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AC 262 SARM: Benefits, Side Effects, Dose, & More

AC 262 is a compound that reportedly has numerous benefits. Learn more about this SARM, including user results, side effects, how it works, dosage, & more.


AC 262 is a SARM that has been gaining significant attention for the potential benefits it can offer for fat loss, muscle growth, and athletic performance enhancement.

AC 262 offers a far more targeted anabolic effect with far fewer androgenic side effects.

This is just one of the reasons why this SARM has become a wildly popular choice in the athletic, fitness, and bodybuilding spaces.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at AC 262, from its origins and mechanism of action to the benefits it offers and the research that backs it up.

To make sure any potential users have all the information they need, we’ll also cover side effects, dosages and cycles, and individuals that are contraindicated for use.

Having the clearest understanding of all aspects of AC 262 will help you make the most informed decision for your situation.

What is AC 262?


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AC 262 is a SARM, or selective androgen receptor modulator, that has been recently developed.1

Initially, it was created as a possible treatment for muscle wasting diseases and bone density loss, such as from osteoporosis.

Its unique structure and composition allow it to bind selectively to androgen receptors in bone and muscle tissue.2

This means it can more effectively promote anabolic activity while avoiding impacting other systems and tissues, such as the prostate or reproductive system.

The development of AC 262 was originally fueled by the need for a safer alternative to traditional anabolic steroids.3 4

Traditional steroids often lead to a wide range of undesirable or adverse side effects, due to the broad activity on the body’s tissues.

In stark contrast, AC 262’s selective action provides the muscle-building and bone-strengthening benefits of androgenic compounds, while greatly lowering the risk of negative side effects.

Chemically, this SARM is crafted to be much more stable than older generations of SARMs.

The structure of AC 262 means it achieves high affinity and androgen receptor selectivity.

This enhances the effectiveness of promoting muscle growth and increasing bone mineral density.

The ability to increase lean mass and strength makes this SARM incredibly attractive to bodybuilders and other hypertrophy enthusiasts.

In addition to the muscle-building effects, it also touts the ability to prevent muscle breakdown during periods of intense training or calorie restriction.

Mechanism of Action

In short, AC 262 works by selectively binding to androgen receptors in bone and muscle tissues.

However, unlike anabolic steroids, which have broad, systemic effects, it is highly specific in its targeting.

This means the anabolic activity only takes place where it’s most beneficial, and allows AC 262 to boost muscle growth and bone density without impacting other systems in the body.

Once AC 262 binds to the androgen receptors, the receptors are then activated, which causes an increase in protein synthesis.5

Protein synthesis is critical for muscle growth, as it creates new lean muscle fibers and repairs existing, damaged fibers.

The enhanced rate of synthesis leads to much greater muscle mass, improved physical strength, and quicker recovery from injuries or intense training.

Additionally, when this SARM binds to androgen receptors in bone tissue, it leads to an increase in bone mineral density.

This improved bone density can be critically important for individuals at risk of, or already living with osteoporosis, or anyone else aiming to improve their skeletal resilience.

Higher bone density directly reduces the risk of fractures, while supporting general skeletal health.

AC 262’s mechanism of action also features robust anti-catabolic properties.6

By preventing the breakdown of existing muscle tissues, it can help preserve lean muscle mass during periods of calorie restriction or cutting phases.

Finally, AC 262 does not convert or metabolize to estrogen or dihydrotestosterone, two hormones associated with many of the side effects of conventional anabolic steroids.

This absence of conversion helps prevent issues like gynecomastia and water retention, both common conditions with steroid use.

Benefits of AC 262

Benefits of AC 262

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The wide range of benefits offered by AC 262, specifically regarding muscle mass, muscle retention, increased strength, and body composition refinement are largely why the compound is so incredibly popular.

Without a doubt, the biggest benefit of AC 262 is the ability to promote significant muscle tissue growth.

The selective binding to androgen receptors in muscle tissue allows this SARM to ramp up protein synthesis rates critical for rapidly building and repairing muscle fibers.

Anecdotal reports show that users often experience noticeable increases in lean muscle mass along with enhanced muscle definition.

In addition to the elevated lean mass, users find that AC 262 also significantly enhances raw physical strength.

The increased strength is due to the elevated protein synthesis rates contributing to increased physical performance.

This is part of the reason this SARM is such an attractive option for athletes and bodybuilders looking for more strength and better performance.

The enhanced muscle mass cultivation isn’t the only benefit, and it also offers significant fat loss perks.

By raising the body’s basal metabolic rate, AC 262 helps reduce body fat, specifically in parts of the body where fat loss is difficult.

The dual action fat-burning and muscle-building help users reach a leaner, more defined physique much quicker than otherwise.

To make the process even easier, AC 262 also includes a powerful anti-catabolic ability that works to prevent muscle mass loss during intense calorie restriction or cutting periods.

Adding to the musculoskeletal benefits is the positive impact this SARM can have on bone health.

Since it has a high affinity for muscle and bone androgen receptors, activating the receptors in bone tissue can help increase the user’s bone density.

There are even some additional indications in research that show AC 262 may also have positive effects on cognitive and neurological health.

Since AC 262 is a SARM, and it only targets muscle and bone tissues, it minimizes androgenic effects like hair loss, prostate enlargement, and acne.

Overall, this makes it a much safer option for long-term use, specifically for individuals trying to avoid the intensely negative effects of conventional anabolic steroids.

The abilities to build and preserve lean muscle mass, reduce body fat levels, and improve bone health make this a versatile SARM.

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Clinical Studies and Research

AC 262 has been at the epicenter of many different clinical studies and research projects designed to better understand its efficacy and safety.

Each study provides valuable insights into the potential benefits of AC 262’s mechanism of action.

One of the main areas of research has obviously been this SARMS muscle growth and performance effects.

Animal-based models have shown that AC 262 can substantially increase lean muscle mass and enhance muscular strength in test subjects.7

In these studies, subjects treated with this SARM showed marked improvements in both the size and performance of muscle tissue when compared to control subjects.

Further research on humans has shown promising results, and clinical trials using bodybuilders indicate that AC 262 leads to significant gains in muscle mass.

Participants in these studies saw better performance during workouts, shorter recovery times, and better muscle definition.

Another significant area of research into AC 262 is centered around the SARM affects bone health.

Studies show that this SARM can measurably increase bone mineral density, highlighting it as a potential treatment for conditions involving low bone density, like osteoporosis.

Promoting enhanced bone strength and reducing the risk of fractures in users showcases what AC 262 can offer for skeletal health.

There has also been research into the effects that it can have on fat metabolism.

Information seems to indicate that AC 262 can raise the body’s base metabolism, which results in increased rates of fat loss.

Subjects using this SARM showed greater reductions in body fat percentage than control subjects, particularly in stubborn-fat areas.

Finally, there has been some research into how it may impact cognition, with some studies suggesting that AC 262 may be neuroprotective in one or more ways.

While more research is needed, the initial body of research seems to back up the comprehensive health benefits of AC 262.

Potential Side Effects

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Like any SARM out there, AC 262 has the potential for side effects, though it is largely well-tolerated.

The most common side effects are mild headaches, nausea, and fatigue, during early days of use.

These symptoms will typically resolve quickly, once the body adjusts to the use of this SARM.

Mild joint pain is also a potential side effect, also typically experienced during the initial days of use.

While extremely rare, there is the potential for more serious side effects.

Even though this SARM was created to minimize androgenic effects, some users might still experience slight hair thinning or mild acne.

Finally, even though AC 262 does not convert to endogenous hormones like estrogen, there is still the potential for hormonal imbalance.

This means users may notice mood swings, changes in energy levels, and the potential for libido fluctuation.

Usage and Dosage Guidelines

Proper dosage and administration of AC 262 will be critical for reaching ideal results and minimizing unwanted side effects.

To increase muscle mass and strength, common dosage amounts range from 10 mg to 20 mg, administered once per day.

While many users administer once per day, some prefer to split it into two doses with one taken in the morning and the other in the evening.

For those new to AC 262, it’s recommended to start on the low end of the scale and adjust as needed.

The dosages stay in the same range for those seeking fat loss and body recomposition, though they are typically used in conjunction with a structured diet and exercise program.

AC 262 is usually taken orally, which makes it far more convenient than injectables.

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Who Should Avoid AC 262?

Some individuals should avoid using AC 262 due to preexisting risks or contraindications.

Since there is a lack of data regarding use during pregnancy and fetal development, use by those pregnant or breastfeeding is not recommended.

Also, those with a history or propensity for cancer should steer clear, since the androgen targeting and cellular growth could stimulate existing cancer cells or tumors.

Finally, those with existing metabolic disorders like diabetes should be cautious and monitor their blood sugar closely.

AC 262 SARM Summary

It’s obvious why AC 262 is gaining popularity rapidly in the SARM community, but while the benefits are clear, caution should still be used when supplementing.

Understanding dosages, administration, and the risks of potential adverse effects are some of the best ways to approach use.

It’s also highly recommended to work with a trusted healthcare provider before use to ensure an individualized assessment.

It represents a significant advance in SARMs, and even as the SARM landscape evolves, this peptide is bound to stay a powerful and versatile tool.

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  1. Piu F, Gardell LR, Son T, Schlienger N, Lund BW, Schiffer HH, Vanover KE, Davis RE, Olsson R, Bradley SR. Pharmacological characterization of AC-262536, a novel selective androgen receptor modulator. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2008 Mar;109(1-2):129-37. doi: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2007.11.001. Epub 2007 Nov 22. PMID: 18164613.

  2. Bhasin S, Jasuja R. Selective androgen receptor modulators as function promoting therapies. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2009 May;12(3):232-40. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e32832a3d79. PMID: 19357508; PMCID: PMC2907129.

  3. Narayanan R, Coss CC, Dalton JT. Development of selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs). Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2018 Apr 15;465:134-142. doi: 10.1016/j.mce.2017.06.013. Epub 2017 Jun 15. PMID: 28624515; PMCID: PMC5896569.

  4. Clark RV, Walker AC, Andrews S, Turnbull P, Wald JA, Magee MH. Safety, pharmacokinetics and pharmacological effects of the selective androgen receptor modulator, GSK2881078, in healthy men and postmenopausal women. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2017 Oct;83(10):2179-2194. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13316. Epub 2017 Jun 10. PMID: 28449232; PMCID: PMC5595940.

  5. Christiansen AR, Lipshultz LI, Hotaling JM, Pastuszak AW. Selective androgen receptor modulators: the future of androgen therapy? Transl Androl Urol. 2020 Mar;9(Suppl 2):S135-S148. doi: 10.21037/tau.2019.11.02. PMID: 32257854; PMCID: PMC7108998.

  6. Tezze C, Sandri M, Tessari P. Anabolic Resistance in the Pathogenesis of Sarcopenia in the Elderly: Role of Nutrition and Exercise in Young and Old People. Nutrients. 2023 Sep 20;15(18):4073. doi: 10.3390/nu15184073. PMID: 37764858; PMCID: PMC10535169.

  7. Cutler C, Viljanto M, Taylor P, Habershon-Butcher J, Muir T, Biddle S, Van Eenoo P. Equine metabolism of the selective androgen receptor modulator AC-262536 in vitro and in urine, plasma and hair following oral administration. Drug Test Anal. 2021 Feb;13(2):369-385. doi: 10.1002/dta.2932. Epub 2020 Oct 15. PMID: 32959959.

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