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Teacher’s Day: Celebs Reveal Important Lessons They Learnt From Their Teachers

As the world celebrates Teacher’s Day, Outlook caught up with some of the popular TV celebrities and asked them about the important life lessons they learnt from their school or college teachers. Here’s what they had to say…

Learning never ends. Life is a teacher too. Every day there is something or the other that we keep learning. But we all remember our childhood teachers and professors. On this day of Teacher’s Day, here’s talking to some of our popular TV celebrities and asking them about their memories of their teachers. Also, they reveal to Outlook some important life lessons they learnt from their teachers which they’ve never forgotten in life.

Vijayendra Kumeria

My teacher told me to never leave things for the 11th hour. Delaying things leads to anxiety and results get hampered. It implies both in life and work. I always like to plan things and this advice reflects in my lifestyle.

Sudhanshu Pandey

Well, I think my best teacher has not been from high school or college, but life and my journey so far. What I have learned from life as a teacher is that you should never ever give up. If you keep at it, keep pursuing your dreams, one day will get fulfilled. If you are hard-working, honest with your job, disciplined and focused then one day it has to happen to you.

Gaurav Singh

I had a great time in my school and college and some really great memories that I will always cherish. I had many teachers in my academic years, who believed in me and motivated me. But I also have a story to share about a teacher who taught me many life lessons in a very unusual way. During my college days, one day there was a casual discussion going on in the class about what we students want to achieve in life, and upon my turn, I said that I want to be an actor. Within no time, the teacher was quick to make a joke saying that I will have to meet Karan Johar to become a star, and the entire class started laughing. It didn’t really affect me much, but yes. A few days later during another class, I told him to accept my Facebook friend request and in turn, he told me to earn it. It did affect me then. Then there were a few more random incidents that I was not very comfortable with. Finally, college ended and I started pursuing my dream full-time and, within a few years, I started getting decent work. Surprisingly, I got a friend request one day from him. And that was a moment of achievement for me. It may sound kiddish but I took the screenshot of that request and was really happy for some reason. Maybe I earned it. So the lesson that I learnt was never doubt yourself no matter how others make you feel and not judge people too quickly, you never know what the other person is capable of.

Amal Sehrawat

The greatest lesson I have taken from my maths teacher in school was those who work the hardest typically achieve the most. It is nearly impossible to be successful at anything if you are not willing to work hard.

Jay Zaveri

Teachers play a very important role in shaping the future of their students. They are the ones who impart knowledge and teach us about everything important to us. For a?student, they are like second parents. Moreover, they teach us ethical values and help us imbibe moral values. A great teacher will always lead by example. And, I guess one of the most valuable lessons which I have learned from my teacher is to give respect to earn respect. Another thing that I have learnt is to be humble and simple in nature. I believe in both these things and will continue to do so. In the end, I want to wish all my teachers and gurus a very Happy Teachers’ Day.


Mreenal Deshraj

I think one of the most valuable lessons I learned in school - and keep in mind I was a really naughty student and that was only because I was very very good in my studies and in music, dance and all sports - I was a natural. My teachers encouraged my abilities and nurtured me to be relentless in the pursuit of my goals. That life lesson which was inculcated in me by my school teachers got me navigating my way into the entertainment industry and getting to the point that I am proud to be at. I am an outsider - I had to fight and claw and crawl and evade all the obstacles everyone new to the industry faces. I got this point because of that sheer resilience taught to me - it is an attitude where you do not get attached to tools but you stay loyal to your goals.


Angad Hasija

A good teacher will teach you that it is common to keep making mistakes as they are the best ways to learn. One of my teachers in my school who used to teach us English once told me: It’s only human to make mistakes and they contribute considerably towards one’s overall personal development. Making mistakes will teach you to be humble, help you discover who you are and live a life without regrets.

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