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5 Powerful Love Spells That Really Work: Magic Voodoo Love Spell Caster to Get Ex-Lover Back

Not everyone is open to discussing love spells. Some people believe that using love spell to get back ex lover goes against the natural flow of events. "Love is in plenty." Feel that love and give it everything to it as if it were the strongest, if you believe in natural and true love then give your heart what it wants.

Voodoo rituals are known to be the most powerful that exist. This is not necessarily always the truth but, even if they aren’t, you need to perform them with extra caution. The same goes for Voodoo Love Spells . Even if these worries are grounded in reality, there is no cause to be concerned about using voodoo magic spells to bring back a former lover or fall in love when skilled and knowledgeable practitioners like the ones on Kasamba conduct the spell.

Table of Contents:

● What is Voodoo?

● How do Voodoo Spells Work?

● 5 Powerful Voodoo Love Spells

● A Voodoo Love Spell for Beginners

● Voodoo Break Up Love Spell

● Voodoo Love Ritual with Dolls

● Voodoo Spell to Bring Back a Lost Lover

● Advanced Voodoo Love Spell

● Love Spells That Work Immediately by Love Spell Caster Psychic Guru

● Black and White Magic Love Spell by Professional Love Spell Caster

● White Magic Love Spell to Get Ex Back by Spell Caster to get Ex-Back

● Love Spells to Get Their Ex Back by Spell Caster to get My Ex Back

● Final Thoughts

What is Voodoo?


Voodoo is a magical/mystical tradition with roots in African shamanism and in some “ancient” magical traditions; the ‘geographic center’ of the Voodoo practice is now considered Haiti, but as mentioned it is found in many countries in the Caribbean area as well as in Africa, especially in the West. Contrary to popular belief, Voodoo (as an esoteric ritualistic system) is a particular way to communicate with ‘entities’ or powerful spirits, called’ Loa ‘by Voodoo priests (or’ Hogan’s’) or Voodoo priestesses (‘mambos’). During long rituals or “esoteric” sessions, the priests contact the Loa by going into a kind of “trance” that can also seem “scary” to those who do not know the Voodoo practice.

How do Voodoo Spells Work?

Voodoo love spells are performed by the Hogan’s or Mambos who use the power of the Loa entities to remove any obstacle that intrudes into the ‘path’ of love between you and the person loved. During the trance to which these esoteric Voodoo operators undergo, they “open” to favor the entry of the suitable Loa entity (often Aida-Wed or Ambala, but there are others too). As a Professional Spell caster, I work with clients from all over the world and it’s important to me to remain grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so that I can help as many people as possible. Casting your own magic spells takes skill and patience and isn’t recommended to do it alone in most cases. I provide these “do it yourself” articles for educational purposes, but it is strongly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster such as myself and allow me to do the work for you.


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The operator (or Voodoo priest), during this state of “trance, becomes powerful as the Loa to which one is “open” and can “channel” the energies of the spirit to manipulate the energies around the situation. Powerful love spells often require material from the other person (photos, clothing, hair) that serves as a ‘portal’ for transmission material. Sometimes the leftovers are incorporated into an amulet, or an object to be given to the other person (or to be kept by yourself).


Other times that’s not necessary. In these cases, the materials are consumed by the ritual, and the desired effects arrive despite enormous geographical distances and absences of “remaining” materials. If you’re looking for a how-to guide to create a voodoo doll, you can find it here.

5 Powerful Voodoo Love Spells

● Honey Jar

● Pink Candle

● Get an Ex Back

● Marriage

● No-ingredient

? Honey Jar Spell

The honey jar spell is probably the most common love spell people use to improve their relationship, intimacy, and connection with others. This spell is for couples already in a relationship to strengthen their bond and bring them even closer.

? Pink Candle Spell

Candles are a crucial feature of love spells. They act as a medium driving strong attraction between two people. In love spells, pink candles symbolize spirituality and love. They don’t generate any negative energy, which is the perfect reason to use a pink candle during a love spell . Pink candle spells make for very strong magic when the intentions behind the spell are pure and dedicated. If your love is pure and intentions are clear, the pink candle spell will get you the results you want.


? Spell to Get an Ex Back

This spell is popular for those who regret breaking up with their lovers or want to rekindle a past romance. To perform this spell, seek the help of a professional instead of doing it yourself. Professionals can drive out any negative energy that could tear the two of you apart. Casting a spell to get an ex back is meant to give you the energy and confidence to help you get it done. The most important thing to remember when rekindling a romance is to ensure that it isn’t forced. Love should never be authoritative – it should be mutual and emotionally accepted by both sides.

? Marriage Spells

Marriage spells are for those looking for strength in their marriage or someone looking to get married. They reduce tension in existing relationships and allow two partners to reinforce their sacred bond, adding harmony and love between the spell caster and their partner.


? No-ingredient Love Spell

Some love spells are easy with absolutely no ingredients involved. They use words, chants, imagination, and focus. These no-ingredient love spells are not restrictive, which means the spell caster has the ultimate freedom to choose how they cast the spell and its outcome. You can cast these love spells for various reasons, whether to improve or spice up an existing relationship, attract a new partner, or improve self-love. Love spell that works immediately , putting positive energy out into the universe.

A Voodoo Love Spell for Beginners

For this spell, you will need a few ingredients, but most of all you’ll need to be entirely focused on what you want and, most of all, who you want!

Things you need:

? Coarse salt.

? Nine red candles.

? Nine green candles.

? Nine yellow candles.

A lock of hair of the person you want to fall in love with.

A strip of red fabric (possibly cut off by your dress).

How it’s done

● With the coarse salt trace a large circle on the floor.

● Arrange the candles around the circle of coarse salt in alternating colors: one red, one green, one yellow, one red, one green, one yellow, and so on…

● Light the candles clockwise starting from the one facing East.

● Take the strip of fabric and, together with the lock of hair, tie a knot. The knot must stop the lock of hair in the strip of fabric.

● Hold the strip of cloth tightly in your right hand, raise your left hand to the sky and call for ninety-nine times the name of the person of your desires.

● Put the strip of fabric in the middle of the circle and let the twenty-seven colored candles wear out.

● Wear the smears of cloth (naturally) in the presence of the man or woman to whom you cast the love spell.

Voodoo Break up Love Spell

Things you need:

? An earthenware pot.

? Charcoal.

? A photo of the two people you want to separate.

How it’s done

  • Take the photo of the two people you want to separate and insert it into the clay pot.
  • Cover the photo inside the clay pot by pouring the charcoal into it.
  • While pouring the charcoal into the jar recite this magic formula: “Arso love, upset love. Love destroyed, love dead and buried. Ten, a hundred, a thousand times cursed. Love never born, words never spoken, memories burned, hearts blurred. Legba! Legba! Legba! Dust to dust. Arso love, upset love. In the name of Legba, love was destroyed, dead, and buried. “
  • Bury the pot near a cemetery.
  • I created a huge article about break up spells that you can find here.

Voodoo Love Ritual with Dolls

Voodoo dolls are considered alive and only through this conception are they made and accumulate power that scares western societies so much. They serve within voodoo rites as ‘witnesses’ who personify a man or woman and are not always for evil purposes. Currently, this religion sometimes mixes the characteristic elements of the original religion with elements of a Christian nature (syncretic voodoo rituals) and are among the elements saved by the original religion, therefore the Voodoo Doll is able to collect the essence of the person from which to defend or to take revenge in the practice of voodoo rites. Obviously, the dolls can be used for various magical jobs but in this case, it will be used to cast a spell of love or to make someone fall in love.

Voodoo doll love spells are the rituals that most people associate with Voodoo, even though this type of magic is just one aspect of Voodoo practice. The idea is that you create a doll that is connected to a person, and you perform a spell or ritual on the doll to represent that person. It’s a common enough idea in spell work, though Wiccans usually use the term “poppet” instead of “Voodoo doll“.

Voodoo priest

The operator (or Voodoo priest), during this state of “trance, becomes powerful as the Loa to which one is “open” and can “channel” the energies of the spirit to manipulate the energies around the situation. Voodoo love spells often require material from the other person (photos, clothing, hair) that serves as a ‘portal’ for transmission material.

Things you need

1) Create a doll that represents the desired partner (of wax, Das or cloth)

2) Something from him (or her)

3) Something of your own

4) 3 ribbons (1 red, 1 black, and 1 white)

White paper

5) Red ink with a feather that acts as a pen

6) A white candle

7) The doll must be made by you with materials such as wax, clay (or Das) or with fabric and then sewn by hand.

8) Put hair in your doll, nail clippings, fabric, paper or at least something used by him/her.

9) Also add something of yours – like your hair, nail clippings, etc.

10) Carve (with Altham if you have it) in the material used for the doll (or write in the canvas with red ink) his or her name.

11) How it’s done

12) Perform this spell the day after the new moon, possibly on Friday.

? Prepare your altar and light the white candle with the usual wooden match.

? Wrap the doll with the three ribbons, knotting them together.

? As you wrap and nod, you need to say:
“These tapes tie you up
and weave your heart to mine.”

? Write the name of your loved one on the paper with red ink and place it on the altar.

? Place the doll on the sheet and extinguish the candle.

? The next night, light the candle again and take the doll.

? Place the doll very close to the flame (doll’s feet must face the flame) and say:
“For you, I crave
for me, you burn.”

? Once again, rest the doll on the sheet and leave the candle burning for at least an hour.

? Soon you will have achieved what you want.

? Then wrap the doll in something red and keep it somewhere safe.

Voodoo Spell to Bring Back a Lost Lover

You can cast this spell to attract lost love. It is a ritual that must be performed at night, and it is not ideal for beginners.

Things you need:

1) Voodoo doll of yourself

2) Voodoo doll of your partner

3) A red ribbon

4) A rose quartz crystal

5) A white candle

6) A red candle

7) Offerings: Perfume, strawberries, or good quality chocolate.

How it’s done

● Light a white candle and call the Loa Erzulie to help you and thank her for being by your side.

● Ask him to clean all the negative energies between you and your lost partner while watching the flame of the white candle.

● While the white candle is lit, light a red candle on a plate.

● Prepare your offerings to Ursuline, these can be sweet things like chocolate, fruit, or perfume.

● Now place your voodoo doll and your partner’s doll (these can have hair, nails, or other personal materials) facing each other while you say aloud: “Erzulie make (name of the person) love me again, every day (name of the person) will love me stronger. “

● Each time you repeat these words, place voodoo dolls closer until they touch their faces.

● When finished, tell Erzulie to please take the offerings.

● Take the red ribbon and tie the two dolls, now take the rose quartz and say “May the desire be granted to me and my attraction be stronger day after day.”

● Find a place to bury the dolls. When you finish, do not think about the spell anymore.

● Take the glass and put it under your bed. Keep the candles and do not use them again.

● Advanced Voodoo Love Spell

● Advanced Voodoo Love Spell

● Share this spell with your witchy friends.

● This is a more extensive spell suitable for someone who already practiced witchcraft.

● Follow the steps and you will have a powerful way to win the love of the person you want in 3 days or less!

Things you need

? Holy water taken from a church (just a little)

? A doll representing the other person (also handmade with fresh breadcrumbs would be the best)

? A photograph of the other person (who will be tied and placed on the face of the doll created). You will have to glue with natural material even with glue made with flour. It has to be his/her face on a photo.

? A red candle

? Sweet and strong incense (opium, sandalwood, even mixed vanilla)

? Pins with head or without, sewing needles are also fine) (many pins)

? A red 100% real silk cloth preferably, or pure cotton….

? A wooden match

? A glass jar you can close hermetically

How it’s done

Turn on the incense and concentrate on the request, pass all the material on the incense smoke (including red cloth) spread the red cloth on a firm base (table, small table, floor, etc.)Proceed to paste the photograph onto the doll (which represents the victim) after which, baptize it with holy water by pronouncing these words to baptize it:

“I baptize you (Person’s full name) in the name of the father of the son and the holy spirit, Amen.”

Take a 30s break, then continue…

You (person’s full name) you are the living representation of (full name and date of birth of the person), as I wish so be it! So be it! So be it! (3 times, always)

Place the doll over the red cloth (it will be lying on the red cloth).Now take the red candle and hold it in your hand thinking intensely about the result you want to get from this person, use the visualization as if it were true and is happening to the present. Visualize the scene and always seal it.

When you fall in love with someone, you give them a piece of your energetic self. You give them a part of you that will linger in their mind and their heart long after the feelings have died. When a love is true, that piece of yourself stays with that person, even if they don’t realize it. With love spells to return a lost lover, you can begin to remind this other person of your feelings for them, of your longing to be with them.

Fix a Broken Relationship

In this way, you can begin to encourage them to look you up in the phone book or online. You might find that once you do a reuniting spell, you and this other person magically find each other, even when you thought it was impossible. Or you might find the other’s phone number and have a reason to call, even though you didn’t realize they were in the same town anymore. With love spells, you can win Bring back lost lover , fix a broken relationship, or reunite lovers who walked away from each other. By using positive energy and the force of love itself, the love you once shared does not have to fade away. It can be brought to light once more.

(person’s full name) your soul is mine and it is full of me, as I want it to be- So be it, so be it, so be it.” Now take a third and fourth pin and stick it in the feet of the little doll (it doesn’t matter which one first) and recite this while sticking the two pins one at a time in the feet (recite only once for the two feet).

Using Positive Energy and the Force of Love

“Now You (person’s full name) with this pin that I put in your feet, you begin to walk the road that leads to me, you come to me by the hand of fate that shows you the way, you join me, you look for me, and you don’t give up until you find me, you will not have peace, you will not sleep, you are not hungry, you are whipped, you are nervous, and you cannot be with another woman or man other than me who orders you to come to me, (your full name and your birth date).

”Now place the doll on the red cloth next to the red candle. You have to stay still, meditate and visualize that the things really happen.

Take the doll once again (be careful not to remove or drop the pins) and visualize once again that the doll that you hold is the other person, visualize it and let go of all kinds of thoughts and feelings you have for him/her as if they were real. Again place the doll on the red cloth. Let the whole red candle be consumed, and pour a few drops of wax on the doll, exactly where the pins are stuck.

3 consecutive days

Residues of a red candle, incense, should be thrown into running water, the doll should be kept and placed in the red cloth, away from snooping eyes, along with the remaining pins. Every day for 3 consecutive days, you need to pull out of the red cloth, take it into your hand and stick more pins in exactly the same point as those already placed in.

After three days you’ll have to place it back in its red cloth, and throw it into running water as close as possible to the victim. I suggest that you place the doll with the red cloth inside a glass jar that is waterproof, so it won’t get damaged while flowing on water, because it needs to last at least three days in it.

Love Spells That Work Immediately by Love Spell Caster Psychic Guru

Psychic Guru acknowledges the delicate balance between black and white magic loves spells . While black magic spells can offer potent results, Psychic Guru emphasizes trying white magic spells first due to their positive energy. With their guidance, individuals seeking to rekindle lost flames can navigate these two realms of magic effectively.

Black magic love spell caster Psychic Guru specializes in using powerful voodoo love spells and rituals to bring back lost loves, boyfriend/girlfriend, lost lovers, and create new, passionate relationships. Black magic love spells can be an incredibly effective tool for those seeking a second chance at love, like getting back a husband/wife, lost love back, or return of lost love spells. And in such situations, the individuals can take advice and guidance on love spell casting from Psychic Guru.

Black and White Magic Love Spell by Professional Love Spell Caster

Psychic Guru acknowledges the delicate balance between black and white magic loves spells. While black magic spells can offer potent results, Psychic Guru emphasizes trying white magic spells first due to their positive energy. With their guidance, individuals seeking to rekindle lost flames can navigate these two realms of magic effectively.

Black magic love spell caster Psychic Guru specializes in using powerful voodoo love spells and rituals to bring back lost loves, boyfriend/girlfriend, lost lovers, and create new, passionate relationships. Black magic love spells can be an incredibly effective tool for those seeking a second chance at love, like getting back a husband/wife, lost love back, or return of lost love spells. And in such situations, the individuals can take advice and guidance on love spell casting from Psychic Guru.

White Magic Love Spell to Get Ex Back by Spell Caster to get Ex-Back

Psychic Guru focuses on the purpose and intention behind casting a love spell. He will choose different types of white magic love spells, then understanding the situation will cast the love spell for the users. He will use positive energies from the surroundings and also use the energies of the universe and will help you to get back their boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife/lover.

Love Spells to Get Their Ex Back by Spell Caster to get My Ex Back

Love spells to get their ex back lover can bring back their lover,

Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Husband/Wife. The users can take any belongings of the person they love and take a small piece of their shirt. Take a small bowl and put everything in the bowl. Close the bowl and say the magic chant. Hide the bowl anywhere close to the person they love. It will be effective.

Final Thoughts

Despite the power of Voodoo Attraction Love Spells , the final effects must adhere to the principles of “magic”: that it does not harm anyone and does not create lasting negative effects for the recipient. We cannot get out of these absolute energy rules; if you aren’t following them, then you can face inevitable energy consequences.

In conclusion, casting a love spell with a voodoo doll is a powerful way to change someone’s behavior toward you. However, it’s essential to remember that spells should only be used with good intentions and never to harm others. Follow the steps carefully, and you might just find that your crush starts to reciprocate your feelings.

Casting a love spell with a voodoo doll can be a deeply personal and spiritual experience. It’s essential to approach these practices with respect for the feelings and consent of the individuals involved. Always remember that the power of love should be used for positive and ethical purposes. As you explore these methods, keep in mind that magic is a reflection of your innermost desires and intentions.

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