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Drink Tea To Reduce Risk Of Death, Says Study

According to research conducted by the National Cancer Institute, people who have two to three cups of tea every day run a lesser risk of death.

Tea For Health

A majority of Indians who start their day with tea now have a very strong reason to stick to their desi beverage. According to a recent study conducted by researchers at the National Cancer Institute, a unit under the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the United Kingdom, higher consumption of tea lowers the risk of death.

With the available data, researchers analysed that people who have two to three cups of tea have 9 per cent to 13 per cent lesser risk of death compared to those who did not consume tea. Going by a statement released by NIH, “higher tea consumption was also associated with a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease, ischemic heart disease and stroke.”

How was the research carried out?

Out of the 4,98,043 respondents (both men and women) aged between 40 years to 69 years who had participated in the study, 89 per cent said they consumed black tea. As part of the research, respondents answered the questionnaire between 2006 to 2010 and this was followed up for more than a decade. Follow ups with respondents were carried out for nearly 11 years and information about their death was reported from a linked database from the UK National Health Service.

Researchers figured that “higher tea intake was associated with lower mortality risk among those drinking two or more cups per day, regardless of genetic variation in caffeine metabolism.” Meanwhile researchers also concluded that consumption of tea even at higher levels can be a part of a healthy diet. Additionally, the research group also noted that the correlation between tea intake and mortality risk was regardless of the tea temperature while consumption, ingredients (like milk and sugar) used and genetic variations affecting the rate at which people metabolize caffeine.

Various reports have been published earlier to prove the impact of tea on our overall health. According to a report in The Guardian, drinking tea or coffee may lower the risk of stroke and dementia. The researchers of this particular study pointed out that people who consumed two to three cups of coffee or three to five cups of tea per day or four to six cups of tea and coffee in a day, were less prone to stroke or dementia.

Benefits of Tea

Teas are largely available in three varieties, namely, black, green or oolong tea. The amount of time taken to process the tea leaves determine the variety of the tea. Different types of tea are packed with different set of nutrients. Some of the benefits that one can derive by consuming tea are:

  •  Antioxidants: Tea contains antioxidants and white tea is packed with most of the antioxidants as it’s less processed compared to green and black tea.

  •  Lesser caffeine consumption: Tea has lesser caffeine compared to coffee and herbal teas contain no caffeine.

  • Better heart health: Various studies have found that regular consumption of tea reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

  •  Weight watchers: Tea may not lead to drastic weight loss but it does aid weight loss by keeping your gut healthy.

  • Immunity booster: Tea has been helping people to boost their immunity. Various ayurvedic teas have resulted in enhanced immunity due to its anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Battles Cancer: it has some anti-carcinogenic properties that can help prevent cancer.  

  • Better digestive system: Tea soothes your digestive system. While chamomile tea has got antispasmodic properties, ginger tea can help fight nausea.

 There are various types of teas and each one of them have some unique properties. Depending on one’s health requirement, the right type of tea can be chosen. Consumption of tea in measured quantities can be beneficial to our health, while over consumption of tea is not advised by health professionals.