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Mothers, The Demigods Of Love And Kindness

Mothers are givers. The moment a woman becomes a mother, she transforms into a demigod and transfers her energy of love, kindness, and protection to you and her family.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Love is a strange dream that floats around us like tiny particles of our own essence. We love and we do not love. We find love and we lose love. We create love and we destroy love. But do we at all think for a while what is love?

Nothing. I would simply say it is nothing but a feeling that is born deep inside us the day we were born. The moment our tiny fingers touched Earth’s atmosphere, we felt love and then we cried, since we felt that this emotion will keep us alive till we tread on this planet.?

Yet as we grow, the story changes and somehow love becomes an idea. We stretch it the ways we want, and the way people around us want and even make it a game, finally realising that it cannot be defined the ways we want it to be. Rather, it is always present in our core in the purest form. Have you ever tried the honey directly from the beehive? What you must have felt is a raw sense and taste. Yes, anything pure is wild and raw. So is love.?

What we try is to tame it, and make it our own kind. Not possible. The more we try, the far it moves away from us. Let it be in its raw form. Feel it and live in it. It will grow around you. The simplest way to say this is, a cat loves you, a bird loves you and even a baby loves you without any connection or attachments. Love has its own flow. It has nothing to do with attachments or connections. It is you and it breathes with you.

And that love is poured into you through your mother. Mothers are givers; the moment a woman becomes a mother, she transforms into a demigod and transfers her energy of love, kindness, and protection to you and her family. The most heart-breaking moment for a person on this Earth is losing a mother, someone who selflessly and continuously cares about us.

On Mother’s Day, this poem is dedicated to all mothers and their children.?

If today my mother was on Earth,?
if she was with me now, I would?
have suggested a visit.?

We both would have taken
an auto from home or maybe
an Uber, and written the

the hospital in which we both
were born on a 29th October,?
she as a mother and I her
That visit would have been to
show my gratitude to her for
giving me life and letting me?
witness the essence of being

for now, I know that in this
world, there are thousands of
mothers who are helpless at
times and even if they desire,?
they give up their babies in
their wombs.

I am afraid of death too, and
at times I wonder why
humans are not immortal.?

but that day when my mother
silently left with a peaceful
face, even though the fight
was tough, her trust was
shattered, and I stood beside?
her like an uprooted tree?

I realised that life is nothing
but breathing and laughing
with the loved ones.?

If my mother was still here,
I would have stopped
complaining about the extra
rice or the short dress that
she did not want me to wear

I would have rushed into her
arms and thanked her a
million times for giving me
the chance to feel a love-filled heart.