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Weekly Horoscope For August 4th To August 10th: Discover Astrological Insights For All Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope (August 4 – August 10): Astrology offers insights into the cosmic energies influencing each zodiac sign, aiding personal growth and strategic decision-making. Understanding these forces helps individuals navigate life, relationships, and career choices.

weekly horoscope 4 to 10 august 2024
Weekly Horoscope For August 4th To August 10th: Discover Astrological Insights For All Zodiac Signs

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):

For Aries, Ketu Dev will be situated in the sixth house of your moon sign and in such a situation, this week is good in terms of health, but your excessive thinking about anything can give you mental stress. Therefore, you will try to improve this habit of yours, in which you can also achieve success by the end of the week. Due to Jupiter sitting in your second house, this week is good for buying such things, whose price can increase in the future. In such a situation, you can invest in gold jewellery, house-land or the construction work of a house, which will increase your chances of making a good profit in the future. If your parents' health was affected, then there is a strong possibility of improvement this week. Due to this, your family life will be good to a great extent throughout this week and during this period, you can plan to buy a vehicle or property. If you like someone at the workplace, then this week you are advised to behave decently while talking to them. Because you may say something unintentionally, which may spoil your talks. Also, talk to them by keeping a distance from the office. Students preparing for competitive exams may have special success this week. Along with this, the time will prove to be very good for students pursuing higher education as well. Because at this time, an increase in your competitive spirit will be seen.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Number: 10

Taurus (Apr 21–May 20):

This week will be very good from the health point of view of the people in your zodiac sign. During this time, you will not have to face any major problems. In such a situation, take advantage of this positive time to enjoy the fresh air with your loved ones. During this time you will be seen spending some of your money on repurchasing or maintaining your valuables. Due to the planet Rahu sitting in your eleventh house, this time will bring many financial profits for you, due to which you can plan to spend on many important works. If you have been trying to buy your own house for a long time, then this week there can be a discussion in your family about it. During this time, your ideas and discussions will also be given the necessary importance by the elders of the house. This will increase your morale, as well as see compatibility in the family environment. You can order food or any sweets from outside. This week is showing suitable and better yoga for starting any new work or investing somewhere because Saturn will be present in your tenth house. In such a situation, if you invest or start a new job during this time, then you are likely to get good profits. This week will wait for you because you may forget or lose the book or notes for any of your main subjects, due to which you may have to face mental stress. In such a situation, some restlessness will be seen in your nature and you will feel annoyed by even small things. Therefore, it will be better for you to find a solution to this instead of cursing yourself while remaining calm.

Lucky Colour: Blue

Lucky Number: 3

Gemini (May 21–Jun 21):

For Gemini natives, Jupiter will be placed in the twelfth house of your Moon sign. As a result, negative thoughts will dominate your mind this week. Due to this, even if something good happens to you, you will still be seen looking at it negatively. As a result, you may deprive yourself of many good and profitable opportunities. To improve this nature of yours. For this, you can also resort to yoga and meditation. Due to any of your old investments like ancestral property, land, property, policy, etc., your income is seen to increase this week. In such a situation, while earning that money, you can also decide to invest it again in a good scheme. This week, due to your humorous nature, you will make the atmosphere of your home and family more pleasant than usual because Rahu will be present in your tenth house. Along with this, some of your relatives or friends can also come to your house for a wonderful evening at this time. Those people of this zodiac sign who are associated with government jobs are likely to get a promotion or salary hike along with a desired transfer this week. In such a situation, keep motivating yourself only towards your goals. This week will be full of problems for students studying in engineering, law and medical fields. During this time, they may face a lot of difficulty in making the right decision, due to which they may have to face embarrassment in front of others due to their poor performance.

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Number: 7

Cancer (Jun 22–Jul 22):

Drivers are advised to be extra cautious throughout this week because your slightest carelessness may prove harmful to you. Jupiter will be in the eleventh house of your Moon sign, and thus, this week you need to focus on land, real estate or cultural projects. Because this time is creating a very good combination for investing in these schemes. So, do not let these opportunities slip from your hands and take full advantage of them. This week, you will be seen imposing your suggestions and your views on friends and relatives. However, you are advised to avoid doing so. Not only will it prove to be very beneficial for your image, but by doing this, you can also anger others and pit them against you. Saturn will be present in the eighth house of your Moon sign and thus, this week you need to understand very well that if you want to get the full fruits of your hard work, then try to keep your mind positive. This week is going to be more important than usual for your career, as a result of which you are likely to get many new opportunities during this time. This week, most of all, you have to understand that it is not possible to achieve success every time. Because the failure you experience this week will reduce your confidence. Due to this, the many doubts running through your mind can trouble you.

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Number: 2

Leo (Jun 22–Jul 22):

This week, your mental state will be much better because you will be able to keep yourself away from all kinds of stress during this time. Although you may get minor diseases during weather changes, apart from this, you will not suffer from any major diseases at this time. The nature of people in this zodiac is to live in the present. But this week you will have to control your habit of making decisions by keeping only one day in mind because Jupiter Maharaj will be sitting in your tenth house. In such a situation, it will be better for you to avoid spending more time and money on your entertainment than is necessary. Otherwise, you may have to face a financial crisis in the future. You often promise more than your capacity to others, due to which you trap yourself in trouble even without wanting it. But this week, you will have to avoid doing so. Otherwise, you can also lose your credibility. Therefore, promise only that work that you can complete. Those people of this zodiac sign who are associated with government jobs are likely to get a promotion or salary hike as well as a desired transfer this week. In such a situation, keep motivating yourself only towards your goals. This week, many students will have additional pressure from their families and relatives regarding their careers. Due to this, they will not be able to focus on their education. If you must choose your career in such a situation, you must understand that you should never decide under duress. So understand this yourself and if needed, sit down and talk to your family members about it.

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Number: 9

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):

Even though your life may seem wonderful to your friends and family members, you will be sad and depressed inside due to some recent incidents this week. If you do business in partnership, then you will need to improve your relationship with your partner this week because Jupiter will be present in your ninth house. By doing this, you will be able to earn a good financial profit with their help. So keeping this in mind, keep moving your efforts in the right direction. This week, you will be able to talk to and contact those relatives or friends whom you meet only occasionally. Because this time is going to prove to be especially good for you to re-develop and improve your old relationships. This week, something positive may happen at the workplace, when you realise that the person whom you considered your enemy in the office is your well-wisher. Therefore, forgetting all your bad experiences with them, you will have to make a good decision for a new and positive beginning. This week, most of the students will not be able to concentrate on their studies due to their problems, which can harm their education. In such a situation, keep yourself calm in every situation and take the help of yoga and meditation.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Number: 16

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):

For Libra, Rahu will be sitting in the sixth house of your Moon sign and in such a situation, you will need to change your habit of overeating. Because during this time, you will be seen making proper efforts to bring about a change in this bad habit of yours. which you will be seen doing regular exercise to stay healthy. Due to the presence of Jupiter in the eighth house of your Moon sign, this week your greed will prove to be your biggest enemy. There is a possibility that someone may tempt you with money to do some illegal work, after which your eyes will be blindfolded by greed and you will get trapped in some big problem. This week, your attitude is going to be very aggressive. There is a possibility that if you are not satisfied with something during a conversation or discussion at home, you may say some bitter things to others in anger. Which you will have to regret later. Therefore, think well before reacting to anything. This week, things seem to be moving much better for you in the workplace than before. In such a situation, you will need to take the initiative and greet the small people and workers whose hard work is involved in your success. Because this will give positive encouragement to you as well as them. Listening to music or dancing is a sure-shot remedy for relieving many types of stress. In such a situation, listening to good music or dancing can make your week's stress vanish.

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Number: 18

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):

For Scorpio natives, Jupiter will be aspecting the seventh house of your Moon sign. As a result, this week, your health will improve. But despite this, you will have to avoid all kinds of long-distance travel during this time and if any travel is necessary, then go on any journey only after getting your medical checkup done. This week, you will need to make a correct and good budget plan, keeping in mind your income and expenses, because Rahu will be sitting in your fifth house. Therefore, while making this budget at the beginning of the week, spend your money accordingly. During this time, you can make it by using the help and experience of the elders of your house, especially your parents. Those natives or students who live away from home will be very troubled by the feeling of loneliness this week. During this time, you will find yourself very lonely, due to which you can also feel a strange tightness. In such a situation, do not let your loneliness control you this week and if you get time, go out somewhere and spend time with some friends. Before doing any business in partnership with any acquaintance or close relative, listen to your inner feelings about it. Because it is possible that the person whom you were considering small and were not giving importance to his suggestions, may give you some big suggestions for expanding the business. This week, students may face many problems understanding their lessons or subjects. In such a situation, even if you do not want to, you will avoid taking help from anyone due to your ego. However, instead of doing this, you will need to seek the help of elders to get better results.

Lucky Colour: Purple

Lucky Number: 8

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):

For Sagittarius, Rahu Maharaj will be present in your fourth house. In such a situation, this week you may feel mentally and physically tired. In such a situation, taking some rest and nutritious food raises your energy level and improves it. Because doing this is going to prove to be especially good for your health. This week is likely to be very good for the people of your zodiac in terms of financial matters. During this time, the sight of many planets will provide you with many opportunities to increase your income and add to your accumulated wealth. This week, you will need to understand your domestic responsibilities well and fulfil them. Because if you ignore them for any reason, you can anger your family members, even without wanting to. There is a possibility that your colleagues may be jealous of you, seeing your work and your progress. Due to this, you may have trouble getting their support. This week, there is a possibility that you will get rid of all kinds of difficulties in understanding many of your subjects. Because at this time you will be completely successful in distancing yourself from the turmoil going on in your personal life, due to which you will be able to concentrate more on your studies.

Lucky Colour: Orange

Lucky Number: 4

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 21):

This week, you may see many important and positive changes in your health horoscope. Because at this time, with just a little effort, you can improve your health, and your mental and physical health will remain fine. This week is very auspicious for any kind of small real estate and financial transactions because Rahu Dev will be sitting in the third house of your moon sign. However, avoid making any kind of big investment right now and if it is not possible to do so, then you are advised to invest your money in any big investment only after getting help from an elder or experienced person. Due to Ketu Maharaj sitting in your ninth house this week, your tendency to keep family members under your control, impose your rules on them and not listen to them, can go against you. Because of this, disputes with your family members are possible. Due to this, you may have to face their criticism, even if you do not want it. During this week, people of your zodiac sign are likely to get excellent results in terms of the profession because, with the help of your discipline and hard work, you will be able to get a promotion in position as well as a salary hike by breaking every diplomatic strategy of the workplace. There are chances for students that this week will be very good for their zodiac sign. During this time, not only will all the obstacles coming in the way of your education be removed, but if you were trying to get admission to a foreign university, then you will be able to get success in that too.

Lucky Colour: Golden

Lucky Number: 12

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):

To keep yourself fit, you will not have to work hard this week. Because during this time, you will get the support of luck. Due to this, even if you make less effort to keep your health better, you will still be able to keep yourself healthy. Jupiter will be present in your fourth house and in such a situation, this week is going to prove to be very auspicious for the people of your zodiac from a financial point of view. In such a situation, do not let your efforts decrease even a bit during this time, because at this time the favourable position of planets can provide you with great opportunities to increase your wealth. This week, the bad habit of smoking of a family member will bother you, due to which there is a possibility of a big dispute or quarrel with them. In such a situation, try to understand them properly without losing your senses in excitement. Shani Dev will be present in the first/ascendant house of your moon sign and as a result, this week you will have to go on a work-related trip, for which you have been waiting for a long time. But while going on this trip, check all your documents and luggage properly; otherwise, you may have to suffer in an unknown place. This week, there is a possibility that, due to some adverse activities, many students may get distracted and as a result, they may fail to achieve the desired results. Therefore, to avoid such a situation as much as possible, you will need to move forward by maintaining a perfect balance between your studies and other tasks.

Lucky Colour: Sky Blue

Lucky Number: 5

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

For Pisces, Saturn will be present in your twelfth house and in such a situation, the extra burden of work on you this week can affect your health. In such a situation, take some time out of your busy life for yourself and give some rest to your body. This week, some of your important plans will be implemented, which will give you good and fresh financial profit. In such a situation, you will be helped in saving your money and you can add some of your money in the form of a bank balance for your future. This week will be full of happiness in terms of family. Because many members of your family will try to make you happy. Due to their efforts, you will also see them trying to make the environment of the house favourable. This whole week, you will be successful in achieving great achievements in your professional life. Apart from this, the presence of maximum planets in your zodiac sign also indicates that you will emerge as hardworking, more productive and efficient at your workplace and your diplomatic and clever behaviour will help you deal with difficult situations easily and will also get you praise from the senior management. This week, students may face many difficulties in understanding their lessons or subjects. In such a situation, even if you do not want to, you will avoid taking help from anyone due to your ego. However, instead of doing so, you will need to seek the help of elders to get better results.

Lucky Colour: Grey

Lucky Number: 12