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In The Age Of AI, Embracing The Future With Human Intelligence - Interview

The future workplace will be one where AI and human intelligence work hand in hand. AI will handle the heavy lifting of repetitive and analytical tasks, freeing humans to focus on what truly matters—creativity, innovation, and human connection. By developing their emotional intelligence, creativity, risk-taking, collaboration, and communication skills, humans can ensure that they remain relevant and thrive in this new landscape.

artificial intelligence jobs
OpenAI’s ChatGPT app is displayed on an iPhone in New York, May 18, 2023. Photo: Associated Press

The rapid advancement of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) has brought with it several fears on the work front. Will jobs be secure in the near future? Will Gen AI replace humans in most jobs? Or will humans and AI manage to co-exist?

According to experts, the future workplace will be one where AI and human intelligence work hand in hand. AI will handle the heavy lifting of repetitive and analytical tasks, freeing humans to focus on what truly matters—creativity, innovation, and human connection. By developing their emotional intelligence, creativity, risk-taking, collaboration, and communication skills, humans can ensure that they not only remain relevant but also thrive in this new landscape.

Srinivasa Addepalli, the founder and CEO of GlobalGyan Leadership Academy, says for mid-career professionals, the key is to embrace change, continuously learn, and leverage their unique human qualities. The future is bright for those who are willing to adapt and grow. AI is not a threat but an opportunity—a tool that, when used wisely, can amplify our capabilities and open up new possibilities, he adds.

Outlook India's Deepak Nagpal caught up with Srinivasa Addepalli to understand the future scenarios better. Here are the excerpts of the interview:

Looking ahead a few years, how do you visualise the role of AI in the future workplace? Will it replace humans?

AI is undoubtedly transforming the business landscape, and its role in the future of work will continue to evolve. Will it immediately replace us, surely not! But, can it have a large impact in a few years, I believe so.

When discussing the role of AI, I am convinced that AI will not replace humans but will augment human capabilities. AI excels at tasks that are repetitive, data-intensive, and analytical. It can process vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and execute routine tasks with high precision and low cost. This capability allows businesses to streamline processes, reduce errors, and significantly boost productivity.

This also frees us to focus on more strategic, creative, and innovative tasks—areas where human intelligence and emotional depth are irreplaceable. In essence, AI will take care of the “heavy lifting,” enabling humans to engage in more meaningful and impactful work.

What would be the likely role of humans in such a scenario?

Humans are dreamers, optimists, and creators. That’s what we have done for ages. And that is what we must focus on for the future. Humans will be the architects of new ideas and strategies, fostering relationships, understanding nuanced human behaviors, and creating cultures that inspire and motivate. We must shift our professional energies towards areas that require creativity, strategic thinking, empathy, and leadership—qualities that AI cannot replicate. Leadership, in particular, will become even more critical. Leaders will need to harness AI’s power to make informed decisions while guiding their teams with empathy, vision, and creativity.

What skills would become crucial for individuals to develop if they want to thrive in such an environment?

As we move into this new era, certain skills will become indispensable. These are not technical skills that can be easily automated but rather human-centric skills deeply rooted in our emotional and intellectual capacities.

1. Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing our emotions, as well as empathizing with others, will be vital. Emotional intelligence helps us navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and build strong, cohesive teams. An empathetic leader listens deeply and makes others feel valued and respected through appropriate communication and support.

2. Creativity: While AI can analyze data, it can’t imagine. Creativity will be the driving force behind innovation. We need to cultivate our ability to think differently and come up with novel solutions to problems. As I have often emphasized, innovation is the key to standing out in a crowded marketplace.

3. Risk-Taking: AI can provide insights and predictions, but the courage to take calculated risks will remain a uniquely human trait. Leaders who balance data-driven insights with bold decisionmaking will lead the charge. The ability to take risks and experiment with new ideas without the fear of failure is crucial for future success.

4. Collaboration: In a world where AI handles many technical aspects, the ability to work well with others will be crucial. Collaborative skills enable us to combine diverse perspectives and expertise to create superior outcomes. Effective collaboration creates an environment where multiple people or groups come together to achieve a common objective, allowing them to share ideas freely and deal with conflicts proactively.

5. Communication: Clear and effective communication will always be essential. As we work alongside AI, the ability to articulate our ideas, persuade others, and build consensus will set us apart. Communication is not just about sophisticated articulation (which AI may appear to be very good at); it’s about listening, understanding, and connecting with others.


For those who are in mid-stages of their lives and careers, how can they make the changes today to stay relevant in the future of work?

For mid-career professionals, the prospect of change can seem daunting. However, this phase of your career can also be a time of exciting transformation. Here are some strategies to stay relevant:

1. Continuous Learning: Make learning a habit. Stay updated with the latest developments in AI and other technologies. This doesn’t mean you need to become a tech expert, but having a basic understanding will help you leverage these tools effectively.


2. Upskill Your Human Intelligence: Focus on enhancing the skills that AI can’t replicate. Invest time in developing your emotional intelligence, creativity, and communication skills. These will be your most valuable assets. Engage in activities that challenge your thinking and encourage innovation.

3. Embrace Change: Be open to new ways of working and be willing to adapt. Take on a new role or project within the organisation. Change can be challenging, but it also brings new opportunities for growth and development. Embrace uncertainty and view it as an opportunity.

4. Leverage Your Experience: Your years of experience are invaluable. Use your deep industry knowledge and understanding of human behavior to guide and mentor younger colleagues. Your ability to connect the dots and provide strategic insights will be highly sought after.


5. Seek Collaborative Roles: Position yourself in roles that require collaboration and human interaction. These are areas where your skills and experience will shine, and where AI will play a supportive rather than a leading role. Build strong relationships and networks to enhance your professional growth.

Many professionals may not be investing in learning because they are too busy or complacent. What would you advise them?

In today’s fast-paced world, many professionals do not invest time in learning. They are often complacent, assuming that their current skills will suffice. Or they feel that they are too busy getting things done, without realising the change that is upon them. This mindset can be devastating to your career. Here is my advice:


1. Be Humble: Understand that the world is changing rapidly. What you know today is most likely irrelevant tomorrow. Learning is not a luxury but a necessity. Humility is the first step to curiosity.

2. Overcome Complacency: Complacency can be a career killer. Challenge yourself to step out of your comfort zone. Seek feedback from peers and mentors to identify areas for improvement.

3. Prioritize Learning: Make learning a personal priority. Allocate specific time slots for learning activities. Treat it as an investment in your future. And don’t wait for your employer to help you learn: it is your responsibility.


4. Utilize Available Resources: There are numerous resources available for learning, many of which are free or low-cost. Take advantage of online courses, webinars, podcasts, and industry publications. Join professional networks and communities to stay informed and engaged.

5. Set Goals and Track Progress: Set specific learning goals and track your progress. This could be learning a new skill, completing a certification, or attending a certain number of industry events. Regularly review and adjust your goals to stay on track.