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UN Member States Heap Praise On India As Its UNSC Term Nears End

The UN Member States have applauded India for its successful tenure as an elected non-permanent member of the Security Council

EAM S Jaishankar at the UNSC signature event

The UN Member States have applauded India for its successful tenure as an elected non-permanent member of the Security Council and its productive presidency this month, saying it demonstrated the highest standards of multilateral diplomacy and leaves the powerful UN organ on a very high note.

India assumed the monthly rotating presidency of the UN Security Council (UNSC) on December 1, the second time in its two-year tenure as an elected member of the Council in 2021-22. India had earlier assumed the UNSC presidency in August 2021.

In a wrap-up briefing here on Thursday for non-members of the Security Council on its work for the month of December before the holiday week, India's Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Ruchira? Kamboj, highlighted the “packed” agenda of the Council for the month under India’s presidency.

She also emphasised signature events on reformed multilateralism and counter-terrorism presided over by External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar last week, unveiling of the bust of Mahatma Gandhi in the UN and launching of the Group of Friends to promote accountability for crimes against peacekeepers.

Several UN Member States, including incoming Security Council members, lauded India’s stewardship of the Council as President in December, particularly taking note of the two signature events on reformed multilateralism and counter-terrorism that India hosted last week.

Kenya’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ambassador Martin Kimani said he takes “special recognition” that among the outgoing, elected members of the Security Council, "India is only one to have had a second opportunity to hold the presidency of the Security Council."

“For those who have been through a month of the presidency, you will understand that India took on itself a very great deal of work and had to make a great deal of effort for which we're very grateful,” he said.

Permanent Representative of Norway to the UN, Ambassador Mona Juul, congratulated India on its extremely successful presidency in a very busy month.

“You are certainly leaving your time at the Council on a very very high note,” Juul said.

Russia said the Indian presidency managed to achieve a lot in the month and this is notable, particularly by the number of products adopted by the Council, which has been possible thanks to the professionalism of the Indian team.

“India, as president of the Security Council, has demonstrated the highest standards of multilateral diplomacy and a focus on finding wise and balanced decisions.

You indeed have a double burden, over the time you've been in the Council, you've been president twice. Your efforts to serve to deserve great recognition,” the Russian delegate said.

Ireland’s Ambassador to the UN, Fergal Mythen, said it has been a “very, very fruitful month” under India’s Presidency of the Council and he noted the signature events on counterterrorism and multilateral reform.

Mexico congratulated India for the way in which it conducted the work of the Council this month.

Morocco's Permanent Representative Omar Hilale warmly congratulated Kamboj and her team for a successful Presidency of the Security Council. "In this presidency, the Security Council considered many important issues on its agenda and adopted very essential resolutions and decisions,” he said.

Hilale said as India completes the Council Presidency as well as its 2021-22 tenure,

"I wish to express to you and to the Permanent Mission of India, our congratulations not only for two successful presidencies of the Council but also for your strong and active contribution to peace and security.”

Bangladesh’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Muhammad Abdul Muhith, congratulated India for the “very successful and productive” Presidency of the Security Council for the month of December.

He noted that the programme of activities for the month was full of many important briefings and debates and the adoption of a good number of important resolutions, including on Myanmar, peacekeeping missions and on mental health for peace operations personnel.

He thanked Kamboj for ably "steering the work of the Council throughout this month.”

“We appreciate India for arranging, among others, the open debate on new orientation for reformed multilateralism, which was indeed very timely in view of ongoing global challenges,” Muhith said.

To the outgoing elected members - India, Kenya, Norway, Ireland and Mexico - Austria’s Ambassador Alexander Marschik said, “we were most impressed when you demonstrated your commitment to us, to the elected membership and to the principles of the UN when you changed or amended your national position.

"When you went back to the capital to encourage them to give you the leeway to forego national impulses and interests for the greater good, for the interests of the UN. When you put national priorities aside and considerations of national interest aside for the UN, for the mandate of the Security Council,” demonstrating the reason “why we elected you on to the Council.”

Japan, an incoming Council member and President for the month of January, said India’s presidency "reminds us our very, very heavy duty in coming days. First of all, I like to praise the smooth chairperson-ship of India this month”.


The Japanese delegate added that the open debate hosted by India on new orientation for reformed multilateralism was not only very important but also very timely.

South Africa said elected members of the Council have proven over the years that they can actually be the force that drives and makes the Security Council work.

“And with all due respect to the permanent members, I think it is also the elected members that bring color to the work of the Security Council. We saw this with all your initiatives that you have taken during your time in the Council, including the signature events that India organised during the month of December,” it said.


Elected members are able to bring new contemporary issues to the attention of the Council and this is always the “value-add that we want to see in the Council,” the South African delegate said.

Portugal’s delegate warmly congratulated India for its very successful presidency and also for the upcoming completion of the mandate as an elected member of the Council.

He expressed deep appreciation for India’s initiative for the Presidential Statement that was adopted after the signature event on counterterrorism.

Incoming member Switzerland’s delegate congratulated Kamboj and her team for "an extremely efficient presidency".

UAE’s Deputy Permanent Representative Ambassador Mohamed Abushahab said it is truly a “bittersweet moment that I join you to wrap up the Indian presidency” and your Security Council term along with Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway.


He said it has been a pleasure working alongside India, terming it a “Security Council veteran with a principled foreign policy, constructive approach and a stellar cadre of diplomats".

He said the UAE particularly values its partnership with India on counterterrorism and will next month take over from India the responsibility of chairing the CounterTerrorism Committee.

"As we navigate increasingly complex challenges and crises, we appreciated your much-needed focus on reforming multilateralism and your consistent advocacy for the Global South,” he said.

Gabon congratulated India for the “remarkable job” that it has done during its presidency of the Security Council.


“Gabon very much appreciated your commitment to international peace and security, particularly in terms of the fight against terrorism,” its delegate said.?