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GenF20 Plus Review: Is It Truly Effective? Dr. S. Lamm’s View?

GenF20 Plus is a natural HGH supplement that acts as a releaser stimulating the somatotroph cells of the pituitary gland to boost growth hormone secretion.

Some people think of human growth hormone (HGH) such as GenF20 Plus as some magic potion that will keep them feeling and looking youthful. I have been researching the effect of HGH on people for over two decades, and it's a fact that such hope is unfounded and can lead to unhealthy choices.?

Most of the side effects I have come across result from synthetic HGH supplements. Recently, a patient of mine introduced me to what he touted as the safest alternative to such supplements-GenF20 Plus. It is an oral HGH supplement that does not require a prescription. It intrigued me as most HGH supplements are injectable, requiring a doctor's prescription. I decided to study GenF20 Plus closely and what you are about to read is my observation after several rounds of study with dozens of patients.?

But before we begin, a few words about who I am and what I do.?

I am Dr. Salim Nasr, a general surgeon and consultant therapist working in the field of muscular entropy and aging. Most of my studies evaluate the effectiveness and validity of drugs, treatments, and supplements that claim to offer anti-aging benefits. For any analysis, I create a group of volunteers to measure treatments' effectiveness and side effects.?

Human Growth Hormone??

HGH is naturally produced by the pituitary gland that spurs growth in children and adolescents. It is an important hormone to regulate body composition, muscle mass, bone density, body fluids, sugar and fat metabolism, and cardiac function. In synthetic supplements, HGH is an active ingredient that is not appropriate for uses other than medical.?

Synthetic HGH was first developed in 1985 to treat specific conditions in children and adults. FDA has approved HGH injections for the treatment of short stature in children due to unknown causes or conditions such as Turner's syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome, chronic kidney disease, and HGH deficiency. In adults, synthetic HGH treats short bowel syndrome, muscle-wasting diseases like HIV/AIDS, and HGH deficiency.?

Most side effects I treat in patients are due to synthetic HGH, which disturbs the natural human growth hormone production cycle. It can also result in enlarged heart walls, which can be lethal.??


GenF20 Plus: Introduction?

GenF20 Plus is a natural HGH supplement that acts as a releaser stimulating the somatotroph cells of the pituitary gland to boost growth hormone secretion. As I looked through the ingredients list, it was evident that the makers of this oral HGH supplement picked potent amino acids for its formulation. The supplement claims to slow the aging process and offers a healthier alternative to combat the symptoms of aging.?

I decided to put it to the test and evaluated GenF20 Plus' impact on muscle growth, weight loss, dermatological health, and overall well-being.?

Leading Edge Health is the manufacturer of GenF20 Plus, which is exclusively sold through its?official website. The company has dedicated teams for sourcing, researching, testing, formulating, and manufacturing supplements. They have a collection of exclusive natural supplements that they claim are 100% safe and natural with no synthetic ingredients. GenF20 Plus was easy to procure from its official website, and if you plan to buy GenF20 Plus for sale, ensure that you do not buy it from any rogue e-commerce websites of local pharmacies.?


As we evaluated GenF20 Plus, we did not find any traces of synthetic HGH, chemicals, steroids, or other harmful ingredients in the formulation. It was clear that the supplement's muscle-building benefits would be limited. This is why we focus our study on how GenF20 Plus helps build a leaner and younger body.?

GenF20 Plus: Ingredients?

GenF20 Plus combines amino acids, vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other natural extracts. I looked around several medical journals and studies to determine each ingredient's benefit.?

The ingredients appear to act as precursors to HGH, effectively stimulating the body to boost the production of natural growth hormones.?

Colostrum:?Extracted from bovine breast milk, it is similar to the human form that contains growth components. Colostrum also helps in IGF-1 production, which further boosts HGH release. Furthermore, it is packed with nutrients that strengthen immunity.?

Deer Antler Velvet:?A natural extract, it is one of the best sources of amino acid glucosamine, which is crucial for the rapid healing of joints, tendons, and ligaments. It also has high collagen that helps maintain good skin and nails.


Astragulus root extract:?A herb that can enhance the ability of the body to absorb other ingredients in GenF20 Plus, it is added to improve efficiency. Several studies support that Astragulus root extract can boost energy levels and contribute to the growth of tissues and muscles.?

Tribulus Terrestris:?It helps in the release of IGF-1 like other ingredients but also boosts the production of aldosterone. It is an important hormone that balances the salt and water level in the bloodstream. Terrestris also has protodioscin that helps men with their testosterone production.?

Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (GABA):?A potent amino acid that can stimulate the brain's hypothalamus, GABA is essential for the pituitary gland to release HGH. Not a naturally occurring substance in the body, external sources are the only way to provide GABA. It not only boosts growth hormone levels but also improves sleeping patterns, reduces stress, and results in faster muscle regeneration.?

GTF Chromium:?It is regarded as an "essential trace mineral," which means it is one of the necessary ingredients for good well-being. It is an essential mineral that aids fat burning and regulates glucose levels in the blood. Research shows that the glucose-regulating effects of GTF chromium directly impact growth hormone secretion.?


Phosphatidylcholine?is an amino acid commonly found in natural foods like eggs, soy, and sunflower. It is required for the emulsification of fatty acids that reduces fat and helps manage body weight.?

Pituitary powder:?Bovine pituitary glands are powdered to add to GenF20 Plus. It can directly stimulate the pituitary gland to maintain optimum levels of growth hormone secretion.?

L-arginine?is a building block of proteins that exhibits anti-aging properties. Working with other amino acids supports lean muscle growth and faster injury recovery.?

L-glutamine:?Not directly involved with growth hormone production, L-glutamine is still a vital ingredient in antioxidants. It boosts immunity, protects the intestinal wall, and can prevent high blood pressure and type 2 sugar.?

L-tyrosine:?This amino acid is a carrier of trigger signals that activate the hypothalamus to release dopamine. It is more relevant to mental functions and stimulates the pituitary gland and thyroid-stimulating hormones. Balancing the level of different hormones in the body helps with stress, depression, anxiety, metabolism, cognition, and narcolepsy.?

L-lysine:?Medical studies suggest that lysine is essential for protein synthesis and immune functioning. It also plays a crucial role in regenerating body cells and muscle recovery and has calming effects on the brain.?

L-glycine:?When combined with L-arginine, it can be ten times more effective in producing HGH than acting alone. It is also a powerful immunity booster that helps fight against common diseases and prevents certain liver conditions.?

L-isoleucine:?Similar to L-arginine, it is another amino acid that plays an essential role in producing HGH and other hormones. It is also crucial for lean muscle mass and reversing the signs of aging by improving skin health.?

L-valine:?This amino acid is not naturally produced in the body, and it is difficult for most people to meet their requirements of valine through diet alone. Its optimum level is vital to maintain immune response and reducing stress.?

L-ornithine:?A powerful amino acid that acts as the precursor to arginine, ornithine helps reduce ammonia concentration in the bloodstream, which multiplies endurance capacity. It also results in a better sleep cycle, high energy, and improved mood.?

How is GenF20 Plus administered??

As a doctor am very critical of natural supplements available over the counter. With GenF20 Plus HGH, however, I found a well-researched and quality-tested oral HGH supplement for sale that I can wholeheartedly recommend.?

GenF20 Plus is available as oral tablets and spray. The manufacturer claims that the complete GenF20 Plus formula combines these two formulations to offer maximum results.?

The oral pills contain most ingredients and have an enteric coating to protect them against strong stomach acids. We administered the subjects two tablets twice daily - two in the morning, before lunch, and two before dinner. We ensured a gap of at least half an hour between meals and taking the pills. The oral spray was given six times daily, with three sprays before meals. The right way to administer the sprays is to hold them behind the tongue for easy absorption into the bloodstream.?

GenF20 Plus: The results??

After successfully concluding six months of the GenF20 Plus trial on subjects, the results were quite promising.?

Most participants reported a significant boost to their overall wellbeing. They had better mood throughout the day and enjoy life better.?

The increased production of growth hormone and collagen made skin look younger, reversing the signs of aging such as fine lines, wrinkles, loose skin, and crowfeet. Hair and nail quality also improved.?

The subjects had an easy time managing body weight and could easily get rid of stubborn fat after a few weeks of taking GenF20 Plus. As it results in a higher HGH level, it stimulates the body to produce lean mass by burning fat.?

It is a 100% natural HGH for sale with no synthetic components. As a result, there were no side effects or drug interactions throughout the study.?

Men and women who participated in this study equally benefited from GenF20 Plus. Both genders enjoyed lean muscle mass, toned bodies, younger skin, boosted stamina, and enhanced cognitive functions.?

Were there any side effects??

No. GenF20 HGH is one of the safest natural HGH supplements as it contains no synthetic HGH.?

During our study, some participants reported nausea and mild discomfort, but it was easily managed by adjusting the dosage.?

However, there are limitations to this oral HGH supplement. If your end goal is exclusively weight loss, then GenF20 Plus is not the supplement for you. Its weight loss benefits are limited. Also, it does not have all vegan ingredients, something vegans and vegetarians need to consider.?

GenF20 Plus: Buyer's Guide??

As mentioned above, GenF20 Plus is exclusively available through its official website. You must not buy it from any other website or local pharmacy. Available as a pack of oral spray and tablet form, you get several packaging options - one, two, three, four, five, or six-month supply. Each package contains 120 capsules for 30 servings.?

The pricing for each packaging option is as follows:?

? ?1 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $69.95 + $12.99 Shipping?

? ?2 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $134.95 + $12.99 Shipping?

? ?3 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $199.95 + Free Global Shipping?

? ?4 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $249.95 + Free Global Shipping?

? ?5 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $299.95 + Free Global Shipping?

? ?6 Month GenF20 Plus Supply: $349.95 + Free Global Shipping?

Refund Policy??

If you are unsatisfied with the results of GenF20 Plus, you can request a complete refund under the 60-day money-back guarantee . You must mail the unused tablets and sprays back to the manufacturer within 60 days of receiving the order.?

Is GenF20 Plus a genuine HGH booster??


GenF20 Plus is a 100% natural HGH releaser with a potent blend of amino acids that we found to be highly effective during our study. The decline in growth hormone levels in the body is an unavoidable aspect of aging. However, this HGH for sale supplement can aid the generation of human growth hormones to people in their middle or late years.?

The benefits go beyond increased physical and athletic peformance, decreased fat, lean muscle gain, and improved quality of life. GenF20 Plus can also improve heart health, boost immunity, and reduce muscle recovery time.?

The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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