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5 Best Fat Burner For Women 2023- Best Natural Fat Burner Pills

It may seem odd to you at first that we've specified this article towards women, but thats because the way men and women burn fat is actually fairly different, and the obstacles we have to overcome are very different too.

Fat Burner for Women

If you're on the hunt for the most effective fat burner, your journey ends here. Welcome to the sanctuary of health, fitness, and vitality, where we decode the complex world of weight loss supplements. With so many options on the market, finding the best fat burner for women can seem like an insurmountable task. But fear not, as we've done the heavy lifting for you.?

We've sifted through countless products, reviews, and studies to bring you the ultimate guide to the best fat burners for women. So, whether you're a fitness enthusiast looking to push past those stubborn plateaus, or a busy bee seeking an efficient weight loss solution, brace yourself for a deep dive into the realm of fat burners, where we'll shed light on the best options tailored specifically for women.?

It may seem odd to you at first that we've specified this article towards women, but thats because the way men and women burn fat is actually fairly different, and the obstacles we have to overcome are very different too. For example, it's far more likely for a dieting woman to snack than a man in a similar situation because of the stronger urges and hormonal upsets women face when hungry. We've all joked about how we know our partners are hungry because they're in a mood, but it turns out there's some truth to that.?

With that in mind the clever people developing the products on this list have developed them in such a way to focus on tackling these different obstacles, such as including ingredients that are great for appetite suppression and that can increase fat oxidation, making them more suitable for women who are trying to lose weight and burn stubborn body fat.?

Without further delay let's introduce our best natural fat burners for women.?

The Best Fat Burning Supplements for Women 2023?

1) Hourglass Fit - Best fat burner for women Overall?

2) Instant Knockout - Fastest Acting Women's Fat Burners?

3) Hunter Burn - Best Premium Fat Burner for women?

4) Jacked Factory Burn XT - Best Budget Fat Burner?

5) Lean PM - Best Fat Burner For People Who Struggle To Sleep?

Hourglass Fit - The Best Fat Burner For Women Overall?

Hourglass Fit

One of the few fat burning pills out there that is actually designed from the ground up with women in mind, Hourglass Fit is here to set the standard for all of the rest. What we have here is a natural fat burner that is curated to assist women in their weight loss journey. The blend of natural, herbal ingredients is optimised at every stage to help women meet their fat loss objectives.?

There are many subtle differences between a men's and women's fat loss supplement and one of the key differences lies in the dosage of stimulants like caffeine. Hourglass Fit, in contrast to many weight loss pills, actually does not contain caffeine which is a significant selling point.?

Hourglass Fit asserts to aid weight loss via three mechanisms:?

Appetite Control - The inclusion of ingredients such as glucomannan in Hourglass Fit helps create feelings of fullness, thereby helping to curb cravings, often the downfall of many weight loss attempts.?

Fat Burning - The supplement contains natural ingredients designed to accelerate the body's conversion of stored fat to energy.?

Energy Boost - The natural ingredients in Hourglass Fit provide an energy uplift that may encourage increased physical activity, thereby burning more calories.?


  • Free of stimulants?
  • Ingredients backed by research?
  • Appropriately dosed?
  • Vegan-friendly?
  • Transparent Formula?
  • Thermogenic fat burner?
  • Strong appetite suppression?
  • Belly fat burner?


  • Requires taking four capsules daily?

A Deep Dive Into Hourglass Fit Ingredients?

The efficacy of a weight loss supplement lies in its ingredients. If the most proven compounds for fat loss are absent or not present in the right doses, the supplement is unlikely to work.?

Let's dissect what you'll find in Hourglass Fit:?

Glucomannan - 3000 mg?

Glucomannan is a dietary fiber extracted from the konjac plant's roots. Known for its remarkable water absorption capacity, it forms a thick, gel-like substance when consumed. By occupying space in your stomach, it creates feelings of fullness, thereby reducing calorie intake throughout the day [1].?

This is how glucomannan aids in appetite suppression, and it's arguably the most effective appetite-suppressant ingredient currently available. You'll find you're feeling fuller a lot faster, able to get by with much smaller portions, helping you to reduce your calorie intake and enter caloric deficit in a much easier and more manageable way.?

As effective as it is, because of how it functions in the digestive system Hourglass Fit do recommend you drink a full glass of water with their capsules to prevent dehydration.?

5-HTP - 150 mg?

5-HTP is a strong amino acid included in the Hourglass Fit formula to increase serotonin levels to support in overcoming weight loss challenges. It has been demonstrated to block hormones that make you hungry, assisting you in regulating your food intake and subsequently losing weight [2].?

This makes it particularly effective as a fat burner for women, helping you to get the food cravings in between meals under control by helping to regulate mood.?

Vitamin B2 - 1.1 mg?

Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, is a crucial ingredient in a calorie-restricted diet. Like all B vitamins, it plays a vital role in converting food into energy and maintaining a healthy metabolism [3].?

It works for weight loss supplements by increasing the amount of energy we get from food, allowing us to get more energy from less, helping to keep calorie intake low without feeling low energy or lethargic.?

Vitamin B6 - 1.7 mg?

Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin integral to the energy production process. Being another B vitamin it's ofcourse very similar to B2 and B12 in this, but differs in subtle ways.?

It has been demonstrated that vitamin B6 increases fat oxidation and aids in more effective carbohydrate digestion [4]. It's easy to see how this can help us to lose weight faster, as the ability to increase fat oxidation means it has a direct impact to how easily our bodies retrieve the energy from stored body fat, increasing the rate at which it gets synthesised and used as fuel for the body.?

Vitamin B12 - 2.4 μcg (micrograms)?

Vitamin B12 is essential for converting your body's fat and protein into energy [5]. This is crucial for losing weight as if our bodies can't effectively get energy from thee sources we'll be left very low energy, having severe impacts to our daily productivity and mood which would easily lead us back to poor eating habits.?

Interestingly vitamin B12 is also necessary for DNA production and appropriate red blood cell function, meaning it has a direct impact on our bodies overall wellbeing.?

Chromium - 125 μCg (micrograms)?

Chromium is an essential trace mineral that is in many food groups, though it has been found that the amount is less dictated by the food source but instead on the quality of the local soil and water, as well as the agricultural methods used.?

It has proven to be an effective regulator of insulin, which means it helps to regulate your blood sugar levels [6]. This serves as a form of appetite suppression by preventing your body from feeling hungry quite as quickly.?

Zinc - 8 mg?

Zinc is a common and essential mineral found in many food groups that plays a role in several aspects of weight management, including how your body processes fat [7].?

An exciting study found that zinc supplementation may directly result in reduced waist and hip circumference, as it was found to be reduced a significant amount more in those supplementing zinc than placebo [8]?

Capsimax ? - 100 mg?

Capsimax is a concentrated cayenne pepper extract comprised of capsaicinoids, the naturally occurring substances that give spicy foods their burning sensation. This has a couple of significant effects in the body.?

First of all, it acts as a mild stimulant, providing energy and focus which can help your appetite control. Secondly, but most importantly, it's possibly the best thermogenic fat burner out there. What thermogenic fat burners do is they increase the rate of energy expenditure in the body, meaning they're able to boost metabolism so we're burning fat with less movement, and burning more fat when we are engaged in physical activity [9].?

You can see then why they've included this great ingredient, and though there's other thermogenic fat burners, Capsimax is definitely one of the best available.?

BioPerine ? - 5 mg?

Bioperine is a patented black pepper extract. It's a very common inclusion in many top tier weight loss supplements as it has two major effects. The main effect it has is increasing the bioavailability of all of the other ingredients, meaning that our bodies absorb this a lot easier. Obviously this is extremely useful and serves to enhance the overall effectiveness of the formula, which gets bioperine into a lot of other types of dietary supplements such as testosterone boosters and joint health supplements.?

A secondary effect though is that black pepper is actually another thermogenic fat burner. It's not quite as effective as many of the others, but a little can go a long way.?


As you can see by the amazing formula, Hourglass Fit is the obvious top contender for the best overall fat burner for women. It's got everything it needs to be successful, and if you're looking for something to just give you that extra boost to lose weight then you really can't go wrong with it.?

We've got more specialised picks further on, but if you just need something you can rely on, go with Hourglass fit.?

Instant Knockout - The fastest acting fat burner for women?

Instant Knockout

Though this isn't necessarily designed from the ground up with women in mind, it's far from a male fat burning supplement. Where Instant Knockout specializes in is helping you to lose weight without sacrificing muscle, and helping you to push harder in the gym (or any physical exercise) in order to maximise the results.?

You can see this in the branding, which is largely centred around their association and partnership with MMA coaches and fighters, with whom they worked with to develop the perfect formula.?

Acclaimed athletes such as UFC fighter Diego Sanchez who shed an impressive 45lbs, and Top Flyweight John Dodson who relies on it for energy boosts during fight camps, swear by its effectiveness. Even world-renowned coach Greg Jackson recommends Instant Knockout to all his fighters.?

However, this supplement isn’t limited to athletes. It's now accessible to all fitness enthusiasts, and can be safely consumed by both men and women. The supplement promises to elevate your energy levels, boost your metabolism, and curb your appetite, leading to weight loss. But how does it accomplish all this? Let's delve deeper.?


  • Strong appetite suppression?
  • Fastest acting natural fat burner?
  • Scientifically backed ingredients?
  • Appropriately dosed?
  • Transparent formula?
  • Lose belly fat?
  • Boost metabolism?
  • Keeps energy up?


  • Have to take 4 capsules a day?

The Science Behind Instant Knockout?

To understand how Instant Knockout functions, we need to examine its key ingredients and the scientific evidence supporting their efficacy.?

The thing is, a lot of the best ingredients are going to be shared amongst the best weight loss pills, so in the areas where there's repeats we're not going to go into too much detail, instead focusing on what makes each product unique from this point onwards.?

Glucomannan - 1800 mg?

As we discussed one of the most effective appetite suppressant ingredients available.?

Vitamin B6 and B12 - 5 mg and 10 mcg?

Crucially important for the proper functioning of our metabolism, helping to improve it's efficiency.?

Cayenne Powder - 100 mg?

Thermogenic fat burner boosting metabolic rate?

Black Pepper Extract - 10 mg?

Increases the bioavailability of other ingredients as well as a mild thermogenic fat burner.?

Vitamin D3 - 45 mcg?

This essential vitamin is something that modern living has left us unfortunately deficient in. This is because despite it being available in food (mainly dairy products), our bodies best way of getting vitamin D is via exposure to sunlight. This is where modern living comes in, as we're now living the majority of our days strictly indoors heavily limiting our exposure to the sun, leaving the around 41% of the population deficient.?

We found a study that tested whether or not this deficiency might affect weight loss, and the evidence suggests it does. The conclusion of this study states that an improvement in Vitamin D status in obese subjects with vitamin D deficiency resulted in weight and fat mass decrease when in calorie deficit [11].?

Green Tea Extract - 500 mg?

Another fairly common and high quality natural ingredient for many of the most premium weight loss supplements. Green Tea Extract is useful for many reasons.?

First or all it contains a small amount of caffeine, which we'll talk about in more detail further down as Instant Knockout contains Caffeine Anhydrous, but suffice to say it has benefits for weight loss supplements.?

Secondly are what are known as polyphenols, which are antioxidants found in plants. Clinical studies have shown that the polyphenols known as "catechins" found in green tea increase fat oxidation and fat burning by 16% [12]. Seems a no brainer then, I don't think there's a single person reading this article that would reject a 16% increase to their ability to burn fat.?

L-Theanine - 100 mg?

You may or may not have heard of amino acids before, but to simplify things a fair bit you can think of them as the building blocks for proteins. The body actually crucially relies on them to function properly as they have varied functions throughout most mechanisms of our bodily functions.?

L-Theanine is one such amino acid, and although it has many other uses, the role it plays to make it such a clever inclusion in Instant Knockout Cut is that it activates the browning of white fat cells [13].?

Essentially white fat cells are stored body fat, whereas brown fat cells are available for synthesis making them more available for our bodies to access for energy, leading to an increase in burned body fat both in rest and during a hardcore exercise routine.?

Caffeine Anhydrous - 300 mg?

This is a dehydrated form of caffeine so perfect for a pill form. We mentioned caffeine has many benefits for weight loss supplements when we spoke about green tea extract, and we really weren't lying.?

Let's talk about thermogenic fat burners first, as we've spoke about that a fair bit so you should have a decent understanding of it already. Caffeine has been found in many different studies to enhance thermogenic activity within the body [14]?

Appetite suppression from caffeine may be something you're already familiar with, as drinking coffee is quite common. If not though, you may be surprised to hear that it's a trait among stimulants that typically speaking they stop you feeling hungry, and caffeine has been observed to have a direct impact on the amount of calories consumed during meals [15].?

Finally you may already be aware that caffeine is a common inclusion in pre-workouts, and the reason for this is that, when taken an hour before hard training or competition, caffeine consumption has been found to significantly increase performance as compared to placebo [16].?


All in all this is a fantastic choice for anyone, but especially those who live a more active lifestyle. It's formula is designed very cleverly to help you lose weight without losing muscle, so if you're looking to tone up, you can't go wrong with Instant Knockout Cut.?

Hunter Burn - The best premium fat burner for women?

Hunter Burn

Hunter Evolve have some of the absolute best dietary supplements on the market, tackling everything from nootropics to, you guessed it, weight loss pills. Their unique approach is to simply look at the scientific literature to find the absolute most effective solution, and simply implement it. You'll see in our ingredients breakdown that it carries all of the best ingredients from previous entries, but has an ace up its sleeve that simply put, would have cost too much for the others to include.?

Thanks to their branding, clever marketing and spotless reputation however, Hunter have made it work for them by proving time and time again to their customers that their products are very reliable, and so the value gained by including these ingredients far exceeds the extra money spent.?


  • Guilt free carbs?
  • Increase fat metabolism?
  • Reduced appetite?
  • Transparent formula?
  • Scientifically backed natural ingredients?
  • Appropriately dosed?
  • Stimulant free?
  • Fast acting?


  • A bit expensive for some?

A Premium Formula For Hunter Burn?

Let's break everything down to see just how effective this premium fat burning supplement is for women.?

Cayenne Pepper - 125 mg?

As we know this is one of the best ingredients for thermogenesis.?

Glucomannan - 3,000 mg?

Appetite suppression by filling your stomach, making you feel fuller faster and for longer.?

L-Theanine - 200 mg?

Increases the amount of body fat that is available for the body to burn for fuel?

Matcha Green Tea - 200 mg?

Matcha green tea leaves are rich in catechins - potent antioxidants that can stimulate fat loss. Scientists also believe that these leaves can induce thermogenesis, further promoting fat burn.?

Vitamin D3 - 75 mcg?

Vitamin D3, a fat-soluble vitamin, is integral for boosting your immune system. Besides, it supports crucial metabolic functions and aids in muscle recovery and upkeep.?

White Kidney Bean Extract - 500mg?

Now this is that secret weapon we were talking about. Carbohydrates are quite often the enemy of a healthy diet, as they not only taste amazing but they're loved by our body as they're very easy for our bodies to convert into fuel. This ease our bodies have to convert them is actually why it's so easy to put on weight with them, so it becomes this battle of willpower to avoid them as much as possible without depriving your body of the rich source of energy they supply.?

Now hear us out here, as this natural extract plays a pivotal role in how your body processes carbohydrates. It may sound too good to be true, but it actually inhibits the amount of carbohydrates our body can absorb, essentially reducing the caloric value of them. You read that right, white kidney bean extract can actually reduce the impact carbohydrates have on your weight.?

It works by blocking the enzymes used in our digestion of carbohydrates known as alpha-amylase, effectively reducing the amount of calories we can extract from them, leading to weight loss. In fact we found a study showing a significant reduction in body weight, BMI, fat mass and waist/hip circumference compared with placebo.?


Now it's all well and good when a weight loss pill helps you to burn calories more easily through thermogensis, and it's all well and good when a weight loss pill helps you to eat fewer calories more easily through appetite suppression, but Hunter Burn takes it to that next level by reducing the impact carbs have on your diet and that's something we can all get excited about.?

Ofcourse the price will hold it back for some, but it's by no means over priced, it's just using expensive ingredients in order to provide something truly reliable and for us that's something we really respect. It's what you should come to expect from a premium brand, and Hunter Evolve absolutely delivered with Hunter Burn.?

Jacked Factory Burn XT - The Best Budget Fat Burner for Women?

Now we've spoke about the most premium weight loss pill, so let's see what's on the other end of the spectrum and explore what we consider to be the best budget option in Jacked Factory Burn XT.?

Now there's two ways to go about making budget fat burner supplements. First of all you could simply create a formula with a few of the best fat burning ingredients that don't cost very much, make sure you dose everything that you include properly and send it out with minimal marketing to keep costs down. A very respectable choice that yeah, isn't going to lead to any mind blowing results but should be a little boost to weight loss that can help people to get rid of that stubborn fat.?

The second way you can go about it is unfortunately the most common as, although it's rather deceptive and unethical in our eyes, it is very profitable, and that's to fill your formula to the brim with the best of the best ingredients but barely actually put any in, saving the cash. What they do then is they create what's known as a "proprietary blend" which essentially allows them to hide the doses of every ingredient included in the blend, so they're able to get away with making bogus claims about having these amazing formulas when in actuality they're terribly un-useful.?


  • Boost metabolism?
  • Increased energy levels?
  • Reduced food cravings?
  • Very affordable?
  • Scientifically backed natural ingredients?


  • Not the most effective weight loss pills?
  • Not great with appetite suppression?

Why We Chose Jacked Factory Burn XT?

This budget fat burner supplement is of course in the former camp, as it focuses its formula on providing a thermogenic boost to help burn stored body fat. Let's take a look at it's ingredients and discuss what makes it a good choice:?

Capsimax - 25 mg?

One of the best ingredients for inducing thermogenesis.?

Green Tea Extract - 225 mg?

Increases fat burned by 16% [12].?

Caffeine Anhydrous - 135 mg?

Induces thermogenesis as well as having some appetite suppressant effects?

Bioperine - 2.5 mg?

Increase the bioavailability of all other ingredients as well as inducing a mild thermogenic effect.?

Acetyl-L-Carnitine - 350mg?

This vitamin-like substance is very similar to B-vitamins in how it affects metabolism. It increases the efficiency with which we are able to absorb the energy from our food intake, helping to stave off the effects of caloric deficit and keep us feeling full for longer, tackling food cravings.?

We found a study that showed a modest reducing effect on body weight, BMI and fat mass, especially among adults who are overweight or obese [18].?


The main selling point of Jacked Factory Burn-XT is its thermogenic factor. By raising your base metabolic rate, it aims to tackle stubborn belly fat. We've seen that this approach to weight loss is not uncommon, and the other choices in this list do it better, but the thing is Jacked Factory is so cheap we almost just wrote it off entirely but it does work. It's not going to blow your socks off but it can definitely give you that nudge that will get you over the goal post. If that's all you think you need then it's not going to cost too much to find out for yourself if it's going to work for you.?

The only caveat we will say is that Jacked Factory have dosed this pill so that, to your preferences, you can take one or two. We would warn against taking two as the caffeine content becomes very high.?

Lean PM - The Best Fat Burner For People Who Struggle To Sleep?

This may seem like a bit of an odd way to go about it, but sleep is extremely important to diet and general health, and even if you're eating a healthy diet, being in a calorie deficit can make getting to sleep a lot more difficult. This has knock on effects such as reducing your metabolism, you'll have a lot less energy so will be engaging in a lot less physical activity, the list goes on. This is where Lean PM comes into play.?

Lean PM is a stimulant-free nighttime fat burner created by Jacked Factory. After years of research, the manufacturers claim to have developed a science-based formula that combines a fat burner and sleep aid into one supplement. This unique combination sets Lean PM apart from other products on the market, making it an attractive option for those who struggle with both sleep and weight loss.?

One of the key benefits of Lean PM is of course its ability to promote restful sleep and recovery overnight. Sleep is a crucial component of overall health and well-being, and it plays a significant role in weight loss. Let's see how it goes about this and see how successful it really is.?

The Ingredients of Lean PM?

Green Tea Extract?

Green tea extract is known for its thermogenic properties, which can help boost metabolism and promote fat burning.?


L-Theanine is an amino acid that increases the amount of body fat that is available for the body to burn for fuel.?

What we didn't discuss previously is how it promotes relaxation and reduces anxiety, making it an ideal ingredient for promoting restful sleep. Interestingly the way it's been found to do this is that after it crosses the blood-brain barrier, it seems to promote increased alpha-waves in the brain, a pattern of brain activity that is associated with a more relaxed state.?

We found a study that concluded L-Theanine is a safe natural sleep aid thanks to the way it promotes relaxation without drowsiness, showing it does not have sedative effects but instead will help you to drift off into a natural sleep [19].?


Magnesium is a mineral that plays a vital role in sleep regulation. It helps relax muscles and calms the nervous system, promoting a restful night's sleep and is quite commonly paired with L-theanine as they both function in similar ways - helping the body to fall asleep naturally rather than inducing sleep through sedative effects.?

We found a study that concluded magnesium supplementation improves sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep onset latency and results in a reduced amount of cortisol in the brain.?


Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that grows in Asia and Africa and is most notable in how it helps reduce stress and improve sleep quality.?

There's a lot of evidence suggesting it's useful as a sleep supplement, with one study concluding that Ashwagandha is a natural compound with sleep-inducing potential, is well tolerated and improves sleep quality and sleep onset latency in patients suffering with insomnia [21].?


This is literally the hormone that our brain secretes in order to tell the body it's time to go to sleep. There is a small gland in the middle of the brain that starts to release this hormone in response to darkness, helping to regulate the sleep-wake cycle and make us sleepy at appropriate times.?

It's not surprising then that supplementing with melatonin can help improve sleep quality and duration when taken at the right time. If taken in the middle of the day you might find yourself nodding off or feeling like you need a nap.?

This is a widely studied sleep supplement and although there are some contradicting studies, the majority of them observe only positive results. For example here is a study from 2021 that found treatment with melatonin has positive effects on sleep quality as assessed by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index [22].?


Though it certainly doesn't contain the greatest ingredients for a fat burning supplement, it makes its choices wisely in order to increase your metabolism as you sleep, and the very concept of weight loss pills that help you sleep is a stroke of genius.?

It's so crucially important that you get enough sleep, regardless of your current lifestyle, and this is extra important when you're trying to lose weight and find yourself staying up at night with food cravings or hunger pains.?

That's why we thought we'd include Lean PM here.?


So there we have it folks, our picks for the best women's fat burners. We'll talk about how we came to these decisions further below but every inclusion on the list will be the best choice for someone, depending on your current goals and lifestyles.?

Our best overall was ofcourse Hourglass Fit , being designed from the ground up with the woman's body in mind it was a clear choice. It's scientifically solid, focusing directly on the areas of weight loss that women will struggle with to produce an outstanding weight loss product that exceeds all expectations.?

Next up the fastest working weight loss pill ofcourse had to be Instant Knockout Cut . Though it may be more specialised than Hourglass Fit, it's this niche that allows it to stand out form the crowd as one of the very best. It will ofcourse help anyone to lose weight but if you live an active lifestyle and start supplementing with Instant Knockout Cut you'll find a major improvement to the amount of fat you burn, without the downside of losing muscle or strength/energy.?

As the most premium choice, Hunter Burn was the clear choice. It's clinical precision is unrivalled and although it's the most expensive choice on this list, it's also possibly the most reliable. Especially with the genius move of including white kidney bean extract helping you to feel a little less guilty when having carbs. Hunter Burn is an exceptional weight loss supplement choice for women.?

For the more budget conscious among us, look no further than Jacked Factory Burn-XT. It's so surprising how genuinely clever and effective this fat burning supplement is. The competition at the same price point might be louder but, with their gaudy claims, they're far less trustworthy and far less actually effective than the simple formula Jacked Factory have gone with.?

Finally we have a bit of an odd choice but we had to include Lean PM simply for how innovative it is. Many people wouldn't put together that the poor quality of sleep they're getting is affecting their ability to lose weight, but Jacked Factory identified this and ran with it, creating a these clever weight loss pills that help to make sure you get a good nights rest whilst stimulating your metabolism in the process.?

Now let's talk about how we whittled away at the competition to land on these great products.?

Our Criteria for The Best Fat Burning Supplements For Women?

Safety and Efficacy: It's important to look for the fat burner pills that prioritize your safety and health above all else. We look for fat burners that have undergone rigorous testing and have scientific evidence supporting their efficacy.?

Ingredients and dosage: Ofcourse we pay close attention to the ingredients used in the fat burner. Always looking for natural and clinically-studied ingredients that have been shown to support fat loss, doing as much research as possible to determine which of these ingredients are the most effective so we can identify which are the best weight loss supplements. We also make sure these ingredients are adhering to the correct dosing that has been shown to be effective in the scientific literature.?

Transparency and Labeling: This is what we consider one of the most important aspects of finding the best fat burner supplements. We only consider fat burners that provide transparent information about the ingredients, their amounts, and any potential allergens or additives. We also check if the product is manufactured in facilities that adhere to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that ideally undergo third-party testing for quality and purity.?

Customer Reviews and Reputation: This one may seem a bit obvious to some but it's important nonetheless. That's why we read customer reviews and testimonials about the fat burner and the brand. Pay attention to feedback regarding effectiveness, side effects, and overall customer satisfaction. However, it's vitally important to be cautious of fake or biased reviews, but it's fairly easy to tell when this is. A couple of pointers that this conduct has occurred are anomalies like both the 1 star reviews and 5 star reviews being the most common ratings, or if there's lots and lots of ratings even though the product hasn't been listed for very long.?

Realistic Claims: We're always wary of fat burners that make unrealistic claims or promise rapid weight loss without any effort. Sustainable fat loss requires a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits. Fat burners should be viewed as a complement to a well-rounded weight management plan, rather than a magic solution, and we definitely respect the integrity of the brands that acknowledge this truth.?

Cost and Value: Again this may seem obvious but is vitally important, we always consider the cost of the fat burner and assess its value in relation to the ingredients, dosage, and potential benefits. This is why we like to include both premium and budget options, as the value is what's really important. We compare prices among different brands, but avoid compromising on quality and safety for the sake of a lower price and will only recommend a product if we genuinely believe in the quality.?

Manufacturer Reputation: Researching the reputation and credibility of the fat burner manufacturer is one of the most essential but easily forgotten aspects. Look for brands that have a positive track record, good customer support, and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction by checking their history. It's commonly in the media if a weight loss supplement does something heinous. We also check if the manufacturer follows industry regulations and standards.?


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3 - Qi, Bin et al. "A vitamin-B2-sensing mechanism that regulates gut protease activity to impact animal's food behavior and growth." eLife vol. 6 e26243. 1 Jun. 2017, doi:10.7554/eLife.26243?

4 - Zemel, MB et al. Effects of a Leucine and Pyridoxine-Containing Nutraceutical on Fat Oxidation, and Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress in Overweight and Obese Subjects. Nutrients. 2012; 4(6): 529-541?

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6 - Docherty JP, Sack DA, Roffman M, Finch M, Komorowski JR. A double-blind, placebo-controlled, exploratory trial of chromium picolinate in atypical depression: effect on carbohydrate craving. J Psychiatr Pract. 2005 Sep;11(5):302-14. doi: 10.1097/00131746-200509000-00004. PMID: 16184071?

7 - Rathnayake, Kumari M et al. "Effects of zinc supplementation on obesity: study protocol for a randomized controlled clinical trial." Trials vol. 17,1 534. 4 Nov. 2016, doi:10.1186/s13063-016-1651-3?

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10 - Kim, KJ et al. Piperidine alkaloids from Piperretrofractum Vahl. Protect against high-fat diet-induced obesity by regulating lipid metabolism and activating AMP-activated protein kinase. Biochem Biophys Res Comm. 2011?

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