nothing to improve other aspects of cognitive function like memory recall, mental clarity, or brain health.

    Mind Lab Pro, on the other hand, is designed to enhance all aspects of cognitive function. Here are some of the benefits that users report.

    • Challenging tasks become easier

    Do you get bogged down when working on complex projects? Do you find yourself getting easily distracted or struggling to maintain focus?

    Mind Lab Pro can help. The nootropic has been shown to improve task switching and working memory. This means that you'll be able to better handle complex tasks by breaking them down into manageable chunks.

    • No more brain fog

    The term brain fog is enough to make anyone who's experienced it feel anxious.

    Brain fog can make it difficult to focus, remember simple information, and think clearly.

    Fortunately, Mind Lab Pro can help. The nootropic has been shown to improve mental clarity and reduce feelings of brain fog.

    • Improved memory recall

    One of the most common complaints that people have as they get older is that their memory just isn't what it used to be.

    Fortunately, Mind Lab Pro can help. The nootropic has been shown to improve memory recall and increase brain plasticity. This means that you'll be better able to learn new information and remember what you've already learned, much easier and quicker.

    Mind Lab Pro - What we think

    Mind Lab Pro just blows Addall XR out of the water.

    The nootropic is designed to improve every single aspect of cognitive function, while Addall XR only focuses on one small piece of the puzzle.

    Plus, Mind Lab Pro is backed by years of research and is made with all-natural ingredients.


    Q. Does Addall XR really help boost focus?

    A. Based on our research, we feel that Addall XR does not provide the same cognitive benefits that other nootropics on the market can. Forget focus, it might even cause serious side effects considering it uses a potentially risky CNS stimulant.

    Q. How long does it take for these alternative nootropics to work?

    A. You need to understand that these are not magic pills. They help you gradually and noticeably over time to increase your productivity, focus, motivation, and energy without any side effects that come with energy drinks or caffeine-based products. So, it's tough to put a time frame as to when they might work. It may take a few days or weeks.

    Q. Why are these nootropics better than Adderall?

    A. The simple answer is that they are not only safer but also more effective in the long term. Adderall is a powerful central nervous system stimulant that can lead to addiction and serious side effects like liver damage, stroke, and psychosis. On the other hand, these natural nootropics help you boost your focus, energy, and productivity without any of the risks associated with Adderall.

    The Bottom line

    Don't get swayed by fancy reviews and waste your money on overpriced and ineffective nootropics like Addall XR. Instead, try safe and effective alternatives like these.

  • Noocube - One of the most popular nootropics on the market

  • Mind Lab Pro - Perfect for all-round cognitive enhancement

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