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Pulsetto Reviews - Does It Work? Legit Customer Results Or Waste Of Money?

Pulsetto is a wearable device developed to alleviate stress and anxiety, which is then trusted to help people fall asleep quickly. To achieve the aforementioned effects, it supposedly employs cutting-edge science to activate the parasympathetic nervous system.


Is your inability to deal with stress getting to you? Do you experience anxiety every time something unexpected happens? Indeed, it is well recognized that the causes and general intensity of a stressful situation have a detrimental impact on both mental and physical health. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, it is claimed that the issue has only gotten worse, making it difficult for people to use their problem-solving skills and, as a result, arousing their emotions to take over. Stress and anxiety not only interfere with our mental and physical health, but also with our aptitude to learn, form relationships (both personal and professional), and live a peaceful life. Fortunately, one team is applying their knowledge of neuromodulation to mollify these issues. The purpose of this review is to introduce?Pulsetto.?

What is?Pulsetto??

Pulsetto?is a wearable device developed to alleviate stress and anxiety, which is then trusted to help people fall asleep quickly. To achieve the aforementioned effects, it supposedly employs cutting-edge science to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. In fact, tests showed that the effects went beyond only lowering anxiety and stress. Users who wore?Pulsetto?for 15 sessions saw increases in their mood, concentration, optimism, and calmness of 35%, 47%, 27%, and 19%, respectively. To think that people are asked to do nothing more than wear a device that emits meditation soundtracks is extremely astounding. Normally, it takes more effort to make gains of this size. Considering everything, it is critical that we all comprehend the?Pulsetto?mechanism before proceeding.?

How does?Pulsetto?work??

Pulsetto's?primary motive is to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS). The PSNS is one of our autonomic system's two principal divisions. Long?fibres?extend from the brain and connect with specific neurons close to the organ they want to affect (whether it be the eyes, lacrimal glands, parotid glands, salivary glands, or nerves). The PSNS functions in part by keeping the resting heart rate constant. Keeping said pace between 60 to 100 beats per minute is claimed to make people feel calmer, which is typically a sign that the?vagus?nerve is functioning.?

This leads us to the most important of all the factors, activating the?vagus?nerve. The?vagus?nerve is a cranial nerve that regulates several bodily processes, including digestion, heart rate, breathing, cardiovascular activity, and the initiation of numerous reflexes (i.e., coughing, sneezing, swallowing, and vomiting). Regarding the connection between this nerve and the PSNS, it is believed that the former plays a significant role in the activation of the latter. This activation aids in lowering blood pressure, heart rate, and alertness, all of which, as noted briefly above, naturally promote serenity, relaxation, and digestion.?

Ultimately,?Pulsetto uses vagus nerve stimulation to biohack the PSNS for overall wellbeing. With the driving forces out of the way, let’s now venture into?Pulsetto’s?unique features.?

What features does?Pulsetto?have??

Although?Pulsetto?has many noteworthy qualities, the following caught our editorial team's attention:?

FCC Certified?

Knowing that?Pulsetto?has received FCC certification is comforting because it emits radiofrequency radiation as part of its?vagus?stimulating processes. Simply put, this certification proves that?Pulsetto?produces radiofrequency radiation at safe levels and that it has successfully passed tests to determine those levels. For this certification,?Pulsetto?was specifically subjected to independent lab testing.?

Non-Invasive, Non-Drug?

The possibility of adverse effects connected with prescription medications and even dietary supplements is now history, as?Pulsetto?does not require either method to alleviate anxiety and stress. Instead, it emits electrical impulses that are known to naturally activate the?vagus?nerve, bringing our heart rates back to normal and gradually enhancing our overall well-being.?

Light, Flexible, Adjustable & Wearable?

The?Pulsetto?device has been designed with comfort in mind as it is light, flexible, adjustable, and completely wearable. The only way to see or feel a significant difference with any new addition that aims to improve a certain component of health is by being consistent. This is made possible by the?Pulsetto?design, which, in our opinion, will encourage consumers to use it frequently rather than abandoning all of its applications. In fact, activation is believed to take place within minutes after electrical impulses are emitted, which is even more of a benefit to those on a tight schedule.?

5 Stimulation Programs and 9 Stimulation Levels?

The wearable device needs to be connected to the?Pulsetto?App in order for it to actually send electrical impulses to the?vagus?nerve. The app is touted to be extremely user-friendly, as people can navigate it with just a few clicks. Additionally, individuals have the possibility to design customized programs, enabling them to find peace in the best method possible. That said, each purchase comes with a QR code that prompts customers to download the app to their specific mobile devices. Once installed, users can select from five distinct stimulation programs designed to address stress, anxiety, sleep, burnout, and pain management.?

There are various distinct frequencies to pick from within these main groups. Each session should last 6 to 10 minutes on average, and people can choose to alter the electrical impulses’ intensity during that time (1 meaning low intensity and 9 meaning relatively high). It's critical to exercise caution when raising intensity. Finding a level where one can feel comfortable during various muscular contractions is the objective. Thus, people shouldn't think about moving on to the next intensity until they've become accustomed to the previous one.?

Quick Activation & Results?

People are typically advised to wait no longer than a month after taking dietary supplements before experiencing even a fractional improvement in their health.?Pulsetto?is far from the exception to this rule. Each session is said to stimulate the?vagus?nerve (which then activates the PSNS) in four minutes or less, allowing the body to enter the "rest and digest" phase. One's heart rate is believed to slow down during this time, and feelings of serenity should increase, eventually encouraging sound sleep. Managing inflammation in the body is another benefit of?vagus?nerve stimulation, which is thought to control appropriate food intake and promote fullness.?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)?

Where is?Pulsetto?manufactured??

Pulsetto?is manufactured in Lithuania, Europe. Specifically, this is where its components, plastics, electrical engineering, PCB, quality control, product assembly and application tasks were executed.?


The FCC certification suggests that?Pulsetto?is safe to wear. In addition, based on a specific amplitude, pulse width, safe voltage, and pulse waves, it generates an electrical signal. This is compared?favourably?to several of?Pulsetto's?rivals. The sole distinction is that instead of targeting the?vagus?nerve's surface, this device concentrates on stronger yet safe impulses that penetrate deeper into the nerve. The procedure as a whole is natural in that the body generates its own electrical impulses, but now?Pulsetto?provides users with access to an additional source of electrical impulses.?

Does?Pulsetto?emit EMF radiation??

When engaged over Bluetooth,?Pulsetto?generates EMF radiation, which is regarded as having low levels of nonionizing radiation. Fortunately, human health is not at danger from this exposure.?

How dos?Pulsetto?work again??

Pulsetto?stimulates the neck area (where the?vagus?nerve is most active) by producing safe electrical impulses that travel straight to the nerves. In turn, the PSNS should be activated to lower heart rate.?

Will?Pulsetto?fit on most neck sizes??

Yes, since?Pulsetto?is completely flexible and adjustable, it should fit an array of neck sizes. The creators insist that 95% of the population should have no problem getting?Pulsetto?to sit comfortable around the neck.?

Why has?Pulsetto?been designed to rest at the neck??

Based on the creators, the?vagus?nerve is most active in the neck area.?

What’s included in each?Pulsetto?purchase??

Each?Pulsetto?purchase includes the wearable device, an instructions manual, a charging cable, and a tube of gel.?

Do I have to charge?Pulsetto?before using it??

No,?Pulsetto?will arrive pre-charged, and will last up to one week of daily use.?

How do I know it’s time to charge?Pulsetto??

When?Pulsetto?starting blinking green, it is an indication that the device needs to be recharged. Usually, anywhere between 30 and 45 minutes may suffice before starting a session.?

Can I charge and use?Pulsetto?simultaneously??

No,?Pulsetto?includes a built-in safety feature that prevents individuals from charging and using the device simultaneously.?

How to use?Pulsetto??

The gel must first be liberally applied to the neck. Following that, individuals need to wear?Pulsetto?around their neck and pair it with the?Pulsetto?app. The remaining steps involve selecting a preferred program, turning on the device, and allowing electrical impulses handle the process of attaining relaxation.?

Where can?Pulsetto?be used??

Pulsetto?can be worn almost anyplace. In fact, it is advised that people wear it during low-impact movement sessions. Put differently, this could be at work, when stretching, or during a relaxing session, but it shouldn’t be during physical activity!?

When is the best time to use?Pulsetto??

For people who have chronic stress or anxiety, the creators recommend putting?Pulsetto?to use within the first hour of waking up in the morning. If necessary, a second session an hour after the first can be considered as well. If people are using this device for sleep, it should be done an hour before bedtime. Once again, a prompt to do a second session will pop up after a set time. Otherwise, this device can be worn while experiencing stress or anxiety.?

What do the?Pulsetto?electrical impulses feel like??

Individuals should experience a tingling sensation in the neck area, indicating that the intensity level is suitable, and that the device is functioning properly.?

How long will it take to see improvements with?Pulsetto??

Relieving stress and anxiety only takes four minutes. The degree of symptoms and other circumstances, such as specific medical conditions, must also be taken into consideration, thus this may differ from person to person. This means that it can take some people one to three days to actually wind down if they have serious imbalances or symptoms.?

Others may require up to 30 days for results that are more dependable. In fact, 80% of people who have taken?Pulsetto?say that their stress and anxiety levels have improved after three to four weeks of use, however some claim to have noticed the same effects in just one to two days or even four to six weeks.?

How should?Pulsetto?be cleaned??

Since?Pulsetto?rests on a gel, individuals will need to wipe it off using a dry cloth.?

Are there any additional costs or subscription fees attached to?Pulsetto??

There are no additional costs or fees attached to?Pulsetto. Individuals are only required to pay a one-time fee to access the device and its accompanying app. The app itself doesn’t require payments for unlocking the programs either.?

How long will it take to receive?Pulsetto?shipments??

Pulsetto?shipments are projected to arrive within the first 7 to 11 business days. This, however, may vary from country to country.?

Does?Pulsetto?include a money-back guarantee??

Yes,?Pulsetto?includes a 21-day money-back guarantee. If within the first 21 days after purchase (i.e., counted from when the device was confirmed to be shipped), individuals are displeased by?Pulsetto?and feel as though their stress and anxiety levels haven’t improved even marginally, customer support can be contacted for a full purchase price refund. To learn more about the refund policy, individuals are advised to send an email directly [email protected].?

How much does?Pulsetto?cost??

Meet the Creators?

The?Pulsetto?team is made up of top sleep and neuromodulation specialists that are utilizing the most recent research and tools to assist people overcome their stress, anxiety, and insomnia while concentrating on promoting relaxation, balance, and rejuvenation. In accordance with the team, close to 40% of Americans have some type of mental health issue, 31% experience anxiety and despair, and 11% are said to have thought about suicide. COVID was plainly only going to make mental distresses worse, so the?Pulsetto?team decided to use their affinity for neuromodulation to change things.?

Speaking of the team, it is led by CEO and co-founder, Vitalijus?Majorovas. He is a certified sleep biohacker and recovery coach at Buteyko Clinic International and has spent nearly a decade in the sleep products industry. Some of his ongoing endeavors include leading the sleep and recovery hub at Kilo Health and serving as the CEO of Turnaround Management Pro at?Verslo?Reorganizavimas. All things considered, here are some brief insights about their journey:?

“Using our expertise in neuromodulation, we’ve created a drive to combat mental health and anxiety problems.?Pulsetto?is universal, efficient, and easy-to-use. And we know it will help a lot of people feel better.”?

Final Thoughts?

Pulsetto?is a wearable device made to stimulate the?vagus?nerve, which is necessary for activating the PSNS. For optimum calmness and overall balance, this promotes appropriate blood pressure levels and a normal heart rate. This device has the ability to encourage healthy digestion, eating routines, and might even encourage fullness in addition to reducing stress and anxiety. These might appear unexpected at first, but the?vagus?nerve actually plays a crucial role in regulating digestion in addition to heart rate, among other things. The fact that a sleep expert with ten years of experience opted to contribute to the field of mental health as well as the ongoing research in this area fascinates our editorial team.?

Unlike dietary supplements or other orally consumed medications that carry some level of danger,?Pulsetto?has no such drawbacks. It only employs electrical impulses or signals that the body is used to. Apart from the fundamental principles of?Pulsetto, our editorial team values the overall experience. It is simple to put on, simple to connect to the app (which on its own allows for maximum customization), and the rest is handled with a few clicks. People must, of course, exercise caution when using?Pulsetto?because there is an optimal time for multiple goals. Having said that, we advise everyone to read the directions for safe and effective uses and consult a healthcare professional before incorporating anything new into their routine. In the interim,?you can learn more about Pulsetto by visiting official website here! >>>?

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The links contained in this product review may result in a small commission if you opt to purchase the product recommended at no additional cost to you. This goes towards supporting our research and editorial team. Please know we only recommend high-quality products.?


Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely substitutes for sound medical or financial advice from a licensed healthcare provider or certified financial advisor. Make sure to consult with a professional physician or financial consultant before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary and are not guaranteed as the statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or Health Canada. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA, or Health Canada approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease and do not provide any kind of get-rich money scheme. Reviewer is not responsible for pricing inaccuracies. Check product sales page for final prices.?