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Military Conscription: Countries Where Military Services Are Compulsory; All You Need To Know

Military conscription is defined as the?mandatory enlistment of citizens for military service. Even though since?1970s the enforcement of the concept of conscription has declined substantially across the globe, but it is still surprising to know that how many countries are still sticking to idea.?

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As the self-ruled island Taiwan continues to face?China's military, diplomatic and trade pressure, recently the island-country?has decided to extend its compulsory military service from four months to a year starting in 2024, President Tsai Ing-wen said Tuesday.

Taiwan, which split from the mainland in 1949 during a civil war, is claimed by China. The decades-old threat of invasion by China has sharpened since Beijing cut off communications with Taiwan's government after the 2016 election of Tsai, who is seen as pro-independence.?

In this article, we will be discussing the status of compulsory military services across the globe.

What is military conscription?

Military conscription is defined as the?mandatory enlistment of citizens for military service.

Even though since?1970s the enforcement of the concept of conscription has declined substantially across the globe, but it is still surprising to know that how many countries are still sticking to idea.?

Some of the countries in fact demand a specific amount of military service from each and every citizen, except for special cases, such as physical or mental disorders or religious beliefs while most of the?countries only consider men for military conscription.

Here comes a list of countries other than Taiwan where enlistment for military services is still compulsory.

North Korea

Despite ambiguity regarding its legal status, military conscription in North Korea is still compulsory.?

Conscription in North Korea first began before the Korean War.

Conscription takes place at age 14 while service starts at 17 and ends at 30.

Here, men are universally conscripted while selective conscription is applicavle for women.?

South Korea

In this country, all able-bodied Korean males between the age of 18-28 are required to serve in the country's military for about two years.?

Since 2000, women have been allowed to volunteer for military service. Although military service is mandatory for all 18-year-old males, recruitment for active-duty can only happen from ages 18 through 21 for those who have completed secondary education, and 22 for those who have only completed high school.

In December last year, the South Korean parliament had passed a bill allowing all K-pop stars to delay their military service until the age of 30.

Few weeks ago it was confirmed that the famous boy-band?BTS’s Jin wouldl soon be enlisted in the South Korean military.

Jin is one of the many high-profile South Korean celebrities who have had to take a break from their lucrative careers to join the military.


In Russia, military service is compulsory for males 18 to 27 years of age. I

The length of military services in Russia has undergone many amendments.

Back in 1980s, for the first time the length of military service was curtailed to 18 months from 2 years. But legislative changes in 1995 increased it again to two years.?

In 2006, the Russian government and duma gradually reduced the term of service to 18 months for those who would be be conscripted in 2007 and to one year from 2008 and to drop some legal excuses for non-conscription from the law (such as non-conscription of rural doctors and teachers, of men who have a child younger than 3 years, etc.) from 1 January 2008.?


Military conscription, which known by the name of National Service (NS) in Singapore, is a compulsory?duty that every male citizen and PR must undertake upon attaining the age of 18.

NS can be served in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) or Singapore Police Force (SPF).

As per the country's rules. all NS defaulters are?liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

NS defaulters below age 40 will still have to serve NS, and will be recommended for a lighter sentence as compared to those who have evaded NS entirely.

United Arab Emirates (UAE)

Conscription in the United Arab Emirates is known by the name of? National Service (NS) which?is a?mandatory national military service for all Emirati males aged between 17 and 30.

The UAE started its national service requirement in September 2014.

The duration of the service is of 16 months.


Israel's military conscription mandate is applicable for both for men and women.

As of 2020, the normal length of compulsory service was two years and six months for men (with some roles requiring an additional four months of service), and two years for women (with some roles requiring an additional eight months of service).


In Brazil, all males are required to serve 12 months of military service upon their 18th birthday.

Exemptions are granted for health reasons though.

Here, the tenure of service?can be delayed for university students.


Military service is compulsory for?all Greek males between the ages of 19 and 45.

The mandate applies to any individual whom the Greek authorities consider to be Greek, regardless of whether the individual considers himself Greek, has foreign citizenship and passport or was born or lives outside of Greece.


Iran has mandatory military service for men which starts at the age of 18.

Exceptions are made for those with mwntal/physical health disabilities.

For students enrolled at a university, the tenure can be delayed.

The duration of military service is normally 24 months but is reduced to 22 months for service in destitute areas and to 20 months for border regions.?


Military conscription was introduced in Thailand in 1905.?

According to the Constitution of the Kingdom, it is considered as a national duty of the Thai citizens to serve?in the armed forces.?

In practice, only males over the age of 21 who have not gone through reserve training are subject to conscription.


In Turkey, compulsory military service applies to all male citizens from twenty to forty-one years of age.

Those who are engaged in higher education or vocational training programmes prior to their military drafting are allowed to defer service until they have completed the programmes or reach a certain age.