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5 Best Supplements For Muscle Soreness (According To A Dietitian)

Wondering what the best supplements are for muscle soreness? Feed your sore muscles with these supplements to recover faster between workouts.

Best Supplements For Muscle Soreness

We’ve all been there—after a big workout at the gym, whether it’s doing a big sweat session on the spin bike or performing heavy squats, our muscles sink into a state of stiffness and soreness.

The aftermath of a big workout includes a post-workout “high” and also muscle soreness that can last for days. Sometimes, this soreness can be so bad that we limp around for a couple of days and avoid exercise.

Fortunately, there are plenty of research-backed supplements that can reduce muscle soreness, speed up overall recovery, and get you back in the gym faster than ever.

In this guide to the best supplements for sore muscles, we take a deep dive into the world of studied supplements that have the potential to reduce muscle soreness.

While there is no magic pill that can completely alleviate muscle soreness, understanding the potential of certain supplements can provide valuable insights for optimizing muscle recovery.

Let’s jump right in.

Best Supplements for Muscle Soreness – Quick Look

When it comes to choosing the best supplement for reducing muscle soreness, there are a number of different proven supplements on the market.

Whether it’s protein, creatine, BCAAs, or a full muscle-building stack, there is a supplement to help you reduce sore muscles.

Here’s a quick overview of my favorites based on twenty years as a sports dietitian:

  • ? ? ? Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate – best whey protein for sore muscles
  • ? ? ? Transparent Labs Casein Protein – best “slow release” casein protein
  • ? ? ? Crazy Supplements Ultimate CRN-5 Creatine – best creatine for sore muscles
  • ? ? ? Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine – best branched chain amino acids for muscle soreness
  • ? ? ? CrazyBulk Growth Stack – best muscle-building stack for reducing DOMs

The Best Supplements for Sore Muscles

Here is a more detailed look at each of the supplements, their research-backed ingredients, who they are best for, and more.

Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate??

? Best whey protein isolate for sore muscles


Whey protein isolate is one of the most common supplements athletes and gymgoers use for alleviating muscle soreness and speeding up recovery.

There are reams of studies that show the benefits of whey. It is easily digestible (Boirie et al., 1997), promotes muscle growth (Paddon-Jones, 2009) and reduces inflammation (Zhou et al., 2015).

One study (McKinlay et al., 2020) published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, examined the response of supplementation with whey protein on a group of competitive swimmers after a strenuous workout.

The intervention included the elite competitive swimmers taking 0.3g of whey protein per kg of bodyweight immediately after a high-intensity swim workout.

The swimmers who took protein experienced significantly reduced inflammation in the 8 hours following the workout. Additionally, the whey protein group had a much lower perception of muscle soreness after a 24hr period.

The best whey protein isolate for muscle soreness is the Transparent Labs Whey Protein Isolate. Each serving has 28g of pure protein and unlike many popular proteins, it’s not jammed with fillers and excess calories.

Transparent Labs offers their best-selling whey protein isolate in nearly a dozen flavors and they offer a subscription that saves you 10% on the order cost.?

Transparent Labs Casein Protein

? Best casein protein for muscle soreness


Unlike whey protein isolate, casein protein is a slow-dissolving protein, making it an choice for supplementing prior to bed to ensure muscle recovery while you are sleeping.

Taking casein protein before bed has been shown to improve overall protein net balance and gives the body amino acids for myofibrillar recovery (Trommelen et al., 2018). In other words, your sore muscles get the amino acids they need to recover faster.

Casein is a widely studied supplement and is very safe to use. It’s been shown to have identical effects of reducing muscle soreness as whey protein (Wilborn et al., 2013).

The Transparent Labs Casein Protein features 25g of casein per serving. The protein is made in a certified facility and inspected by a thurd-party lab to check for ingredient accuracy and purity.

The casein powder also includes minerals like vitamin D, calcium, iron and potassium for added soreness reduction.??

Pair the Transparent Labs Casein with their whey isolate and you’ve got a killer 1-2 punch for getting enough protein each day for optimal recovery and reduced muscle soreness.

Transparent Labs gives a deal when you subscribe (10% off) and this model ensures you don’t accidentally run dry on supplements.?

Crazy Nutrition Ultimate CRN-5 Creatine

? Best creatine for sore muscles


Creatine is another widely studied supplement that has been shown to be exceptionally safe and also highly effective at muscle recovery and reducing muscle soreness.

Studies examining the effects of creatine has found that it increases the amount of energy your muscles can produce (Balsom et al., 1995), reduce fatigue (Sakellaris et al., 2007), and reduces muscle damage, inflammation and soreness after exercise (Volek et al., 2004).

The best creatine on the market for sore muscles is Crazy Nutrition’s Ultimate CRN-5 Creatine. The primary ingredient is 3,750mg of creatine monohydrate.


But what sets the CRN-5 apart from other creatines are the other creatine compounds included in the formula, including D-creatine malate, tri-create malate, and tri-creatine pyruvate.

Malate and pyruvate have been shown to improve cell function (Wu et al., 2011) and improve power and endurance in athletes (Jager et al., 2008), respectively.

Additionally, the Crazy Nutrition Ultimate CRN-5 Creatine comes in several different flavors for increased palatability.

Creatine is an essential for your stack of supplements for sore muscles, and the CRN-5 is hands-down the best overall creatine for helping your sore muscles heal and recover.?


Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine Intra Workout

? Best BCAAs for reducing muscle soreness


Branched chain amino acids, better known as BCAAs, are a group of three amino acids that are proven supplements for reducing muscle soreness.

Supplementing with the three amino acids that make up BCAAs are essential as the body cannot produce them on its own.

The muscle recovery benefits of BCAAs have been widely studied, with a? meta-analysis of seven studies finding that BCAAs significantly reduced delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) in both untrained and trained subjects (Weber et al., 2021).

The best BCAA supplement on the market for sore muscles is the Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine. It combines 8g of BCAAs that include the core three amino acids, leucine, isoleucine, and glutamine for maximum recovery and reducing muscle soreness.


Transparent Labs manufacturers its supplements in a GMO-certified facility and has its supplements third-party tested for maximum purity.

The Transparent Labs BCAA Glutamine supplement comes in five different flavors (the Tropical Punch is my favorite), and like all BCAAs, can be taken before or after your workouts (Miyazaki et al., 2018) for attenuating muscle soreness.?

CrazyBulk Growth Stack

? Best legal steroids for muscle soreness


For the more serious lifter or athlete who is looking to take their muscle and strength building to the next level (while also mitigating the effects of sore muscles), the CrazyBulk Growth Stack is a five-supplement stack of supplements for the ultimate in muscle growth, fat burning, and muscle recovery.


Here's what the stack includes:

HGH-X2 – Human growth hormone induces growth in every tissue and cell in the body (Birnkman et al., 2023) and is instrumental in muscle growth, by extension helping alleviate sore muscles after a big workout. HGH-X2 induces the pituitary gland to create and release more HGH into the bloodstream for faster muscle growth and recovery.

Decaduro – Decaduro is an all-natural alternative to Deca-Durabolin, an anabolic steroid that increases the rate of muscle recovery (and by extension, reduces muscle soreness). Decaduro includes research-backed compounds such as wild yam, ginseng, L-arginine, tribus terrestiris, and other all-natural ingredients that naturally induce Deca-Durabolin levels in the body.


D-Bal – D-Bal is a legal steroid alternative to the anabolic steroid Dianabol. It includes all-natural ingredients to mimic the effects of Dianabol, using scientifically studied compounds like Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), which studies have shown to reduce inflammation and muscle soreness in the body (Barmaki et al., 2012).

Testo-Max – Every lifter knows the crucial importance of testosterone. It’s one of the primary agents in muscle recovery and reducing muscle soreness (Roberts et al., 2010). Testo-max includes D-Aspartic acid, Vitamin D-3, and magnesium, all ingredients proven to increase anabolic hormones in the body naturally.

Clenbutrol – Designed to get you jacked up to workout, clenbutrol is a thermogenic taken prior to lifting sessions at the gym for increased focus and increased oxidation in the muscles. While it is not a supplement designed specifically for alleviating sore muscles, clenbutrol will raise your basal metabolic rate and help you burn more calories.


The CrazyBulk Growth Stack is not cheap, and it’s certainly not for everyone, particularly those who just want to reduce some slight muscle soreness from time to time.

But for the lifter who wants to take their weightlifting to the max, there are no supplements better on the market for building muscle and faster muscle recovery.?

How to Choose the Best Recovery Supplements for Sore Muscles

Here is an overview of how to choose the best supplements for sore muscles.

Choose a supplement that matches your goals in the gym. When beginning a new workout routine and supplement regimen, consider your goals and choose the right muscle soreness supplements accordingly.


More serious lifters and gymgoers will want to opt for a full-stack of supplements like creatine, protein and even legal steroids, while more casual lifters can get by with protein and creatine.

Dosage and Timing. Supplements work best when they are used strategically. The time release of some supplements require that they be used at specific times of the day. Creatine, for example, is best used after your workouts (Antonio and Ciccone, 2013) while casein protein is best consumed late night while you are sleeping for maximum muscle recovery.

Don’t forget active recovery. The process of alleviating sore muscles can also be done through active recovery. Going for a walk, a light swim, or other low impact cardiovascular exercise is an excellent way to encourage blood flow and maximize recovery between workouts.


Cost. Supplements are not cheap, often costing $40-$100 for 30-day supply. The most cost-effective supplement for sore muscles is creatine monohydrate, which can be purchased for $20-30 for a 60-serving container.

Consult with your physician. As always, it’s important to consult with your physician or registered dietitian before starting a new workout and supplementation regime. Safety first!

Supplements for Muscle Soreness – FAQs

Why are my muscles so sore after a workout?

Muscle soreness occurs as a result of microscopic muscle damage, lactic acid build-up, and inflammation.

Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is the soreness that occurs after your workout, sometimes peaking around 24-36hrs after a strenuous workout.


Muscle soreness, especially when starting a new workout regimen, is normal for untrained and even trained individuals.

What are the safest supplements for sore muscles?

Supplements like creatine and whey protein isolate have been studied extensively and have been shown to be safe. Creatine has been studied so extensively that it’s even safe for pregnant women to take (Dickinson et al., 2014).

What vitamins help with muscle soreness?

For people who want to go the more “natural” route, there are plenty of vitamins that have been shown to reduce the effects of sore muscles.

Vitamin C is at the top of the list, with one study (Bryar & Goldfarb, 2006) showing reduced muscle damage after resistance training. Vitamin D has also been shown to increase protein synthesis, enhancing muscle recovery and reducing the effects of sore muscles (Pilch et al., 2020).



Ultimately, sore muscles are not something to stress over. Of course, that’s easier said than done when you’re grunting to stand up or your legs are so stiff that sitting is painful.

While muscle soreness is part of the journey, particularly during those first few days and weeks when are getting started in the gym, there are plenty of research-backed supplements you can take to soften the soreness.

Consider supplementing with the proteins, creatine, BCAAs, and muscle stack listed above and you will find that you recover faster and experience less muscle soreness.

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