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3 Best HGH For Bodybuilding - Pack On Some Serious Mass

Bodybuilding can largely be divided into 'pre-HGH' and 'post-HGH' eras. The difference in physiques between the two is staggering, with post-HGH athletes dwarfing their predecessors in size and strength.

"Are you struggling to go beyond your natural potential in bodybuilding? Here are the best HGH for bodybuilding to help you blast through plateaus."

It was in the early 90s that bodybuilders and athletes first discovered the significance of HGH for new tissue accrual. Now, the best HGH for bodybuilding is a secret in every serious athlete's supplement regimen.

In fact, bodybuilding can largely be divided into "pre-HGH" and "post-HGH" eras. The difference in physiques between the two is staggering, with post-HGH athletes dwarfing their predecessors in size and strength.

But with the popularity of HGH supplements, came a flood of subpar products onto the market. So how do you know which is the best HGH for bodybuilding?

What Are The Best HGH for Bodybuilding?

??? ?HGH-X2- Best Choice for Bodybuilding
??? ?GenF20 Plus - Targets GH and Myostatin
??? ?HyperGH 14X - Pack on serious mass with GH and insulin

That's where we step into the picture. We have been reviewing dietary supplements in the bodybuilding space for as long as HGH has been around, and our team of experts is uniquely qualified to help you find the best product for your needs.

When it comes to finding the best HGH for bodybuilding, there are a few key factors to consider. We will share those with you in a bit. For now, here are our recommendations for the best HGH supplements for bodybuilding.

#1 - HGH-X2 - Powerful HGH legal steroid for massive muscle mass


When CrazyBulk's range of legal steroids first hit the market, there was mass skepticism. The industry had never seen anything like it. Most recreational fitness buffs were also using anabolic steroids because there was nothing that could even come close to their results.

CrazyBulk changed that with their line of natural steroids, which are not only safe and legal but also just as effective as the real thing.

HGH-X2 is their HGH supplement, and it is without a doubt the best HGH for bodybuilding on the market today. It uses a potent blend of ingredients that amplify your natural growth hormone pulses.


But what separates it from other human growth hormone secretagogues is its ability to also boost other related anabolic hormones, which is what really ups the ante in terms of results.

If you want to see some serious gains in muscle mass and strength, HGH-X2 is the best HGH for bodybuilding on the market today.

What is HGH-X2?

HGH-x2 is a specialized human growth hormone booster that's designed for bodybuilders and athletes who want to see serious gains in size and strength.

It uses a blend of powerful ingredients that work together to stimulate your pituitary gland, which then releases more growth hormone into your bloodstream.

This results in increased protein synthesis, muscle growth, and fat loss. But that's just scraping the surface of what HGH-x2 can do for you.

This supplement is also designed to increase your secretion of other anabolic hormones, such as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and testosterone.


This makes it much more effective than other HGH supplements on the market, which is why we consider it the best option for muscle growth.

Most Human growth hormone supplements focus on just boosting growth hormone levels, which does offer some benefits. But if you are looking to break through your natural limits, you need something that can also increase other anabolic hormones.

This is where HGH-X2 shines. It offers a complete package of benefits that will help you build muscle and lose fat faster than you ever thought possible.

The benefits of using HGH-X2 for bodybuilding

As we mentioned, the difference that growth hormone can make in your physique is staggering. But that's not all this supplement can do for you.
Here are some of the other benefits you can expect when using HGH-x2:

Amplified anabolic cocktail

There are three hormones, which we consider to be the holy trinity of muscle growth, that HGH-X2 targets.


They are human growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), and testosterone.

These hormones work together to create an anabolic environment in your body that is conducive to muscle growth. Testosterone can increase protein synthesis, the primary process for muscle mass growth.

This is why a testosterone booster is often included in pre-workout supplements. But HGH-X2 takes things one step further by also including human growth hormone and IGF-1.

Human growth hormone recruits satellite cells which fuse with your existing muscle fibers to help them grow.

IGF-1 on the other hand is responsible for regulating cell growth and differentiation. It's what makes your muscles grow when you are in your teens.

So, by targeting all three of these hormones, HGH-X2 provides your body with the perfect environment to build muscle.

Rapid Fat Loss

Human Growth hormone has an innate ability to promote lipolysis, which is the breakdown of fat cells.


But what's even more impressive is that HGH can target specific areas by modifying the levels of receptors that control fat storage.

This makes it possible to lose fat in specific areas, such as your stomach and love handles. It also helps regulate the levels of HSL, which is an enzyme that plays a key role in fat burning.

Add to that the bump in metabolism, courtesy of the increased testosterone. Now that's a combo you rarely get in the bodybuilding industry. It explains why men and women using HGH-X2 report seeing visible abs with veins in a span of weeks.

In other words, HGH can help you lose fat faster and more efficiently than any other natural HGH supplements on the market.

Improved recovery times

Recovery is one of the most important, but often overlooked, aspects of building muscle.

If you don't give your body enough time to recover, you will quickly find yourself in a state of overtraining. This can lead to muscle loss, rather than muscle gain.

HGH-X2 can help you avoid this by increasing the levels of IGF-1 in your body. IGF-1 helps repair damaged cells and encourages the growth of new ones. This process happens at a cellular level, which means it can help you recover from your workouts faster.

This is especially important if you are training hard and lifting heavy weights. Another way in which HGH-X2 helps facilitate recovery is by boosting deep, restful sleep.

Poor sleep can lead to a whole host of problems, including impaired recovery.

So, if you are looking for a supplement that can help you make the most of your workouts, HGH-x2 is the one you want.

How much does HGH-X2 cost?

Normally, HGH injections cost south of $1000 per month.

But with HGH-X2 you can get all the benefits of human growth hormone without having to break the bank.

A bottle of HGH-X2, which is enough for a one-month supply, will set you back at just $59.99.

This makes it one of the most affordable options on the market.

Plus, if you order now, you can take advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free offer. So, you can stock up and save even more.

HGH-X2 - What we think

Don't even bother to think. If you are serious about building muscle, then you need to try HGH-X2.

It's the perfect supplement for anyone who wants to see real, tangible results in a short space of time.

The fact that it can help you lose fat while you build muscle is just the icing on the cake.

Plus, at less than $60 per bottle, it's one of the most affordable options on the market.

So, what are you waiting for? Give HGH-X2 a try today!

#2 - GenF20 Plus - Target Growth Hormone and Myostatin

GenF20 Plus

Muscle building and fat loss are complex processes that involve a lot of different hormones.

You have testosterone, which is responsible for muscle growth. You have human growth hormone, which helps you recover from your workouts and build new muscle tissue.

You also have myostatin, which is a protein that regulates muscle growth.

Most growth hormone supplements do not even touch on myostatin. But GenF20 Plus is different.

Not only does it target growth hormone, but it also inhibits myostatin. This makes it one of the most effective muscle building supplements on the market today.

In this GenF20 Plus review, we will take a closer look at how it works and why it is a cut above the rest when it comes to gaining muscle.

What is GenF20 Plus?

GenF20 Plus is the most complex growth hormone supplement on the market today.

It is designed to target multiple hormones that are involved in the muscle building process, including human growth hormone and myostatin.

The goal of GenF20 Plus is to help you gain muscle mass and lose fat at the same time, which is sort of counterproductive, so to speak.

But the blend of herbs, amino acids, and naturally occurring compounds in GenF20 Plus seems to do the trick.

GenF20 Plus is a pill that you take twice a day, and it comes in a spray form as well. The pills come with an enteric coating that protects the fragile bonds between the amino acids from being broken down by stomach acid.

This is a common problem with subpar growth hormone supplements. The bioavailability of the ingredients is not that great because they are broken down by stomach acid before they can be properly absorbed.

But with GenF20 Plus, they are absorbed into your bloodstream so that they can go to work right away.

The GenF20 Plus spray is designed to be taken before meals, and it helps further increase the absorption of the nutrients in the pills. You can also choose either one of these two.

The benefits of using GenF20 Plus

GenF20 Plus has some unique benefits that you will not find in other growth hormone supplements. As we mentioned earlier, it targets the holy trinity of muscle building hormones, which are human growth hormone, testosterone, and IGF-1. But it takes it one notch further by targeting myostatin.

Gain lean muscle mass with striations

A lot of the so-called mass gainers are nothing more than glorified sugar bombs that will make you fat.

This is not the case with GenF20 Plus. It will help you gain lean muscle mass while also reducing body fat. This is because it inhibits myostatin, which allows your muscles to grow beyond their normal limits.

Myostatin is a natural protein that is produced by your body to prevent your muscles from growing too large.

You can think of it as the brakes on muscle growth. GenF20 Plus essentially removes these brakes so that you can keep on building muscle. The result is a more muscular physique with visible striations.

Have you always sought that lean and aesthetic physique with minimal water retention? This bad boy is your ticket to that.

Vascularity with permanent muscle pumps

Everyone seeks vascularity. This is the sought-after look of veins popping out all over your muscles.

The thing with most vascularity supplements is that they are nothing more than diuretics that will make you pee out all the water in your body. This might give you the illusion of being more vascular, but it is not sustainable in the long run.

They can stress your kidneys and cause other problems.

But GenF20 Plus is different. It helps increase the size of your muscles so that your veins have more room to pop out. The result is a permanent pump that does not go away even when you are not working out.

The best part is that it is all-natural, thanks to the IGF-1 and the enhanced nitric oxide courtesy the amino acids like L-arginine and L-glutamine. These create a vasodilating effect that helps increase blood flow to your muscles.

Enhanced strength and stamina for better workouts

When you are working out, your goal is to break down your muscles so that they can grow back bigger and stronger.

But in order to do that, you need to be able to lift heavier weights and have the stamina to push through your workouts.

This is where GenF20 Plus comes in. It helps increase your strength so that you can lift heavier weights and also provides you with the stamina to power through your workouts.

Most people do not know that the human growth hormone regulates ATP production in your body. ATP is the energy currency of your cells, and it is responsible for providing you with the energy you need to workout.

With more human growth hormone, you will have more ATP, which gives you more energy to push through your workouts and break down those muscles.

You will be able to work out for longer periods of time without tiring out, and this will help you see better results from your workouts, despite no change in diet or regime.

How much does GenF20 Plus cost?

GenF20 Plus is available in multiple packages, and the pricing is as follows:
1 month supply – $69.99
3-month supply – $199.95 ($10 savings)
6-month supply – $349.95 ($70 savings)

The best deal is the 6-month supply because growth hormone builds up over time in your body, and it takes a few months to really see the full effects.
Additionally, the company offers a 67-day money back guarantee so that you can try out the product without any risk.

GenF20 Plus - What we think

GenF20 Plus is not the typical supplement that makes unfounded claims.

It has the science to back up its claims, and it has been proven to work by studies and real-world users.

The beauty of GenF20 Plus is that it not only helps you build muscle, but also provides other benefits like increased stamina, improved sleep, and enhanced recovery from workouts.

It essentially helps you live a healthier life, and it does so without any side effects.

If you are looking for a safe and effective way to build muscle and improve your overall health, GenF20 Plus is the way to go.

#3 - HyperGH 14X - Faster tissue absorption with insulin

HyperGH 14X

Any bodybuilder or fitness coach would know that insulin and growth hormones are the two most important hormones for muscle growth.

Insulin is responsible for transporting nutrients to your muscles, and growth hormone helps your muscles absorb those nutrients so that they can grow.

HyperGH 14X is a supplement that uses a combination of ingredients to help your body produce more growth hormone and insulin.

Doing so, helps you build muscle faster because your muscles are getting the nutrients they need to grow at a faster rate. Unlike untested secretagogues which use the ghrelin pathway to stimulate growth hormone release, HyperGH 14X is the first supplement to use a combination of ingredients that target multiple pathways to help you produce more growth hormone.

The result is faster absorption of nutrients by your muscles so that you can see results from your workouts sooner.

What is HyperGH 14X?

When researchers realized that insulin was the missing link in muscle growth with human growth hormone boosters, they set out to develop a supplement that would help the body produce more of it, without affecting insulin sensitivity.

Most bodybuilders just consume a huge carbohydrate meal and pin insulin. While that works, it is incredibly dangerous because you are essentially injecting a hormone that your body is not used to handling in large quantities.

If you are not careful, it can lead to hypoglycemia, which can be fatal. Additionally, it can lead to insulin resistance, which is the opposite of what you want.

HyperGH 14X uses a combination of natural ingredients to help stimulate the production of insulin and human growth hormones in your body so that you can get the nutrients, you need to your muscles faster without any health risks.

Insulin is also closely linked to IGF-1, which as you know by now, is another important hormone for muscle growth.

So, not only does HyperGH 14X help you produce more insulin, but it also helps you produce more IGF-1. As a result, you will see faster results from your workouts.

The benefits of using HyperGH 14X

Just like our other two recommendations, HyperGH 14X brings something unique to the table.

It targets the insulin pathway, which is the most important pathway for muscle growth, along with HGH production.

By targeting this pathway, HyperGH 14X is able to help your body absorb nutrients faster so that you can see results from your workouts sooner.

Here are some key differences that you can notice by using HyperGH 14X, a natural HGH supplement.

Just like our other two recommendations, HyperGH 14X brings something unique to the table.

It targets the insulin pathway, which is the most important pathway for muscle growth.

By targeting this pathway, HyperGH 14X is able to help your body absorb nutrients faster so that you can see results from your workouts sooner.

Here are some key differences that you can notice by using HyperGH 14X.

Dramatic increase in muscle tissue
Growth hormone has a unique ability to amplify nutrient absorption. It is often used in therapeutic settings with amino acids like glutamine to help patients with short bowel syndrome to absorb their nutrients better.

In a bodybuilding setting, this means that you will be able to absorb more protein and other nutrients. Your post-workout shake, for instance, will be more effective, and you will see better results from your workouts.

Now throw in insulin, which further helps with nutrient absorption, and you have a recipe for dramatic muscle growth.

After every workout, your body will be primed at its best to absorb all the nutrients it can to help your muscles recover and grow. Just clean up your diet and you will see some serious gains.

Enhanced collagen synthesis

Let's talk about skin for a second. As we age, our skin starts to sag and wrinkle because our bodies produce less collagen.
Collagen is a protein that helps to keep our skin firm and elastic. One of the effects of using growth hormone is that it can help to increase collagen production in the body. This results in firmer, smoother skin.

Collagen also plays a vital role in improving mobility in our connective tissues, which can help to prevent injuries. So, not only will you look younger, but you will also be less susceptible to injuries.

A lot of middle-aged men who use HyperGH 14X report feeling fewer aches and pains, and they attribute it to enhanced collagen synthesis.

Boosted cognitive performance

You can hit the gym and lift all day long, but if you don't have your head in the game, you will never reach your potential.

Fortunately, one of the side benefits of using HyperGH14X is that it can help to improve cognitive function.

One of the effects of growth hormone is that it helps to increase blood flow to the brain. This increased blood flow leads to more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to the brain, which can help to improve cognitive function.

Growth hormone can also improve synapse function, which is the communication between neurons. This can lead to improved memory, focus, and concentration.

So, not only will you be able to train harder, but you will also be able to think more clearly. This is a winning combo if you want to make some serious gains.

How much does HyperGH 14X cost?

At $69.95 for a one-month supply, HyperGH 14X is very reasonably priced. When you consider the fact that it contains 120 pills per bottle, which is a potent dose, it is even more affordable.

Additionally, the company offers a money-back guarantee, so you can try it risk free. Do check out their bulk discounts as well, because they offer some great savings.

HyperGH 14X - What we think

HyperGH 14X is a cutting edge growth hormone supplement that can help you build muscle faster, recover from workouts quicker, and improve your cognitive function.

It is very affordable, especially when you consider the potency of the ingredients. There's a lot more on offer than mere HGH support - it is a comprehensive supplement that will help you to reach your potential.

The bottom line is that if you are looking for a legal, safe, and affordable way to increase your growth hormone levels, then HyperGH 14X is the way to go.

How we selected the best HGH for bodybuilding?

We are well aware of the fact that the market is flooded with all sorts of HGH supplements, and it can be quite overwhelming to try and find the right one.
How did we go about selecting the best HGH for bodybuilding? We looked at a few key factors:

Anabolism and key androgens

Sometimes, supplement manufacturers can create a lot of smoke and mirrors with their marketing claims about growth hormones. Sure, GH is pivotal for bodybuilding. However, at the end of the day, there are other hormones that you need to look at when trying to determine whether or not a supplement will be effective for bodybuilding.

Androgens?such as testosterone?play a vital role in muscle growth. In fact, testosterone is often referred to as the 'holy grail' of bodybuilding because it is so effective.

So, when we were looking at HGH supplements, we made sure to select ones that not only boosted GH but also key androgens, such as testosterone.

We also looked at IGF-1 levels. IGF-1 is a hormone that is similar to insulin, and it plays a very important role in muscle growth. In fact, IGF-1 has been shown to be even more effective than testosterone when it comes to building muscle.

So, we made sure to select HGH supplements that can help to increase IGF-1 levels as well.

Working mechanism

Boosting GH levels is a broad-spectrum approach, and we wanted to make sure that the HGH supplements we selected can help you in a number of different ways.
For instance, some of the best HGH supplements on the market can help to increase protein synthesis, which is the process by which your body builds muscle.

Others can help to reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, which can help you to recover from your workouts quicker.
So, we made sure to select HGH supplements that have a range of different benefits.

Fat Loss

Bodybuilding is not just about building muscle - it is also about losing fat. After all, you want to make sure that the muscles you are building are lean and defined.
So, we made sure to select HGH supplements that can help with fat loss as well as muscle growth.

Some of the best growth hormone supplements on the market can help to increase your metabolism and reduce your appetite, both of which can help you to lose fat. They also target vital enzymes like HSL, which is responsible for breaking down stored fat.


When you are looking at HGH supplements, it is important to consider the safety of the ingredients. After all, you are putting these substances into your body, so you want to make sure that they are safe.

We made sure that we selected supplements with natural and proven ingredients that are safe for long-term use. Such as amino acids like L-Tyrosine, which has been shown to be safe for human consumption.

We also made sure to avoid supplements with controversial or untested ingredients, such as SARMS.


Q. What is the best HGH supplement for bodybuilding?

A. The best HGH supplement for bodybuilding is one that can help to increase growth hormone levels, as well as key androgens, such as testosterone. It should also have a range of other benefits, such as increasing protein synthesis, reducing exercise-induced muscle damage, and helping burn fat.
All three supplements meet these criteria, and they are all safe for long-term use.

Q. What is the best time to take HGH supplements?

A. The best time to take HGH supplements is in the morning, before breakfast. This is because HGH levels are highest in the morning, and taking supplements can help to ensure that you are getting the maximum benefit from them.

Q. Are HGH supplements legal?

A. HGH supplements are legal, as long as they do not contain synthetic growth hormones. None of the three listed here use exogenous GH. So they are 100% safe.

Q. Do HGH supplements have side effects?

A. The vast majority of people who take HGH supplements do not experience any side effects. However, as with any supplement, it is possible that you may experience some minor side effects, such as nausea or headaches. These are usually very mild and go away quickly. If you do experience any serious side effects, stop taking the supplement and see a doctor immediately.

The Bottom Line

If you are not amplifying your training by taking HGH supplements, you are not maximizing your potential.

Growth hormone is one of the most important hormones for muscle growth, and the best HGH supplements can help to increase GH levels safely and effectively.

They can also help with other aspects of bodybuilding, such as fat loss and recovery from exercise. But selecting the right supplement is vital.

The three supplements we have listed here are the best HGH supplements for bodybuilding on the market today. Here's a quick summary of our top three choices.

??? ?HGH-X2 - Top-selling growth hormone steroid supplement
??? ?GenF20 Plus - Targets GH and Myostatin
??? ?HyperGH 14X - Pack on serious mass with GH and insulin

Good luck!

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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