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Weekly Horoscope For August 25th To August 31st: Discover Astrological Insights For All Zodiac Signs

Weekly Horoscope (August 25 – August 31): Astrology offers insights into the cosmic energies influencing each zodiac sign, aiding personal growth and strategic decision-making. Understanding these forces helps individuals navigate life, relationships, and career choices.

weekly horoscope for august 25th to august 31st
Weekly Horoscope For August 25th To August 31st: Discover Astrological Insights For All Zodiac Signs

What's in the stars this week, August 25th to August 31st, 2024? Choose your sign for a weekly horoscope reading and discover how the stars might change your destiny.

Aries (Mar 21-Apr 20):

You will do well at work or in business. Most likely, luck will be on your side when it comes to your job or business. Right now is also a good time to look for a new job. This week, your ability to earn money and save money will steadily get better. Rahu will be in the twelfth house of your Moon sign this week. So, you will be under more and more pressure at work, which will make you feel mentally unstable and troubled. Because of this, you will also be easily annoyed. You also know what people want from you very well. But even so, you don't waste money on everyone. Venus will stay in your favour to help your finances. While Mars should be growing its energy, it will contract at the start of this week. This could make you feel tired or uneasy about some problems in your relationship. Avoid expressing your feelings in front of any family member or any of your friends this week. Otherwise, that person can hurt you by taking the wrong advantage of your trust. Therefore, it is going to be good for you to keep your feelings to yourself right now. This week it will seem that you are lonely for some time. During this time, due to Shani Dev sitting in the eleventh house of your Moon sign, your colleagues/associates can extend a helping hand. But do not expect much from them, because they will not be able to help you much. Weekends are a good time to work on bigger ideas. You should take care of your health and yourself because having a busy schedule can tire you. This week is a good one to learn more about something new and take some new classes to help you grow your views and knowledge.

Lucky Colour: Red

Lucky Number: 9

Taurus (Apr 21–May 20):

Your love will finally get the formal approval of your parents today. Children who wish to go abroad for higher education will approach you for your advice, which will make you very happy and proud. Students may be inactive in doing their important projects today. Those who are in technical investigation may also be impressed. A mentor or advisor will help politicians build promising pillars in the political environment. This week, avoid driving unless it is necessary. Avoid all kinds of travel, especially at night. Otherwise, you may have some kind of physical trouble. Due to the presence of Rahu in the eleventh house of your Moon sign, if you do business related to foreign countries, then this week you are likely to get immense success in connecting with many new sources and earning financial benefits from them. For this, you will need to be prepared from the beginning and adopt the right strategy. Teachers will receive praise from their colleagues, department heads and administrators for the progress they have made. They may also get a raise. Traders and entrepreneurs will have to face losses today due to delays in production due to employees. This week, to move ahead in your career, you are advised to choose your words carefully while talking to others at the workplace because Jupiter will be located in the first/ascendant house of your zodiac sign. Today is a day of love affairs and love relationships for many. Today there will be romance everywhere. Today you may meet someone in connection with work, on meeting whom you may get attracted. Real estate businessmen, especially brokers, may share new partnership deals today that will be very profitable soon.

Lucky Colour: Green

Lucky Number: 6

Gemini (May 21–Jun 21):

Children suffering from minor illnesses will have to remain bedridden today, which will lead to disappointment due to not being able to play sports. From a health point of view, this week is going to be slightly better than normal for your health. Especially the beginning of the week will be good because at this time you will find yourself quite healthy both mentally and physically. However, during this time, you should avoid consuming alcohol during fun and parties; otherwise, your health may deteriorate. Blind trust in your partner can cause unnecessary financial loss. Trust him but do not leave everything to him. Pay attention to their activities. Due to Rahu being situated in the tenth house of your moon sign, whatever efforts you make to save money this week, you will be successful in it. This may make you a little restless, but you will also need to understand that adverse circumstances do not last forever. Adult relatives are advised to take them to the hospital for a health checkup today. Today is not a favourable day for health-related matters. Software professionals need to focus on work to avoid being affected by a lack of confidence due to any unwanted incident. Businessmen planning a new venture should start the work today and take steps towards a decision in this direction. Today is a good day for technically qualified people. They will get opportunities to show their multitasking ability. Real estate businessmen can complete any land-related transaction today. If the transaction is not completed due to any reason, then at least the primary steps must be taken today. This week is going to be very good for your love life. People who are employed may have to face many problems at their workplace this week because Jupiter will be present in the twelfth house of your zodiac sign. You may make a mistake without even wanting to, due to which you may get scolded by your seniors. This week, most of the students of your zodiac sign will get good marks even after working less. This will not only make their day but they will also be praised and applauded by their family and society. This will not only increase the morale of the students, but they will also be successful in doing better than before.

Lucky Colour: Yellow

Lucky Number: 5

Cancer (Jun 22–Jul 22):

Today is a good day for businessmen. Today you can meet and talk to clients, colleagues and officials. Be careful in your financial matters and follow all financial work and financial resolutions in the future. Those who are in the real estate business are likely to face unnecessary delays in their new deals, which will be troublesome for them. Politicians will have to face a lot of opposition from unexpected sources. Those who were supporting them till now may also oppose them, but there is no reason to despair. This situation is temporary. Sudden liability can cause financial trouble for businesses and entrepreneurs. They will have to find adequate solutions. Today the market will be very beneficial for stock market investors. Children waiting for exam results will be disappointed today. But they should not take this failure too seriously because they will perform very well in the next exam. Businessmen thinking of celebrating a holiday abroad with their families will finalise the program today and will be able to plan tickets, dates, etc. In terms of health, you can overcome many of your problems by doing pranayama during this time. In such a situation, instead of putting your energy into many tasks this week, put only those tasks that are necessary. This week you may have to face many types of financial problems because Saturn will be situated in the eighth house of your moon sign. There is a possibility that you may spend more than necessary even without wanting to. Due to this, you will have to face many types of financial difficulties in the future. This week your knowledge will impress the people around you. Especially this week, you will also be successful in attracting a person of the opposite sex near your house due to your good nature. Those people associated with business who are doing business in partnership can get very good profit this week. Because at this time technology and social networking can help you a lot with the expansion and spread of your business. This week many students will have to travel unnecessarily. Due to this, they will not get proper time to study. In such a situation, avoid unnecessary travel as much as possible this week; otherwise, you may face trouble.

Lucky Colour: White

Lucky Number: 2

Leo (Jul 23-Aug 23):

Those elderly natives of this zodiac sign who have been suffering from joint pain or back pain for some time will get better health this week as a result of a proper diet. In such a situation, while eating well, practice yoga regularly. Rahu planet will be situated in the eighth house of your moon sign and such a situation this week is going to be good for investing money. But, due to Jupiter Maharaj being present in the tenth house of your zodiac sign, if you are thinking of buying a new vehicle or house, then you will need to invest only with the proper advice of an elder or elderly. Today is a good day for accountants. They can achieve fame today. Students may not be able to participate in the educational tour organised today. Students will come to teachers today with the expectation of intimacy. They will get appreciation and affection from the teachers. Give your new relationship some more time to grow and mature. So that you can avoid any inconvenience in the future. Single people can meet an attractive person today, but they are advised to think well before expressing any commitment or dedication. Software and hardware engineers can expect a good day today. It is an excellent day for businessmen of immovable and movable property. It is an auspicious day for brokers and builders to start new work. This week you may feel a little sad after seeing any of your old friends, partners or lovers with someone else. Due to this, you will prefer to stay alone, avoiding spending time with the family. This whole week, you will do every task at the workplace in a more responsible, focused, and organised manner. With the help of this, you will also be able to give a better performance at the workplace. Apart from this, some natives of your zodiac sign may also get a chance to join a foreign company during this time. This week, you will be able to set a good example for all those who considered you unworthy till now through your hard work. After which you will be counted among those learnt students whom everyone will appreciate and want to talk to. But during this time, do not let your ego come inside you; otherwise, this success can spoil your image instead of giving you happiness.

Lucky Colour: Gold

Lucky Number: 1

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23):

Do not let negativity dominate you this week and rest well to keep yourself as refreshed as possible. This will not only make you think well and creatively, but your health as well as your work efficiency will also improve. Due to this, you will be able to make many decisions. This week, businessmen need to be very careful while making every decision related to money. Because a small negligence of yours can cause you loss in the deals from which you expected to gain money. So be careful and read every document patiently while making transactions. This week you will be angry with yourself because you will feel that you are not able to live your life on your terms due to the interference of your family. In such a situation, your nature will seem a bit upset towards the family members regarding this matter. Talking about career horoscope, this week your efforts and ideas will get the full support of your luck and with the help of which your career is likely to get a good boost because Saturn will be present in the sixth house of your moon sign. In such a situation, keep trying to achieve your goals. Many students will have to spend a lot of money on educational material this week. In such a situation, understanding the importance of money, buy only those things that you need. Children may harm themselves today. Even if they suffer minor scratches or injuries, the whole family will be worried. It is a tough day for students studying technical subjects. They need a peaceful environment to be able to study. Artists will feel physically unwell today, which will deprive them of their work. You will be very busy today. You may not be able to fulfil the promise of meeting your lover. Stockbrokers and investors are advised to refer to the relevant books before buying or selling shares today. The health of parents, especially mothers, may become a matter of concern. Take them to the hospital for medical checkups, etc. Students will be worried today due to a rift with a close friend. It is a good day for software and hardware engineers. They can request their superiors for a salary hike. Which will get a positive response. Real estate businessmen can complete any land-related transaction today. If the transaction is not completed due to any reason, then at least the primary steps must be taken today.

Lucky Colour: Navy Blue

Lucky Number: 7

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23):

This week, religious tendencies will develop in you. Due to this, you can plan to visit a religious place with your close ones and friends. Where you will also get the blessings of a saint, which will provide you with mental peace to a great extent. This week you need to stay away from those friends or relatives who take advantage of you and try to make you spend money all the time. Also, the people of this zodiac who do business will have to avoid making any kind of investment in the early days of the week because Ketu Dev will be present in the twelfth house of your moon sign. Overall, due to Jupiter sitting in your eighth house, the time is good in money matters, but you need to be a little more cautious while keeping yourself careful. Healthcare workers may face some problems throughout the day. It will be a tiring day for them. However, they will get rid of these problems. Senior lawyers may be appointed to a respectable post in the judiciary by their superiors today. Students waiting for their exam results will be disappointed today. This week you may have to face some problems in the field of education. In such a situation, during this period, you will need to be patient the most. Because there are chances that this week you may get fewer marks than expected in any exam, after which irritability will be seen in your nature and you can fight with your classmates even over small things. Therefore, keeping yourself calm in every situation and waiting for a good time is going to be better for you at this time. They will be disappointed, as they will not get the expected results. Players stuck in a long-standing dispute will finally get relief. The allegations against them will also be removed. People working in the field of engineering, especially engineers, are going to get good opportunities today. Accountant professionals can get opportunities for advancement or development in terms of their work today. It is a good day for businessmen dealing in immovable and movable property. It is an auspicious day for brokers and builders to start new work.

Lucky Colour: Pink

Lucky Number: 8

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22):

This week you are advised not to worry too much about your health. Otherwise, doing so can worsen your illness. Therefore, keep yourself busy with other work and get treatment from the right doctor. This week, Jupiter is sitting in the seventh house of your Moon sign, due to which you are likely to make good profits, due to which you will be able to save a large part of your profit. You can also secure your future by investing this extra money in a real estate project or land property. This week, family members may decide to make some changes in the house. In such a situation, this change at home can make you more emotional than necessary. Technically qualified professionals will achieve great heights in their work sphere today. There are chances to expand new horizons in the work sphere. Children will prove to be very helpful by helping with small household chores today. If there is a program planned for this evening, the celebration will be full of fun and frolic. Today is a good day for entertainment and luxury. Go out with friends and enjoy. You may also find new friends today. Artists will be able to impress others with their art, skills and creations without any effort today. During this time, you will be able to express your feelings with your special people or a close friend. Due to this, you will also get peace to a great extent. Due to the presence of Saturn in the fourth house of your zodiac sign, there is a possibility that, due to your careless nature, you may lose some important documents related to the workplace. Due to this, many tasks may get stuck in the middle. Those suffering from chronic diseases will experience great relief and comfort today due to the love and care of close relatives. Teachers will be busy in workshops and conferences today, which will help them in their work later. Today will be a very busy but satisfying day for you. You will be engaged in inspecting and organising a health or educational fair in your area. You should take care of your health today. Because even though the beginning of the week may require some extra hard work from you, by the end of the week you will be successful in getting many auspicious and favourable results. So stay away from negative thoughts, wait for a good time and continue your hard work.

Lucky Colour: Maroon

Lucky Number: 3

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21):

This week your health will be a bit bad, due to which travelling a lot can also create some irritation in your nature. In such a situation, give importance to your health the most and avoid travelling. This week, you will have to move very thoughtfully in the field of financial aspects because Rahu Dev will be situated in the fourth house of your moon sign. There are chances that you will get financial benefits from some old investment, but while fulfilling the unnecessary demands of others, you may lose a lot of your money, even without wanting to. After which you will also have to face problems in the future. Therefore, at this time, you are going to need to learn the most to say no to others. For those natives or students who live away from home, the feeling of loneliness will bother them a lot this week. During this time you will find yourself very lonely, due to which you can also feel a strange tightness. In such a situation, do not let your loneliness control you this week and when you get time, go out somewhere and spend time with some friends. Seek advice from adults for any of your problems. You will benefit from their experience and they will also be happy. You may feel unwell. In this condition, you will prefer to stay alone and not contact anyone. Accountants should definitely take advice from an expert in connection with any special project. Otherwise, some problems may arise in the future. This week, businessmen will have to avoid sharing anything related to their business with anyone. Because you have to understand that sharing your plans with everyone can sometimes get you in big trouble. Your horoscope tells you that students who are preparing for any competitive exam will be successful this week, but for that, they will need to get help from others in understanding the subjects without considering themselves supreme. Because only then will you be able to achieve partial success.

Lucky Colour: Purple

Lucky Number: 4

Capricorn (Dec 22–Jan 21):

For Capricorn natives, Saturn will be present in the second house of your Moon sign and thus, this week, business or office stress can spoil your health. Due to this, you will also be completely unable to concentrate on your work. In such a situation, try to keep yourself stress-free in time. The nature of people of this zodiac is to live in the present. But this week you will have to control your habit of making decisions by keeping only one day in mind. In such a situation, it will be better for you to avoid spending more time and money on your entertainment than necessary. Otherwise, you may have to face a financial crisis in the future. Stock market investors and brokers will meet some new clients today, which will prove to be very profitable. Real estate businessmen, especially brokers, can share new share deals today, which will be very profitable shortly. This week, do not let your concentration be disturbed due to the ongoing stress in family life. In such a situation, you will need to understand that everyone has a bad phase in life and these bad phases teach a person the most. Therefore, instead of getting fed up with adverse circumstances and wasting time by being sad, it is better to try to know and learn the lessons of life. This week, harshness will be seen in your speech, due to which you will be seen arguing or fighting with others at the workplace over useless or small matters. Its negative impact will not only harm your image, but it will also cause you trouble getting proper support from colleagues to move forward in your career. Whatever hard work you do this week, you are likely to get good and successful results. So be ready for hard work from the beginning and while speeding up your efforts, keep your mind focused on your education.

Lucky Colour: Brown

Lucky Number: 8

Aquarius (Jan 22-Feb 19):

This week you may have minor health problems, but no major illness is seen during this time, so you will be very lucky. Still, you should not be careless about your health and should keep doing yoga, meditation and exercise from time to time so that you can keep yourself fit and healthy. Bedridden patients suffering from prolonged illness will recover soon with proper medication and care. This week, Ketu will be situated in the eighth house of your moon sign and in such a situation, you are advised to avoid excessive expenditure and any kind of clever financial plans. Otherwise, you may suffer a big financial loss. For this, you can also take advice from the elders of the house or your father or someone like a father regarding financial issues. This week you will have a lot of difficulty handling many household issues. In such a situation, you will feel that many people are trying to pull you down, due to which you may feel sad. According to the career horoscope, if you are associated with the professional field and are employed in a good job, then this week is going to be very important for you. Because during this time, you are likely to get many opportunities to move forward in your field. Teachers who are preparing students for future exams will be appreciated for their efforts. Today is a very auspicious day for those who are seriously looking for work to try by showing their identity card and biodata. Today someone will understand your ability. It is a good day for businessmen of immovable and movable property. It is an auspicious day for brokers and builders to start new work. Students who are thinking of studying abroad need to be patient this week and continue their hard work. Because there are chances that only by doing this will you be able to achieve success at the end of the week. You will be very sad today due to a quarrel with your beloved. You should compromise with understanding. Students are advised to be careful while talking to friends or classmates. There is a possibility of misunderstanding.

Lucky Colour: Electric Blue

Lucky Number: 11

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20):

During this period, you will constantly make changes to improve your lifestyle. For this, you can also decide to take yourself out of your comfort zone and do yoga and exercise regularly every day for a better, healthier life. However, you should avoid taking on too much workload at this time because Saturn will be situated in the twelfth house of your moon sign. This week, Jupiter is sitting in the third house of your zodiac sign, due to which the arrival of an unwanted guest at your home will bother you. Because their hospitality can cost you a lot of money, due to which you will have to face financial crises in the future. You will need to understand that procrastinating never benefits anyone. Even if it is some less important family work. Because this week many old family works will accumulate, completing which can trouble you a lot later. Professionally, this week you will get many positive results at the workplace. It is also possible that the promotion you have been wanting for a long time will be received this week due to your hard work and dedication. However, for this, you will also need to present your wish before your seniors. If we look at your educational horoscope, students preparing for competitive exams will be successful in their exams. During this time, your family will also be seen encouraging you, and along with this, you will receive a good book or a key to knowledge as a gift from one of your teachers or gurus. Today will be a favourable day for real estate businessmen. There will be a lot of work today. Children's education will be a matter of concern for the family today. Lawyers will take decisions with their discretion today and these successful decisions will bring them praise from colleagues and seniors. Players waiting for the result of a new job are expected to get an order or proposal today. Players are advised to be very careful while practicing today. There is a possibility of minor injuries. This seems to be a good time for software engineers to work hard and move forward in their careers. People working in the field of engineering and engineers are advised to get involved in the project only after understanding every aspect of it thoroughly. Politicians will have to be very careful in conversations and speeches today. Their words may be misinterpreted and they may be presented in the wrong way. Resolve this situation quickly. Businessmen planning to celebrate a holiday abroad with their families will finalise the program today and will be able to plan tickets, dates, etc.

Lucky Colour: Sea Green

Lucky Number: 7