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How India's Agritech Sector Is Forging Ahead Sustainable Growth Amidst Challenges

Agritech companies are confronting the distinctive challenges of operating within complex, multi-layered agricultural ecosystems given the rapid growth. Managing the transition from rapid growth to sustainable operations will be crucial for the long-term success of agritech companies in India.

Co-Founder & Executive Director at Arya.ag

With the immense growth of agritech businesses, India's enormous agricultural landscape, also the backbone of the economy, has experienced an incredible innovation explosion. Technology-driven innovation intended to address persistent inefficiencies hold the potential to enhance traditional procedures. A more effective agricultural value chain might be created, fragmented markets could be reshaped, and smallholder farmers may be given greater power as a result of this surge of excitement and venture capital investment.

Agritech companies are confronting the distinctive challenges of operating within complex, multi-layered agricultural ecosystems given the rapid growth. Managing the transition from rapid growth to sustainable operations will be crucial for the long-term success of agritech companies in India.

Sustainable Models will pave the way

India has unique problems for which a global solution is not feasible. Diverse agricultural output is made possible by the sixteen agroclimatic zones in the nation. Nevertheless, it has become more challenging to get large yields from smaller plots as family-owned agricultural holdings have become more fragmented over time. Technology may be able to help, but creating scalable solutions is still a problem.

"Agri startups frequently copy successful concepts from other nations, but failure might result from ignoring regional circumstances and cultural quirks. Farmers in India have less purchasing power due to fragmented land ownership, which makes it harder for them to acquire new services or goods. Offering freebies could lead to early growth, but in the long run, this strategy is unsustainable because you lose customers the instant you start charging for your goods. For a startup to succeed, affordability must be taken into account from the outset. When the return on investment becomes the primary concern, the model breaks down,” according to Anand Chandra, Co-Founder and COO of Arya.ag, India’s largest and only profitable agritech startup at scale.

Arya.ag's focus on solving post-harvest challenges like storage, financing, and market access has led to their success in the evolving agricultural market. Unlike many competitors, they've avoided the pitfalls of industry fragmentation, restructuring, and layoffs. Through a calculated expansion of its network of commodities storage stations, which now numbers over 11,000, Arya.ag helps connect smaller producers with larger markets. This network enables farmer-producer organizations (FPOs) and smallholders to more effectively store and market their harvests, especially when combined with Arya's adaptable storage solutions.

Other notable players are adapting their own strategies to address the shifting market. Waycool recently liquidated its chain of retail stores, let go of around 400 workers, reduced the number of warehouses it owned by a fourth, and even asked for more time to pay off its debts. But the company is not the only one being compelled to expand its business beyond farming. Dehaat and Ninjacart, two agritech businesses, have both experienced pivots to varied degrees.

Dehaat posted Rs 1965 crore in revenue with a loss of Rs 371 crore in FY23, and Ninjacart recorded Rs 1,600 crore in revenue with a loss of Rs 325 crore in the previous fiscal.

FPO-Centric Models are becoming popular

A notable trend influencing India's agritech evolution is the growing focus on FPOs. These collectives offer immense potential for aggregating farmers, improving their bargaining power, and streamlining the supply chain. Startups like Agribolo and Crofarm recognize this potential, offering technology platforms specifically designed for FPOs. These platforms address internal operational needs, improve access to better markets, enhance financial services, and amplify the collective voice of farmers, thus benefiting both the FPOs and the individual farmers they represent.

"Arya.ag's unique farmer-centric approach, with embedded finance and differentiated efficiencies for small farmholders, has helped us scale," says Anand Chandra from Arya.ag. "For any service we offer, we do it at a much larger scale while being the most affordable option for our customers. And though the rates we offer our customers are the lowest, if you look at the overall P&L, we are likely earning more than any other player in the ecosystem. We designed the AryaShakti app to build farm, farmer, and FPO networks, and today we have digitized over 190,000 farms and 1300 FPO relationships on AryaShakti to ensure smallholders have efficiency, access, and transparency."

Market Linkages are gaining much-needed spotlight

Linking farmers directly to larger consumers is a large focus for agritech innovation. For example, Ninjacart's platform optimizes the fresh vegetable supply chain. Ninjacart uses technology to enhance demand forecasting and logistics in an effort to cut waste, expedite transactions, and guarantee that farmers earn a more equitable portion of the price that customers ultimately pay.

Arya.ag however believes that they are not here to replace the middlemen. Every stakeholder plays an essential role in trade and its integrated platform that connects farmers and FPOs with corporate buyers, processors and even small and large traders. "Our market linkage services have helped farmers and FPOs access a wider range of buyers and negotiate better prices for their produce. What is important is that Arya.ag is not a principal in the trade but a platform. We are not competing with the buyer or the seller, and this allays any concerns about trust and reliability. By bringing complete assurance and transparency in any trade against a nominal fee, the platform ensures that both buyers and sellers get the best value," says Prasanna Rao, CEO, Arya.ag. "By providing them with greater market visibility and improving farmer choices, incomes and networks, we are enabling farmers to capture a larger share of the value they create.”

“What Arya has built is a great playbook for growing a profitable and sustainable business with non-linear growth. Built by an experienced and ambitious team focused on managing risk and growth, Arya.ag has the largest grain storage footprint in the country combined with a tech-enabled product suite of financing and market linkage making it the largest and most comprehensive grain platform in the country. As Arya's first investors, it has been phenomenal to watch the team transform grain markets while also remaining a profitable and capital-efficient company,” Vaidhehi Ravindran, Partner at Lightrock

There is enormous potential to increase farmer incomes and decrease inefficiencies in the agricultural value chain as more agritech businesses concentrate on enhancing market connections. Through the establishment of more direct, transparent, and efficient linkages between farmers and buyers, these programs are laying the groundwork for Indian agriculture to have a more sustainable and fair future.


Nurturing Indian farmers

Lakshmi, a smallholder farmer in Maharashtra, has seen firsthand the benefits of agritech. Before partnering with Arya.ag, she struggled with inadequate storage facilities, leaving her vulnerable to post-harvest losses and forcing her to sell her produce at unfavorable prices. Arya.ag's storage solutions allowed Lakshmi to store her grain safely and access financing using warehouse receipts. "I can now wait for better market prices and negotiate confidently," she says.

Mishri Kalme, Korku Mahila FPO, Khandwa, Madhya Pradesh said, “The farmers in our FPO would have to sell their grains immediately after harvest for a low price because they didn’t want it to spoil and go to waste. But since we started working with Arya.ag, our farmers have been able to use the Arya.ag warehouse to store goods and sell at a later date. Arya.ag even connects us to buyers directly. This helps us make a profit on our crop and stop spoilage.”


Fueling Growth and Stability through financing solutions

Within the agricultural value chain, financing and working capital availability continue to be major bottlenecks. Arya.ag has thoughtfully tackled this issue by providing strong financing options, such as warehouse receipt finance. Farmers and the larger agribusiness ecosystem gain from the win-win situation they create, which they accomplish by utilizing their market knowledge and risk assessment capabilities.

“Close to 40 percent of our clients are first-time borrowers accessing finance from a formal channel, of which close to 10% are women giving them larger access to working capital. By the time a farmer reaches a Warehouse and unloads her produce, based on her KYC, Arya.ag can sanction her an agri loan based on her aadhaar and a single OTP can ensure that the money is credited to her account in an instant,” says Anand Chandra, COO. This model of embedded finance is attracting the attention of other agritech players as well, with several startups focusing on tailored credit solutions and digital financial tools specifically designed for farmers and agribusinesses.


For instance, Samunnati, a specialised agri-finance company, offers a range of financial products and services tailored to the needs of farmers and agribusinesses. These include working capital loans, inventory financing, and trade finance solutions. Their goal is to provide farmers and agribusinesses with the financial support they need to grow and thrive. They are able to assess risk more accurately and offer financing solutions that are both affordable and accessible.

The impact of these financing solutions is already being felt on the ground. Savita, a small-scale farmer from Maharashtra, was able to access working capital financing from Arya.ag to purchase high-quality seeds and fertilisers for her farm. "Earlier, I would have to borrow money from local moneylenders at very high interest rates," she says. "With Arya.ag's financing, I was able to invest in better inputs and improve my crop yields, which has helped me increase my income and provide a better life for my family.


Pooja Jaat, Bijasani Krushi Vikas FPO, Birwani, Madhya Pradesh says, “Today more than 500 farmers are connected with us helping produce seeds. One of the major challenges has been a lack of awareness of the concept. We have been able to impart knowledge and training and additional support. Before we worked with Arya.ag, we had to reach out to banks for loans, and it used to take over a month, and this was a struggle for all of us. But ever since Arya.ag, we have had access to instant credits which enable us to pay our farmers on time.”

The agricultural industry has enormous potential to drive growth and stability as more agritech entrepreneurs concentrate on offering creative finance solutions to farmers and agribusinesses. These enterprises are making it possible for farmers and other rural entrepreneurs to invest in their businesses and enhance their standard of living by bridging the finance gap through the use of technology, data analytics, and alternative credit evaluation models.


Government push-through initiatives

The Indian government has taken a proactive stance in promoting innovation and establishing favorable conditions since it recognizes the potential of agritech. Important programs like the National Agriculture Market's (e-NAM) platform, which attempts to establish a single online marketplace for agricultural commodities, are dismantling long-standing obstacles and enhancing price discovery and transparency for farmers all throughout the nation. Furthermore, a number of incentives and subsidies promote the use of agritech solutions, increasing the sector's sustainability and efficiency.

A new, more developed stage is emerging in India's agritech industry. Earlier excitement was fueled by quick growth, but today's enterprises are totally focused on sustainable growth models that produce real benefits for both farmers and agribusinesses. One business that has successfully navigated the agritech sector's obstacles is Arya.ag, which has a thorough awareness of the actual difficulties that its stakeholders confront. With a supportive regulatory framework, focused investments, and a dedication to sustainable innovation, India's agritech sector is well-positioned to enhance a vital economic sector, transform the nation's agricultural landscape, and ensure its future potential as a global leader.


Farmer & FPO level advisory, farmgate level storage, financing, and market linkages are all integrated under the umbrella of Arya.ag, offering a comprehensive digital platform accessible to everyone from smallholder farmers to large corporates.