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Earth Day: Climate Science Literacy And Its Relevance In 2022

The process of climate change has now taken the shape of a nightmare in disguise which is why proper education and awareness amongst people now appears to be the most powerful weapon in mankind's arsenal to win?this battle.

Changes in the global climate scenario are more visible than ever before and the?effects of climate change on the environment have become increasingly evident. From the shrinking of glaciers and ice caps to raging wildfires, from elevated sea levels to increased greenhouse gas in the atmosphere --?the byproducts?of climate change and global warming have become a serious threat to earth's ecology.?

Drastic and detrimental changes leading to the continuous exacerbation of the global climate scenario are one of the leading concerns of this century. The process of climate change, which surreptitiously started taking place since as early as 1830, has now taken the shape of a nightmare in disguise. This has eventually necessitated spreading awareness and increasing climate science literacy amongst people and communities to cope with the unforeseen adversities in a better possible way.

On this World Earth Day, let's learn about the fundamentals of climate science literacy and why it is so essential for the human race.?

What is Climate Science Literacy?

Climate science literacy revolves around a comprehensive understanding of climate, the ongoing climate fiasco and its effect on society and its surroundings. It also encompasses skills to?deploy scientifically credible knowledge and information on climate. Moreover, a climate literate person is someone who has the ability to communicate and disseminate information about climate and various attributes of climate change which in turn helps in?enlightening furthermore people. Also, climate science literacy confers an individual the ability to take more responsible and climate-friendly decisions.?

Why Climate Science Literacy is important?

Undeniably, the anthropogenic or human-induced reasons are acting as the?primary impetus behind the rapid deterioration of climate across the planet. According to IPCC data, in the 21th century, earth's global average surface temperature has elevated by approximately 1 degree Celcius (likely between 0.8 and 1.2 degree Celcius). Melting of arctic ice caps and permafrost, rise?in sea level, intense heat waves, increased frequency of droughts and?deluges -- all these are the ramifications of drastic changes in our climate scenario.

Amid this alarming situation, spreading awareness and educating people?more on the scientific attributes of climate change and how?its effects can be minimized indeed appears to be?instrumental. It also helps to draw global attention to the very existing predicament that encompasses all of us. Today, the world needs more climate literate and responsible citizens with a clear understanding of the essential principles of climate science to save the planet from the wrath of mother nature.?


Awareness on?Climate Science Literacy?

Climate change is a cross-disciplinary subject involving scientific, anthropogenic and societal elements in it. Infusing proper education and awareness amongst people thus appears to be the most powerful weapon in mankind's arsenal to win?this battle. Climate science literacy also has the potential to create ample job opportunities and build a green consumer market that can open avenues for the citizens to collaborate with their respective governments to mitigate the climate crisis.??

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