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5 Best SARMs For Cutting And Fat Loss In 2023

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) could help you lose weight, but only certain ones... So, which ones are best for fat-burning properties?

Best SARMs For Cutting And Fat Loss

So, you have a pot belly, your hips are a wee bit round, you can't spend more than 5 minutes on top, and you've chafed your way through three sets of jeans. Who knew being thick could be making Levis so much money?

Jokes aside, being very overweight is a serious health risk. Carrying some body fat is completely normal but once you carry excess fat you could run into some issues like insulin resistance and cardiovascular disease.

SARMs (selective androgen receptor modulators) could help you lose weight, but only certain ones... So, which ones are best for fat-burning properties?

Key Takeaways

  • The top three SARMs that can help with fat loss are Ostarine, MK 677, and Stenabolic SR9009

  • The main thing that leads to fat loss is a calorie deficit; not a SARMs stack

  • Certain SARMs can even help you gain muscle mass while causing rapid fat loss

What Is The Best SARM for Cutting?


Before we reveal the best SARMs for cutting we need to establish some 'ground rules'. In order for you (or anyone else) to lose fat you'd need to be in a calorie deficit while also training with resistance.

Without those two things, you simply will not be able to reduce body fat, no matter which selective androgen receptor modulator you use.

Now, the most optimal SARM for fat loss would have to be Ostarine MK-2866. It's not commonly known as the 'best' SARM for cutting by most but when you consider the following it certainly might be:

  • Causes a great increase in muscle mass which raises your BMR causing more calories to be burned

  • Boosts muscle strength which causes you to lift more which burns even more calories

  • It's relatively mild when looking at side effects

When combined with weight loss efforts (diet, training, etc) this could be one of the best SARMs for cutting.

#1 SARM for Cutting: Ostarine MK-2866

Ostarine MK-2866

As we just discussed, SARMs can be used for cutting but they need to be combined with the right training and diet protocol. Ostarine offers a great duality of being able to increase muscle mass while helping with fat loss as well as boosting your metabolism.

Ostarine is about as simple of a SARM as you can get. It binds to the androgen receptors which causes a biological change through transcription of the mRNA. This change presents itself as an increase in muscle mass and strength. It will also increase bone density. Side effects are also quite low, which is another selling point.

Best for:

  • People looking to lose weight while gaining muscle mass

  • Those looking to gain lean muscle tissue without fat gain

#2 SARM for Cutting: MK 677

MK 677

Going from a bog standard SARM to something that isn't a SARM at all. MK 677 does get grouped with SARMs but it really isn't a SARM. Doesn't cause Testosterone suppression, doesn't cause cholesterol, and won't lead to high estrogen levels.

MK 677 is known as a human growth hormone secretagogue. This will 'boost' your pituitary gland to produce more growth hormone, which in turn can massively increase fat loss, muscle mass, sleep, skin and hair health, and even (in some people) improve their sex life.

This SARM is one of the best for enhancing fat loss, especially for those that are afraid of androgenic side effects - like women.

Best for:

  • Individuals going through a cutting phase who don't want certain side effects

  • Those looking to increase insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) which can improve muscle mass and bone health

#3 SARM for Cutting: Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic SR9009

Stenabolic is a SARM that doesn't get a lot of attention because it isn't as sexy or as powerful as the others. Oh, also, it's not a 'real' SARM either but rather an REB-ERB agonist. REB-ERB is a protein that is involved with setting up the natural circadian rhythm in the body.

The main mechanism SR9009 can help with weight loss is its ability to help with glucose uptake into muscle cells while also enabling healthy mitochondria.

These two can cause an increase in metabolism, which (surprise) can lead to fat loss. It certainly may not be as exciting as other SARMs but it's quite common stacking SARMs with this one. It also doesn't have a lot of side effects, another bonus!

Best for:

  • Those looking to improve sleep and metabolism

  • Individuals looking to lose weight without side effects

#4 SARM for Cutting: Ligandrol LGD-4033

Ligandrol LGD-4033

Ligandrol is one of the best SARMs according to most, especially for those looking to enable muscle mass growth while trying to lose a few pounds.

Ligandrol is a straight and true SARM, and is the most well-known one as well. Originally created by Ligand Pharmaceutical to replace Anabolic Steroids due to its ability to increase muscle mass.

Unlike Anabolic Steroids, LGD would not really have a ton of side effects like testosterone suppression. Also unlike the stronger brother, LGD can lead to fat loss as well all be it only slightly.

Best for:

  • Those looking to enhance muscle growth with some fat-burning effects as well

#5 SARM for Cutting: Cardarine GW-501516

Cardarine GW-501516

Cardarine is one the most well-known fat loss SARMs on the planet. Commonly used by women and those looking to use a SARM that doesn't cause side effects, Cardarine does seem like a great option.

This is also 'not technically' a SARM, Cardarine is known to be a PPAR (Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor) agonist. The way Cardarine leads to fat loss is by increasing lipid (fat) metabolization (just a fancy way of saying fat burning).

Cardarine has been found to lower harmful LDL cholesterol and boost healthy HDL cholesterol. It even has the ability to help with endurance as well.

It won't do much to preserve muscle mass or boost protein synthesis, but then again, you don't use it for that purpose.

Best for:

  • Using in a SARMs cutting stack to cause rapid fat loss

  • Those looking to improve cholesterol and endurance

What are SARMs?

By now I would hope you know what SARMs are, but we'll go over it anyways. SARMs were originally developed to replace Anabolic Steroids in the medical world. The latter has been used for its muscle-building properties in patients suffering from muscle-wasting diseases.

The problem with Steroids is that they have quite a few side effects. Hair loss, Testosterone suppression, Cholesterol issues, and organ damage. Safe to say despite the positives they do bring a bunch of 'baggage' to the table.

So, SARMs were developed. They can increase lean muscle similarly to Steroids just not nearly as strongly. They don't, however, have as many side effects.

Wasn't long before people started using them for their ability to improve athletic performance which is where we find ourselves now.

How Do SARMs Work?

***infographic required

The body has Androgen Receptors all along the body, in muscle tissue, bone tissue, and pretty much (almost) everywhere else. These are there so they can get bound by natural androgens like Testosterone.

We need Testosterone because it causes the development of muscles, aids in sexual development, and various other functions.

Steroids and SARMs both bind to those Androgen Receptors. They will then cause a biological change through transcription of the mRNA.

Unlike Steroids, SARMs will not bind to all the Androgen Receptors. This means that they're less likely to cause androgenic side effects like prostate cancer, hair loss, etc.

Keep in mind there are about a dozen SARMs and each works in a different way. For instance, MK 677 does not bind to a single Androgen Receptor but rather stimulates the pituitary gland to produce more human growth hormone.

When considering SARMs for cutting, ensure you understand the SARM, the sides, benefits, and how to set up your training and diet to get the most out of it.

Benefits of SARMs

***infographic required

There are several SARMs on the market each with its own benefits, but in general, users have reported the following benefits:

  • Increase in muscle mass, growth, and strength

  • Greater bone density

  • Fat loss

  • Increased Basal Metabolic Rate

  • Improved skin, hair, and mood

Side Effects of SARMs

There are several SARMs on the market each with its own side effects, but in general, users have reported the following benefits:

  • Androgenic side effects

  • Drop in Testosterone

  • Increased Estrogen

  • Hair loss

  • Insulin resistance

  • Hepatotoxicity

  • Nephrotoxicity

  • Yellowing of vision

  • Acne

Conclusion: Best SARMs for Cutting

There you have it! You could, theoretically, use any SARM in a cutting phase. As long as you use the training and diet protocol to burn fat any SARM would technically benefit you.

Certain SARMs, like the ones listed above, could boost your fat loss endeavors even more. You might even consider using a SARMs stack for cutting, but best make sure you do your research first...

Some of these might even help with lean muscle growth as well, but that would depend on even more factors.

Above all, stay safe. Train hard. And make sure you use the correct post-cycle therapy if applicable.


What is the best SARM for cutting?

There is no 'one size fits all'. The best SARMs for cutting will depend on your needs, risks, etc. That said, MK677 is a SARM that does not have a lot of side effects and can help you a lot with burning fat.

What is the Best SARMs Stack for Cutting?

Stacks pose some risk due to the use of multiple compounds, but a good stack to consider is Cardarine with MK677. Both can cause fat loss and the latter might even help with muscle mass as well.

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